Wednesday, March 26, 2008

As I read I am amazed

AT The comments that has nothing to do with the beautiful story I painted with the pleasured t that filled my eyes. Who is to judge what I do? ONLY GOD so please!! I have to laugh.. this blog is about the daily life of one woman who has the courage to break out of the box, adventure , seek dreams and fufill them. Simply that.

Ok on to better thoughts!!! I am sure I will sell everything, I had a very intersted buyer for the bar I designed and I am positive they are going to purchase it. That was one piece that could be difficult to sell but I KNOW I HAVE IT SOLD. I was please to find out the woman that wants it is from Italy, she is a super nice lady and is going to Italy in May, She told me to give her my email and she will tell me when she is near.Possibly visting me there in Spain.

I have another job opportunity there, it sounds very interesting so I am feeling super positive about this adventure. I have been proactive in writing to many people about jobs, apartments and more so I am sure I will be fine. If not, GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF ME... he has for years.

I want to say something to some of the readers who really know me personally, and not family memebers who have percieved ideas from childhood. For Example Jon, and Cyndy, and Linda, and and Wade, and many more who really know me... I want to thank you for your super support of my endeavors, you are pure examples of love. You are what the world needs more of. People like you are the balance of all those out there that are so negative and so puritanical that have no real perception of the what the world we live in is like. I am glad to have known you, I am blessed to have people who really love me. I have said to my children, it doesn't matter who or what you are doing to me, If you are happy with what you are doing and feel it is right then I am happy for you. This may be wrong to some people but for me, when I find my child, or friend who is very happy with their life then by God I am happy for them as well. I celebrate it.. I mean it This is really All I want.

So be happy for me, I am doing something I dreamed about for years, Dreams come true. Only if you set out to make them happen.

Today was odd I spent the day at the Century, I no longer have an office but I waited on people to show up to buy furniture and to use the computers there. While I was there two Of the guys who work there got into a fight, a real fist fight right in front of me.. it was about stealing money from a commission. Two ticos yelling and going at it, I remained calm and watched, the one other woman in the office got into a panic and began to scream... I watched I knew it would end. I really didn't like one of the guys and was almost happy at the fact that he picked a fight with the other ! but in the end it was not resolved and one stormed out of the office all ruffled, in the blazing hot sun. IT WAS EXTREMELY HOT TODAY I could harldy walk... so I am sure that that was a part of the tension combined with anger over the behavior of the other guy stealing the money.

That was the excitment of the day, it has ended with me at Rosies of course visitng with lots of people.. and enjoying my last days here with my freinds. Rosie is sad, doesn't want me to go.. But I know she is going to come and visit me she hinted around to it SO THAT SHOULD BE A BLAST!!

Well have a good night


Anonymous said...


You will succeed in fact you already have. Sometimes struggle brings an inner peace. You've put your trust in the world and it is answering you. You've changed your attitude and guess what - your world is changing accordingly. It is pretty cool. Always the best for you.

Anonymous said...

I am not understanding of why watching 2 grown men fist fight would make you happy?

You are a very open women who tells all your emotions, so would you be kind enough to explain this to me?

Marianna said...

Because one of them is a real jerk, HE IS A SNAKE just like the other one accused him of being. He is rude and just flat out rotten so I was actually tickled that someone stood up to him and said what he really was ok? Nothing more than that

Anonymous said...

well ok, thanks for answering..

I quess you could call me a wussy, I dont like to see physical fighting.