Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ready to go back but THERE ISNT A BUS!

I am so ready to go back to Jaco, Ken is really a very interesting person. He has told me stories of New York in his youth, how they robbed people. How they assaulted people, how they tricked people and on and on this man has no scruples.

How in the heck he become my friend? He has always adored me and is genunine and shows me respect.

He insults most the society of women , but never to the point where it's not directed at me. He puts down everyone and everything, but with me he never says anything rude or rotten. I would love to interview this guy and find out all his history because it may make a great movie or book.
The only thing I would think is maybe the USA governement would ban some of the information because, it would give youth of world the wrong influence and details on how to be distructive. Right down to how to make a bomb.
I never realized the true character of this guy! WOW

Ok I just listened this morning while we sat early around 6:30 am and had our first cup of coffee made in the old Italian style metal double decker pot. He dispises USA, yet he watches the news channels with all the gloom and doom, the economy, the race of the presidency, the floods, Everything... yet talks about how he hates all of it? Confusing some of the things he says it conflicts with how he behaves.

I can say this some of the stories were replica's of episodes of the Sapranos... in just one hour or less he told me roughly 20 different situations that he was involved in during his youth of age 14 through 16 and I am sure there is more. It proved interesting, but sad too because of this family structure. Although he is in his late 60's I think or early 70's he is in great shape, Thin to small frame, dies his hair black whats left of it, wears the thick old style glasses. He does have a sence of humor but it is laced with hate, and mallace.

I need to go home but he doesn't want me to go yet, he wants to go the Casino, I don't gamble, I don't find it entertaining one bit. I know several people that have been in my life at one time or another and they were so call social gamblers, not addmitting they had a problem and denying that they were addicted to it. I don't really care honestly what he does. Its his dealings. I just find it fruitless.
His partner Marcia, wants me to stay too... but honestly I think I would heal faster out of here!!! although yesterday and today they have left me here alone so I feel super good!
I honestly wish I could write about his history... its like fiction but I know its all real to watch his face as he goes back and recalls these events, you can see his whole face change with the memory and the emotion he felt while he was doing what I call Wrong doings. For me It is wrong to him he finds nothing wrong of stealing or robbing, assaulting, threatening, or more. This was while he was a young man but now in listening to him it is applied to other things like he refuses to pay anything.. so it goes back to his childhood of doing every malicious thing and getting away with it and to think he was a millionare? This is his qoute" anyone that is honest has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" I said oh like me he said yes! you have nothing!! I said I dmay not have today any material things but I have in my life many things and I have accomplished more than most of the average woman. Mind you I am not ophra, but I had, some really incredible successes. But not all financially.. He conciders me a moron.. although he never says that.( in the respect that I have not much money now) Yet he loves me he has said that, says I am funny and appreciates my occassional snide remark towards him.
He finds that amusing although it never provokes a fight. NOT MY INTENTION only to state once in a while that I think he is rotten!

He does have a kind side, he loves his dog, his so called girlfriend, but I found out he has others on the side... he has been very hospitable to me even making the old fashion way of popcorn like my mother use to make in a huge pot with olive oil. PERFECT!! made it twice for me because I said I love it.

He does has some virtuous qualities but only a few!!!!

On to another subject PLEASE!
It is very different here for this holiday, they don't die eggs, they don't have the Easter Bunny, and not alot of Chocolate is sold. Some pastries, and traditional breads for the Holiday. But its all about Christ, the only reason for the Celebration. Although the people party like crazy during this time of year. Rosie called me said Jaco was buzzing with people so I suppose that is great for her business! They honor the holiday with no sales of Alcohol, so I wonder if the Casino is open tonight? I would think it is closed? Most things are closed nothing is in operation in honor. The liquor is sold after 12 on Monday. So what most people do is stock up before...

I have not drank anything in a couple of weeks, in preparation for my health and surgery. So for me it doesn't effect!

Ok well Happy EASTER! kiss someone like I said before, try to show love to someone even if its difficult it will change who you are.


Anonymous said...

that guy Ken probably owns the Sopranos box set!

Anonymous said...

Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD is the Maker of them all. (Not your mind or The Secret.)

Proverbs 22:2,
