Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The nature of life

Its a small world and I believe that things happen for reason. Some of us, including myself fight life, I am so trying now to not fight anything. This dang book is amazing.. I reccommend everyone to read the Secret. I have met in the past week so many people who have read it and have such a positive additude towards life in general. The nature of life depends on us.. The good thing is found this out before I am so damn old I can't enjoy what is surrounding me. The world is an incredible place for sure, and I am so thankfull that Tina sent me this book. I realize I said this before, but I am saying it again because so many great things has happened since I read this.

First I want to say the sale of all my personal Items is amazing, the only advertising I have done is phone calls to friends, and passing out a inventory list to real estate agents that I know here in Jaco. The reason to sell is That I want to liquidate everything I own, use the money to see more of the world, and obtain a new adventure! I dreamed about Costa Rica made a plan and endede up here. I do love the country the food and allot of the people. But in thinking?????? I said to myself the world is at my command, I forever wanted to travel and enjoy other things see culture see and experience a new way of living. So why not? I have no boy friend no husband, there is little work here now because of what I do. So I can change directions and do something entirely different and learn something new in life again! I have no problem with change, and in fact I love it! I also for many many years wanted to see Europe, the Euro right now is super high so changing my dollars to Euros is a smart thing.

I am anouncing that Six weeks ago I had hardly any money after reading this book it changed my thinking and my approach to many things. I decided right away that I want to see something diffferent, and make a plan.

So I did I went to the travel agent and discussed options, I found the Balearic Island's in the Mediterranean sea. The waters are clear celeste blue, the summer begins in May it so Close to Sicily which is my blood.

So after talking to some friends, I found out I have two people who live in those islands, Mallorca, Minorca, Ibiza. I contacted them and set up a place and now as I said in an earlier blog I was offered a very interesting and different job. If this works great if it doesn't I will not worry again because I know who I am and As my son said I CAN DO ANYTHING!!! The job is helping tourist gain information about Costa Rica in the European market.

So I purchased my ticket weeks ago to fly to Spain first, then to the Islands it is one hour from Barcelona Spain!!! My plan is to take two weeks and go to Sicily, then Italy for a short time, then If I like it return. Also I may go other countries too. the opportunity with this job is huge. I have not told my children yet, they haven't talk to me in a long time. Only Sara, and I tried to call them on Saturday many times but I couldn't get through.

But I figure, they have never visited me here yet, there is not much communication only instant messenger with Sara so what is the difference if I am here or there? Not much the difference is... more miles, but so much more to experience and see! So wheeeeeeeeeeee here I go again!

The sales of all my items are amazing, Everyday someone calls or comes It has been effortless to sell. So I am almost ready in a few weeks to Move on to the next adventure... Thank you all of you for reading, and I want to tell you I enjoy doing this so much! I want the future to be better for everyone who reads this. As soon as I can I will working on the books!

I am so excited about this Adventure, I have the money I have set in a goal in the bank and more is coming! so things will work out fine.

I have a return plan as well, I contacted the Los suenos, they are wanting me to do the holiday decor again, also Best Western is contracting me too! I plan to come back in the end of Novemeber and who knows what will happen after that. I may spend some time here for the summer, since I love hot weather, and then return to Spain or go on to another adventure.

Your saying right now ok shes nuts! No I am a mature woman, who has worked my whole life since I was 10 years old in the fields of my father, to swim instructor, to hamburger shacks, on on since then. My Children are grown, have lives of there own, and now its time for me. Never traveled always said and thought I don't have enough money, My mother instill that in my WRONG !!! I have enough and I want to see, and I can because nothing is holding me down! I want to enjoy my life I deserve it! So I said ok I will make this happen the same way I did about Costa Rica! and amazingly ITS HAPPENING, my friends here are sad, some do not want me to go.. but I think this is great, I have two friends there, and I am easy to make more. So whats wrong with having friends all over the world???

It's wonderfull! and I am so pleased to see my family's heritage in Italy and Sicily. I found out the ticket from where I will be round trip is only 85 dollars so affordable to take a week or so.

So now, this will be Marianna from Costa Rica to Espana! Italy! then Maybe Austrailia..

It is true it is not fabrication, I will have my camera tomorrow its all repaired and as soon as I arrive I will post photos of me in the sites.

I will be leaving Jaco on April First, at 8:30 am


Anonymous said...

Life is grand! You will make it where ever and what ever you do. We'll look forward to seeing your blog as things move along. Hope you have contacted tourism in costa rica cause they would probably throw some $$ at you too.

Bravo! or should I say Toro!

Anonymous said...

Because the euro is very strong you get fewer euros,not more, for you US dollar. A stronger euro equals lower purchase value for your US dollar. Be careful.

Anonymous said...

Live Your Dream Girl! Livin Your Life! You GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ole! Ole! Ole!