Monday, March 03, 2008

The weekend

The weather has been so hot and so nice, but not much tourist here. I had a very nice weekend. Only one day two hours at the beach, but it was great.
I been selling my office furnishings and doing pretty good with the sale. I have things and money set aside now. I enjoyed my self with Rosie this weekend too. Raquel was a mess all weekend worring about money and her departure to Spain. I tried to encourage her and say look I am a living example of how things will work out if you chose to believe so.
I preached till I was tired of preaching... but she is so strong headed and stubborn.. I know the Horoscopes are not suppose to real or maybe they are? but I can verify that she fits a perfect Taurus the BULL HEADED... so argumentitive and super oppinionated. But I love her, and I keep being as positive as I can. Not submitting to her negative thoughts and words.
I went on Sunday alone for a morning walk, I took my books, and my baithing suit.
First I walked to this new little place I found on a side street and its sits like in an alley. Small soda restuarant, I had my fresh Fruit pineapple, mango, Papaya and a little banana, one egg, one toast, coffee with milk. Relaxed and enjoyed every minute of the food, the breeze that blew through plant lined counter and the opposite side of the little soda, they have lots of ferns hanging and lots of tall tropical plants. With a few round cement tables and benches and some traditional wood tables and chairs.
After I walked to Rosies, had another Good COFFEE, and read a bit. Then to the office to get on the computer since my Lap top is crashed crashed crashed. I played for some two hours, then went directly to the beach. I laid in the hot sun but nice gentle wind was blowing and I thanked God for the opportunity of being here to enjoy this gorgeous place. I began thinking about how I was before I came....

Let me explain:
Super depressed, bordeline suiside because of cold weather, rain, gray days, no companionship, few friends and little contact with my children. I wanted warm sunny place beaches and tropical life I didn't know.
I dreamed for a year about this, I would close my eyes and invision I was there and I BELIEVE I did this through invisioning... ok I know how to do this!!! I was slightly over weight but not very much, I wanted my teeth fixed, I wanted a tummy tuck.. I wanted to be tan.. Well In thinking yesterday I DID ALL THAT!!! wow ok thank you for this!!!! I thought about how I would wish for things and dream about them... but suddenly here a year or so back I lost all that and this is when everything slid down hill.

Well, Now I see and I mean I really see... and I am gratefull for the beautiful time I have spent here. Good and bad.. I learned so much. Which I will use in the future to create a better life for me.
I had someone ask, how come your not in USA with your grand son and grand daughter( not yet but when they marry she will be) I said hey.. my kids have there own life, I have worked really really hard my whole life. I supported them and raised them practically alone for the most part I did.
Now I have time to still enjoy things and I desire to see more, do more and live different ways. I am adventurer, and I am now living out one of my visions and who knows what will happen but if I set my mind to it IT WILL HAPPEN.
I want to finish the book,I have a feeling that is the answer to money. It is much different than the blog.. the blog is actually just how I talk. I know the grammer isn't perfect but who in this world is? I know the spelling is not correct, but the stupid spell check on the blogger dosen't work,and most times I am in a hurry when I write this, so I don't put it in a file.
But this book could be a support for me, and I have another one in my mind, but its very sexual. That one will probably make more money!!!! I have to do both, I may have a third on my mind as well.

Ok back to Sunday! After the beach I walked to the house Raquel was lazin on the sofa again, I encouraged her to get up and get her clothes ready to go.
I left for my Belly dancing classes, I returned late to an invitation to a party in the LOS suenos.. so I got ready invited Rosie and Raquel and we all went to this super nice party and had a great time. Wow that is the life I want. Beautiful Mansion of the house with huge pool and jaccuzzi, guest house on the right and huge separate mother inlaw house on the left. sitting in the mist of a well trimmed jungle with lots of flowers and plants nestled against the hills. WOW the lights at night emphasized all the trees, making forms that were almost comical.
The food was good but Rosie told Everyone , When Marianna Cooks you scream she loves my food and here she owns a restaurant. She told everyone I tell you this chef you have is good but I swear Marianna is better.
So nice!! I was pleased. I have made some pretty incredible things here with all the fresh product and fruits the pastrys everything.
So we all had a nice time coming home very late.
Today I been concentrating on selling this office furniture its not like you think. ITs leather sofas furnishings for a home more or less. And I may have about 2000 dollars of it sold. I pray and thank God for tomorrow. For the sale of it all!
I have started a class like Jazzercise now, and I love it.. so I go tonight at 6:30. I am pretty sore from Yesterdays Belly dancing. Believe it or not that is a really tough work out. Because you have to concentrate on how to move muscles you don't realize you have and it has to be isolated so its hard. Then all the leg moves wow my ankle was killing last night at the party but the jaccuzzi helped.
I want a pool and a jaccuzzi!
So I think I am getting pretty good at the belly dancing. Its so intense, and teaches how to flow making every moment in the body fulid.
So that was the weekend

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