Friday, March 21, 2008


Being in San Jose is like being in another country, its cold here not like summer at all when this is our summer season In Costa Rica. The wind is blowing and all morning it was cloudy very cool. I am not use to this because I live in a tropical beach town where right now its about 100 degrees or more with hundred percent humidity. So my blood is thin, I don't have a jacket, I own one sweater if you can believe that, and one little tiny sweat jacket. I didn't bring it because I thought its summer here so I am cold. Keeping the windows closed went out walking yesterday for a bit that didn't last long I was freezing not use to the cool weather here. Ken and Marcia live in San Carlos near Escazu so its breezy here. They have a small condo, nice. Today I am alone which it totally fine with me. Listening to Ken's complaining about everything, including women is a downer. I try not to listen to him because I want to heal fast and that input is bad for health. So when he talks I just tune him out and think about flowers, birds songs, anything that is pleasant... men money anything!!! No exaggeration this guy is a typical NEW YORKER WOW... he can say more hateful things than anyone I ever met. I don't enter into his conversations I just let him blow, after all he is being nice enough to allow me to stay a few days. THANK GOD MARCI doesn't speak english because if she did she would proabably kill him. I told her today THANK YOU GOD THAT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH because you are much better off not knowing than knowing all he says.

Aside from that!!!! I am feeling better today I sure hope I can go back tomorrow. I am suppose to go to Puerto Jimenez for a guy to find some property before I am off to Spain, this could be one of my irons in the fire I suggested in earlier blog.I feel almost good enough to day so possibly by Tuesday I may be able to go for two days then return to Jaco.

I am trying to send out messages by mental abilities to anyone in JACO TO BUY THAT SOFA AND BAR!!! I want that extra cash! besides I don't want to leave it there for Century to disrespect and distroy while I am gone, I catch them all the time with there feet up on this four thousand dollar leather sofa... its not theres its just in there for storage and the owner wanted it but now he doesn't want to pay for it. SO I HAVE TO SELL IT I WANT the money!! I am so focused on selling that.. HAPPEN PLEASE HAPPEN!!
I was thinking about good Friday, its a day that wasn't so good honestly... here no one works period, they don't work for a week and day On Monday they are still celebrating the Semana Santa. In the States, Half a day for some for Good Friday, and Easter is Sunday and this is all, But her its starts on Weds, the week before. For example today everything is closed, there is hardly a car on the streets, no bycycles? no buses? so how do people get around and just what is everyone doing? I am doing nothing on the internet talking to my son and his gal, typing letters and blogging. Soon a nap! This was not a word in my vocabulary when I was living in USA. I kinda like it now!!! short little rest wow I feel great! then dinner watch a movie and call it good.

But I know this coming week is going to be so different for me.
The body from the surgery, the flight perhaps to Puerto Jimenez, the packing the sales of the rest of the stuff, then off to a new adventure! I have alot to do... contact the vistors tourisum board again, fill out papers so I can do some promotion, Talk to my friend about the office there for refferals, contact my friend about her remodles of Condos in Spain, Make sure all my loose ends are tied, like phone bill, power, and well say good bye to my friends here who I will miss.

Orginally when I told Rosie she was mad, then she said lets have a big party you cook!!! I said ok but now? I don't know but I do know there are some who will miss me... I told my children finally what I was up too, the youngest is COOL MOM! the older I have not heard from. I told his partner, but I have not heard from him. So I should call tell him personally.

So hey Have a GOOD FRIDAY! and be Happy celebrate! life is short. KISS SOMEONE YOU LOVE AND DON"T LOVE and see how different you feel once you did! try it !!!

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