Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hearing about the man who has his life for sale

I heard about this guy who has his whole life for sale, and I thought about myself, this is almost the fourth time I have picked up and sold most of what I own to relocated to a new area. Although they made him sound so unsual.

I have more to add to a story than he does and no one has writen or done a television interview with me. Hell I picked up and move to Third world country with out hardly knowing anyone and made a nice go of it. I learned so much although my friends and family in the states my think differently! I realize how selfish people are, how they are so materialistic, I am too! but I have the capabitity to let go of things and not be completely distroyed or feel as though I have nothing in life. For me there is more to life than all the material things, but I do need them and I do desire them. I don't know what it is about me, but I can shut off the pain of not having much or the pressures of the Culture I was raised in that said you have to have this or that in order to be successfull or recognised. Does this make sense? For example I had a little surgery Yesterday, I had to stay in San Jose. The place I called for a reservation never returned my call. The Doc, ecommended this place for its integretiy and its great service. It is a nice prestigious place to recover!
Fortunatly I friend of Mine Ken, has a place in Escazu, he said you can stay here while you recover for the next couple of days. Ok Here is a man that was once or maybe he still is???? but lives very megerly now??? was a Millionare. He showed me Photos this morning of all his cars, and mansions in the states, when I asked where all his money was, he said he bought shit here. His exact qoute. I was shocked I said why would you sell all that fortune to live here so simply? He said Material comes and Goes and he found someone here he loves. He not a positive person I can tell you that. He is from New york, has a horrible additude, and doesn't like a thing... But he is kind enough to allow me to stay in his house. I think My point is, he was one that had so much yet gave it all up to come here. For some odd dream?

Like myself, but Now I have found that I want to see more of the world, I have very little personal belongings. I have sold all my furnishings, and my office supplies computers, and furniture. And I am on to other things. Like the guy in the news story, they made it out to be such a big deal when here I am a woman, I have done it already and now I am doing it again. I remember years ago, I always had dreams of traveling, always! But didn't know how I would do it? I never dreamed of me just doing it alone... or at this level? but hey if you want something bad enough, like this guy's new life. You set your mind to it, believe and I mean just believe it and it will happen. All you have to do is believe.
I know that what I am doing is not for everyone, but I also know there are many people out there that wish they could just up and go and do something different. YOU CAN JUST DECIDE, Think about what you want, make it happen in your head first, then it will come alive.
I have always had this ability, but lost the knowledge of who was several years ago. So caught up in stress, working like a dog day and night. Always worring and struggling this is not life. YES WE HAVE TO WORK, but I heard something a few years back and it came to my memory today. In the states you live to work, in other country's they work to live. Having all those millions for Ken ment nothing as time went on. I think what I am getting at here is the guy who is selling his life, and myself who has sold mine a couple of times to make changes, and Ken who was worth Millions and now has very little. What is the life? is it all about our material gain? or is it what we know? I feel people get so attached to there material items, in life that the items become in control of them. You work to support your material things and not to live period.

So I want to work to live not live to work, I want to enjoy things to a level that is ectasy, where food is new experience everytime I eat, where seeing things of beauty become a total inspirtation to write draw and express myself in a way that influences others. I want to dance and sing to a point that thrills not only me but everyone that sees me. (have done that people are really happy when they see me dance!) More or less, have nice things but not allow those things to be incontrol of who I am.
enjoy the day, live and know there is more than that Mercedes sitting in your driveway. Or that huge boat that is taking a monthly chunk out of your pay check.


Anonymous said...


A lot of what you say is so right on - like people are so connected to what they have - as if that defines them and makes them better in some way than others. That is ego. When you realize that what you have, material things are form - what is it really? Something your ego craves so you can say - yes, I am better than that person. Also, words you say can make you feel better than others - comparing ourselves to others - gossip - it all is about our ego and how that usually leads to conflict. If you can live in the moment and be present in it - the moment itself and be still inside - the world comes alive in you - toss out the chatter in your head and understand that the stillness you have allows you to be very aware - then you will realize that you need no form really and that it does nothing for you other than to provide your ego with food - which leads again to conflict ultimately. This allows you to become awake in your life and blessings can flow in - that matter (but hopefully not to your ego!) Please, stay online and keep blogging - you are alive - keep out all the negative comments and just know that is your ego wanting to be fed. Journey into your consciousness you are close to the ultimate destination.

Anonymous said...

Then you ask yourself what is the meaning of life. If not for material gain. Then it must be for something else. Maybe it is to touch someone elses life in order to make it a better place for them for now and for their spirtual healing.

Anonymous said...

Once you are awake you can call upon the collective consiousness that in present and ask what is the purpose of my life? It may be to help others but if it is ego related that is not the answer.