God I been trying so hard to get jobs that I have forgotten to blog all week!
It started last week, with the house with the hill that fell down. They called they didn't like the sod, it was because there was none to found in the whole country... we had to buy from two different sources and it was mature, and baby mix... so it looked funny like a patch work quilt. We went up there the three of us and pulled up all the sod and repaired and worked the garden over again. Frankly I know it was ok its normal till plants and grass settle in and begin to grow but clients think things stay the same size and have no clue that here things grow at a rate that is astounding.
But they still owe the balance so... I need to make them happy we worked all day in the hot blazing sun.. I think I got a cold from sweating so much and being dehydrated... We went later to Bonnie's and Jorge's house in Esterillos.. there Neighbor wants me to do the interior design on there beach house.
It was about 3:30, I checked it out, then went and talk to them with Clint and Cristhian. They invited us for beers. The house sits right on the beach. A small metal roof Rancho. ITs very cute. They are selling it for 350 thousand. It has two baths and Two bedrooms.. I think its allot but they say its hard to find houses there on the beach.
Its cute I like it, reminded me of a friend of Mine Tina her style crazy and lots of color. Monkeys come and eat there and there are lots of Parrots and toucans.
It all just ran together after that day.. I have so much to blog about! We stayed with them for about three hours, came back ate and I think crashed. I was so tired. I have to run right now and do a propsal for a castle house in Los Suenos, they own a winery. I hope that we begin work with this archtect. She is referring us now and It will be a good relationship should we rock there world with our designs! BE BACK LATER
Thursday, June 28, 2007
OPPS I forgot to Blog
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Monday, June 18, 2007
The weekend
IT started on Friday, we were canvasing most of the day while Clint took the day off. Went to the beach and hung out. It was fine with me. Nothing going on and I couldn't see paying him to do absolutely nothing.
I manage to talk to many different people involved with projects here in town. I hope that one or two decide to us for for there projects, later in the afternoon. Cristhian Drove me to San Jose, It was necessary, I had a little problem with my incision, where the drain tube was. I was worried, it had not healed over and its been over a month now. So Cristhian was concerned and said he would take me to the doc.
We went the Puriscal way, it was so quiet no traffic, peacefull, beautiful.. the views are so awesome.
Land as far as the eye can see, rolling mountains covered with trees, jungle and nature. GREEN GREEN GREEn.. Valleys mui lindo...( really pretty).
We arrived at the docs, he had patients and so I had to wait almost an hour for him to check me out.
I was wearing a pretty brown an pink longer dress and brown heels the hair was all down and straight. A little sohpisticated for COSTA RICA but I like that some times. But When doc saw me his face was full with a smile and kissed me twice. He said WOW Marianna you look so good... How nice but ya know he says that to all his patients!! but he is great really I love him.
I took me disrobed me and checked out the huge incision. Its all healing well except for three small areas. He said it was normal for that to be the way it is, and if I didn't like it after it healed up he could go back and cut it and reshape the whole so its small. It is covered by clothing so I guess its not a big deal, but with out clothes??? OMG! Deal with that if that happens I suppose?
We left and went to the Escazu and had dinner at a great Italian Resturant called Tre Fatelli.
We actually had a good conversation, and felt very confortable in the moment.
The food was great the martinis were excellent.
We began back for Jaco, He decided it would be good to go his way back Country roads, lots of rain mud... well we had a flat and had to fix it in the middle of the jungle, but he manage to limp it a bar of all things that he knew all the people and they helped.
We did not rolled in till after 11:00, I was tied, He decided to go out and party, which Clint and his friend were out too. So to bed I went and rested.
The next day, I did not work. I did all sorts of things but not work... I went out on Sat and had a great time. I had my own fan club it seemed like... Guys taking photos of me dancing all around me and with me three to four at a time Wow I felt like a queen and they called me that Reina!! it was fun only dancing. Till my clothes were dripping wet, the hair too... that seemed to attract more people WOW I am not kidding this was weird. It felt like paparazzi were there. Lots of flashes and a crowd... FUN!
