Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I haven´t writen in a few days, because I didn´t have access to a computer, and I needed to rest a bit after the trek back from San Jose.

I want to say this though, Imagine if you can a tropical enviroment that is so full of plants and beauty. I am going to try to describe to you what I felt and saw on Sunday as I rode in a city bus filled with locals, and only one tourist that I could tell was a tourist.
It is about a two and half hour drive to Jaco, through the city filled with buses and taxis, cars and people walking on the sides of the freeway. Then through a small mountanous area winding road to an area that is very high and above the city over mountian tourribari ranges that is about aproximate 4000 feet. Then drops down to sea level after a few little rolling hills.

When we drove through the outer parts of the city, I filled my eyes with the trees that are all in bloom right now. Pink fluffy blossoms, that are similar to Japanese cherry, and bright yellow blooms that only last one day the gold of Coronado, the Lavender flowers that fill the whole tops of trees that the bark is so intensely brown, to see the contrast of these trees is incredible the Jacaranda, has got to be one of the most beautiful of trees. Stately arms, blooms that are profuse! I memorized the color´s the smell of the air. I tried my best to smile while in route to recall the best of the sights of Costa Rica. I could smell all the flowers that are all in bloom now. Seeing birds on the wires singing, The wave of all the different palm trees, I think I counted about seven different varieties on the way. I tried like hell to draw in my mind the different leaves of the palms and how they sway in the wind. Going over some areas, that were filled with boganvilla of super bright colors, my favorite is the bright hot pink and orange together. Almost phospheresencent, glowing- the way or the angle of the light here right now of the sun being at the axis were at seems to make everything more intense for me. I studies quickly the colors as we wizzed by the masses of boganvillas in Atenas, Yellow, white, red, hot pink, orange, bright purple,pale pastel pink, lavender, even a pale peach. So incredible it fills the eyes.
I saw all the little puppies in gardens playing now is the time for all new birth even though right now is summer? I don´t understand it but I see it, I saw lots of chickens, and animals on the way. I am not kidding I was smiling and thinking even though I could dwell on all the bad things that had occured, I did some pretty amazing things and saw some really incredible views, and adventures. If I was to weight it out I would say IT WAS STILL A SUCCESS HERE, I did alot more than I planned on doing.
I think my last week or so here in Costa Rica is good, I did something I wanted to do a year or so ago. I had all my teeth fixed at nearly an eighth of what it would cost in the states, I did a tummy tuck at nearly less than half, I wanted that for almost 30 years! I sold many jobs in counting in three years about 28, or so.. I bought the best furniture, the best t.V.S the best Computers, the best of everything. I lived on the beach for two years, I lived less than two blocks from the beach the rest. I had a beautiful office for a year, I nice car... Good friends, met lots of men, lots of people from all over the world! I have done some really great things so its not all a loss. Plus I had a perfect Sunday drive where I saw beautiful scenery for me to remember, and now on the end of the week a nice party with some friends to say good bye. I have to make up some invitations, to hand out to everyone.. It should be at Rosies.

I had a repsonse from an email to someone with the same name as mine, my mother´s and she lives in Sicily where my mother was born, they have apartments on the beach there and she has writen me several times now, I am very excited about this new adventure... I think its going to be really different. Maybe even more inspiring than I can conceive.

So anyway Costa Rica is a beautiful country, aside from the rubish, and the thieving, I still think its beautiful. I know I may not find the fruit or veggetables that will be as good....The coffee is sublime! I will miss that.

About that last comment? I am not sure who wrote that, but if you know about ancient philosophies you will find that its about how your thinking and there is a saying where there is a will there is a way. THE WAY IS, what you think. Our paths I am finding is how we think or believe. We create those paths. Just an observation that JUST NOW I AM FIGURING OUT!


Anonymous said...

Why continue life without investigating God's way for your life?
Suppose you are about to buy a house, but a friend promises you that he knows that house and it is in terrible shape in ways that are not obvious. Suppose he assures you that you are about to pay thousands of dollars more than the house was worth. Would you ignore the friend's advice, or would you investigate?

In a similar way, we are advising you in love that living life apart from obedience to God may seem pleasurable and attractive, but in the end it will lead to catastrophe. Surely you need to investigate before it is too late!

Someday you will wish you had lived your life for God. If you are not living it for Him now, we urge you to find out what His will requires of you. If you already know, we urge you to obey while you have opportunity.

The Bible has the answer to the most important questions of life. There is no need to go through life wondering "what it is all about." Why not find out and begin to live according to the purpose for which you were made?

