Friday, March 28, 2008

Still have things not sold

I had to go to San Jose yesterday for my check up on the Surgery and everything was fine, I began thinking about all the other things I have done, instead of looking out the window, and admiring the country side, I closed my eyes and began to remember all the things I have done either for the community or accomplishments that were not material gain for me.
I remembered working with the chamber, on beach clean up with local school children. I was active in working with the Turtle reserve and the preservation of the beaches in that area. I helped organized the committee for this. We were very successful had over 250 or more children from various schools in the area.
I helped with the battered women, I wrote and still write and inpiration column for a local magazine, for life and living in Costa Rica. Reason´s for living and appreciating the country.

Many times I donated clothes and food to many different poor people here in the country. Also to the churches, I help this one woman who wanders the streets here she is obviously a drug addict but people make fun of her, she is half naked all the time and is black as black can get, homeless and talks to her self. At first she hated me, cursed me and use to flip me off when I would try to look or talk to her. But now she talks so sweetly to me, because I have given her food, money to buy water, or even bought her sodas and more. Many times, one time she needed some personal female products so I went and bougth them for her. THERE IS MORE THAN HER ON THE STREETS that I have shown my charity too.

I am still going to work with the Chamber here after I leave, on a program that I want to develop to raise money for some of the children here in the country. I talk to them today about it.

I left my mark in several places here one Museum that has my handy work out front that the who ever drives by sees, and right now its on a front of a magazine for advertising for the musuem but not for what I did. But I was proud yesterday when I saw that.. I thought its not always about Money. Yes that fed my ego but I thought that will be here for years for people to enjoy.

So in returning that was a mess, miss the bus, in this taxi the taxi chased the bus he said to stop at this store so we did and bus passed us by... Leaving with a taxi bill that was more than I had. I had no money to eat. I tried to exchange the ticket but they would only do it for you to stand for three hours no seats. So that is what i had... While i was waiting someone grabbed my purse, I was upset and ready to punch! When I turned around it was a friend of mine in Jaco! so sweet she was scared thinking I was really going to punch her. Then I explain the story and she treated me to lunch and we walked around waiting for the next bus.
IT all worked out I was so tired last night that I didn´t accomplish anything in Packing.. today ether because I been trying to book a hotel in Spain, and sell things. So tonight I will get things together for leaving my apartment tomorrow.
Raquel has a small place now so I will go there for two days. I leave on Monday afternoon to San Jose, the flight is early Tuesday. I missed a day? didn´t read the ticket right! GOOD THING I LOOKED AT THIS MORNING!!!

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