Sunday was great... slept in till ten. First time in ages... Got up ate and went to the beach. For the first time in Years I wore my first bikini!! I was shocked and embarrased, not to mention nervious about wearing that...
But hey I got a little tan on the tummy that hasn't seen light in years!~
I am so happy about my new body... Can wait to the gym I go this week!!!
Today has been great... we had four inquieries about work very serious ones and had a yes from a previous client for more work!! I believe... And I hope that all turns around for all of us.
I thank god for my life, my friends... I am a generous soul, I know.. I appreciate the comments from my readers, and my friends thank you for your concern. The best I can say is pray for me... and believe that when you do good for others, it is good for the spirit and the soul. Come and visit me those of you who write. I would love to meet you.
Thank you readiing and I just hope it at times inspires you, or encourages you
I manage to talk to many different people involved with projects here in town. I hope that one or two decide to us for for there projects, later in the afternoon. Cristhian Drove me to San Jose, It was necessary, I had a little problem with my incision, where the drain tube was. I was worried, it had not healed over and its been over a month now. So Cristhian was concerned and said he would take me to the doc.
We went the Puriscal way, it was so quiet no traffic, peacefull, beautiful.. the views are so awesome.
Land as far as the eye can see, rolling mountains covered with trees, jungle and nature. GREEN GREEN GREEn.. Valleys mui lindo...( really pretty).
We arrived at the docs, he had patients and so I had to wait almost an hour for him to check me out.
I was wearing a pretty brown an pink longer dress and brown heels the hair was all down and straight. A little sohpisticated for COSTA RICA but I like that some times. But When doc saw me his face was full with a smile and kissed me twice. He said WOW Marianna you look so good... How nice but ya know he says that to all his patients!! but he is great really I love him.
I took me disrobed me and checked out the huge incision. Its all healing well except for three small areas. He said it was normal for that to be the way it is, and if I didn't like it after it healed up he could go back and cut it and reshape the whole so its small. It is covered by clothing so I guess its not a big deal, but with out clothes??? OMG! Deal with that if that happens I suppose?
We left and went to the Escazu and had dinner at a great Italian Resturant called Tre Fatelli.
We actually had a good conversation, and felt very confortable in the moment.
The food was great the martinis were excellent.
We began back for Jaco, He decided it would be good to go his way back Country roads, lots of rain mud... well we had a flat and had to fix it in the middle of the jungle, but he manage to limp it a bar of all things that he knew all the people and they helped.
We did not rolled in till after 11:00, I was tied, He decided to go out and party, which Clint and his friend were out too. So to bed I went and rested.
The next day, I did not work. I did all sorts of things but not work... I went out on Sat and had a great time. I had my own fan club it seemed like... Guys taking photos of me dancing all around me and with me three to four at a time Wow I felt like a queen and they called me that Reina!! it was fun only dancing. Till my clothes were dripping wet, the hair too... that seemed to attract more people WOW I am not kidding this was weird. It felt like paparazzi were there. Lots of flashes and a crowd... FUN!
Sunday was great... slept in till ten. First time in ages... Got up ate and went to the beach. For the first time in Years I wore my first bikini!! I was shocked and embarrased, not to mention nervious about wearing that...
But hey I got a little tan on the tummy that hasn't seen light in years!~
I am so happy about my new body... Can wait to the gym I go this week!!!
Today has been great... we had four inquieries about work very serious ones and had a yes from a previous client for more work!! I believe... And I hope that all turns around for all of us.
I thank god for my life, my friends... I am a generous soul, I know.. I appreciate the comments from my readers, and my friends thank you for your concern. The best I can say is pray for me... and believe that when you do good for others, it is good for the spirit and the soul. Come and visit me those of you who write. I would love to meet you.