Anonymous said...


This annoy mus is a little preechy weechy - interesting they are telling you the answer and judging you -- very ungodlike and righteous. There are many paths to God - which you already know.

You are very intelligent and wise and becoming wiser - continue to be very aware of yourself and be very conscious and your purpose will be revealed to you.

Anonymous said...

I guess this last comment is just another New Age who does not believe in the new testament.. Where Jesus if the only way. Keep thinking that you are in control of your own destiny. One day you will realize that you are in control of nothing except your own destruction.....Just telling you what the Bible says.. You either believe it or you don't. Simple as that.. Or you can believe in the Secret....

Anonymous said...

Marianna DOES believe in GOD. She says that frequently. She is full of Life, Love, Hope, Faith and Happiness.If she has some faults, then she is REAL, because NONE of us is without faults. The Bible says this.But the main point is that she is trying to grow and to become better each day. Sometimes it is hard to just change our habits overnight, but it can be accomplished thru the guidence of The Lord. I am sure she realizes that "The Secret" is not The Bible. But yet it is giving her a more positive outlook, which is a good thing. I am sure she knows that all that happens is truely from THE LORD.

I myself am a middle aged woman who is growing stronger and stronger daily thru The Powers Of God.

Bless You Marianna in all that you do.

Love, from someone who understands and believes in you.
: )

Anonymous said...


You are very strong and know the power of prayer that does not come from a church and someone telling you what God says. The bible these days is so diluted from the original message - at the hands of man. Whenever someone says I'm telling you what the bible says and uses the words "My God" run away - this is their ego - and you already know that. The spiritual consciousness is much much more than a single religion or church - that defines God. God is much larger than a single religious leader or church wants us to believe. We all walk this earth for a reason and the conscious nature that is exposed when our ego's and defining of "things and roles" is let go the true power of what is sacred is reveled. Some people are not ready - yet - and that is what we work for - peace inside ourselves that is unencumbered by the labels that are presented in our typical culture.
Keep asking what is your purpose and it will come to you when you are ready to receive it.

Marianna said...

AMEN! to the first comment, read the secret and see the references to the bible, it only afirms what the translation of what man has alread stated in the bible. I agree with the last commentor, I honestly now don't need to know what my purpose is life... I have had one from the day I was born and it was to be who I am. Being happy and enjoying the life that was a gift to all of us.
Showing your love and appreciation,making people laugh, giving, all these things are evidence of knowing about Gods teachings.

Anonymous said...

There is so much more to God's teachings then..getting wealth, your dreams, controling your universe by thinking positive. That mumbo jumbo has been around before, but different title. The devil knows Gods word and has perverted it for over 2,000 years. What you are professing is NEW AGE doctrine. The keys of getting what you dream and want, but they left out the most important parts, JESUS, Him crusified, the precious Blood of Jesus. Salvation! Living a life of holiness, righteouness, living a life sold out to the Lord and not your own wants and desires. How sad it would be to gain all you want and lose your soul. How much happier, sucessful, you would be if God was your center and not your dreams and desires. This life is a breif moment, but then we have eternity. Where do you want to spend eternity?

Anonymous said...

<< Mateo 16:26 >>
Pues ¿qué provecho obtendrá un hombre si gana el mundo entero, pero pierde su alma? O ¿qué dará un hombre a cambio de su alma?


Anonymous said...

can someone please translate the last comment, thank you in advance

Marianna said...

Matthew 16:26

What does a man obtain if he gains the whole world but to lose his soul, or what did he can he do to regain his soul...

Listen I am not losing my soul ok I am doing what I want in life, I am sorry your all using this are you platform to preach the gospel. People have choices and god said that we chose, I chose to be happy, share with others all my gifts, enjoy my life and learn and obtain new expereinces... FOR CRYING OUT LOUD GET a life. AND I HAVE A SOUL!!! in other words if you are rich and have everything you don't have a soul.. I have a soul and I am rich in many ways maybe at this day not with money but I have MORE THAN THE AVERAGE because I do believe in more than just Christ I believe in myself.. and when you believe you can you will!!

Anonymous said...

¿Usted nace otra vez? ¿Si tan quién usted sirven? Se parece a alguno que usted se sirve. Si usted va a vivir por los scriptures, usted debe tomar en todos. El dios se esforzará con usted solamente para un rato, después le perderán. No pase encima de esta ocasión a la paz verdadera, amor verdadero, tesoros verdaderos, vida. Jesús