Thank you readiing and I just hope it at times inspires you, or encourages you
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Finally got the interview in Punta Mala
It took a few days but I finally got the interview at the reserve. We went pretty early in the morning and I talked to one of the students who is a volunteer. It was about an hour long, and after I felt sad.
Of course everyone knows that the condition of the earth is diminishing, and the seas as well as land are changing rapidly. When He explained to me about the migration, and amount of development that is causing the Tortugas, (turtles) to move to areas less populated and foreign to them, I realized how much they needed help in the clean up of the beaches. The amount of other predators now has increased which mean less of the babies to hatch, also the temp of the sea is causing many diseases that can harm and kill turtles and is harmful to humans as well.
I did feel sad, But happy in other respects that maybe when I do write the article I can articulate it well and make someone who never thought about helping lend a hand in the saving of the sea turtles.
I never dreamed I would be involved with anything so environmental, but now I want to be involved and if I can make a small difference just by lending a hand,by sharing my views and physically helping in clean ups then that is all that matters.
The day was really beautiful out there the mist on the sea was heavy, the waves that day were over 9 to 11 feet. The color of the sky a sorta mint green making the sea almost aqua. We drank aqua de pepa, from the coconuts. This is refreshing, it is also a form of medication for what ever ails you. It helps headaches, kidneys and Hangovers of all things... I love it and now Clint is drinking it daily. His skin is getting so good its helping his ailment too.
Its not milky its clear and semi sweet almost tastes like milk. But really refreshing.
We drove back to pick up Clint who was at one of our clients houses trying to repair some damage, the house that the mountain fell away? yeah well he was there plucking weeds cutting what was left and trying to spruce it up a little for our depressed clients.
We then drove back and changed clothes cleaned up and the two of them Cristhian and Clint at the lasagna I had made the night before. Making a nice lunch of it they enjoyed and rested before we all went to the office.
Things as I said in many other blogs are slow... no work so we take our time and enjoy the less stress and ease of the country. Tranquilla is what they say and I am learning that many times its better to be that and just let things happen.
Then today Cristhian, and yes this is how you spell it I was wrong before it is pronounced CHRIS THIAN and I went to Bejuco and Esterillos oste, and este to look for houses for a friend of mine who is interested in buying near the beach. It was about 8 in the morning the day was pretty we searched and talked and he kidded me allot.
I am finding that he is a real teaser... allot like my son and my dad. I find it amusing, and comfortable. Like family kinda, Clint is always annoyed by him, Especially when we both laugh.
I still have a special place in my heart for him. He is becoming a great friend.
Clint is finding more friends and has his own agenda all the time. He is bored, not working and not doing much. He is a real worrier which at times drives me mad. It is because I am seriously trying to change that part of me and he is constant in the negative mode. REALLY DIFFICULT For me to not say anything about it too so I put it on here LOL.
I have not done a whole lot, because I still recovering. But today I noticed I had more energy and I actually felt like moving the furniture oh boy no!! I didn't but I felt like it.
I am getting lots of complements on my appearance so I guess it is becoming evident that I am trimming down. Always have been so self conscious of the weight and looks thing.
I heard from a girl friend of mine of many years that I have not talked to in almost four years. It was nice to hear from her.
Its raining tonight I was so bored, I was at the house alone with the TV and couldn't stand the Spanish stations any longer so I locked up and came down to Rosies. Not very many people too much rain. So she got on one computer I got on another and here I am .
Tomorrow we will hopefully try to repair some of the garden on the mountain, then later more sales. I been canvasing. While Clint stays at the office. I go talk to real estate companies and pass out brochures and see if there is anything out there that we can get out hands on.
This weekend is a fiesta of the bulls in Heradura I may check it out? if not at the end of the month is a huge fiesta here in Jaco for three days so that should be interesting. I will be sure to take lots of photos and post them.
That is all for today nothing much new, except Jonathan, my Rastafarian computer mai, CUT ALL HIS RASTAS OFF!! I been trying to get him to do that for months and he did it!! now hes so cute!!
Of course everyone knows that the condition of the earth is diminishing, and the seas as well as land are changing rapidly. When He explained to me about the migration, and amount of development that is causing the Tortugas, (turtles) to move to areas less populated and foreign to them, I realized how much they needed help in the clean up of the beaches. The amount of other predators now has increased which mean less of the babies to hatch, also the temp of the sea is causing many diseases that can harm and kill turtles and is harmful to humans as well.
I did feel sad, But happy in other respects that maybe when I do write the article I can articulate it well and make someone who never thought about helping lend a hand in the saving of the sea turtles.
I never dreamed I would be involved with anything so environmental, but now I want to be involved and if I can make a small difference just by lending a hand,by sharing my views and physically helping in clean ups then that is all that matters.
The day was really beautiful out there the mist on the sea was heavy, the waves that day were over 9 to 11 feet. The color of the sky a sorta mint green making the sea almost aqua. We drank aqua de pepa, from the coconuts. This is refreshing, it is also a form of medication for what ever ails you. It helps headaches, kidneys and Hangovers of all things... I love it and now Clint is drinking it daily. His skin is getting so good its helping his ailment too.
Its not milky its clear and semi sweet almost tastes like milk. But really refreshing.
We drove back to pick up Clint who was at one of our clients houses trying to repair some damage, the house that the mountain fell away? yeah well he was there plucking weeds cutting what was left and trying to spruce it up a little for our depressed clients.
We then drove back and changed clothes cleaned up and the two of them Cristhian and Clint at the lasagna I had made the night before. Making a nice lunch of it they enjoyed and rested before we all went to the office.
Things as I said in many other blogs are slow... no work so we take our time and enjoy the less stress and ease of the country. Tranquilla is what they say and I am learning that many times its better to be that and just let things happen.
Then today Cristhian, and yes this is how you spell it I was wrong before it is pronounced CHRIS THIAN and I went to Bejuco and Esterillos oste, and este to look for houses for a friend of mine who is interested in buying near the beach. It was about 8 in the morning the day was pretty we searched and talked and he kidded me allot.
I am finding that he is a real teaser... allot like my son and my dad. I find it amusing, and comfortable. Like family kinda, Clint is always annoyed by him, Especially when we both laugh.
I still have a special place in my heart for him. He is becoming a great friend.
Clint is finding more friends and has his own agenda all the time. He is bored, not working and not doing much. He is a real worrier which at times drives me mad. It is because I am seriously trying to change that part of me and he is constant in the negative mode. REALLY DIFFICULT For me to not say anything about it too so I put it on here LOL.
I have not done a whole lot, because I still recovering. But today I noticed I had more energy and I actually felt like moving the furniture oh boy no!! I didn't but I felt like it.
I am getting lots of complements on my appearance so I guess it is becoming evident that I am trimming down. Always have been so self conscious of the weight and looks thing.
I heard from a girl friend of mine of many years that I have not talked to in almost four years. It was nice to hear from her.
Its raining tonight I was so bored, I was at the house alone with the TV and couldn't stand the Spanish stations any longer so I locked up and came down to Rosies. Not very many people too much rain. So she got on one computer I got on another and here I am .
Tomorrow we will hopefully try to repair some of the garden on the mountain, then later more sales. I been canvasing. While Clint stays at the office. I go talk to real estate companies and pass out brochures and see if there is anything out there that we can get out hands on.
This weekend is a fiesta of the bulls in Heradura I may check it out? if not at the end of the month is a huge fiesta here in Jaco for three days so that should be interesting. I will be sure to take lots of photos and post them.
That is all for today nothing much new, except Jonathan, my Rastafarian computer mai, CUT ALL HIS RASTAS OFF!! I been trying to get him to do that for months and he did it!! now hes so cute!!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Saturday, June 09, 2007
No interview yet for the Tortugas!
We tried to work yesterday, but nothing is going on at all. Pretty soon the schools will be out and I am sure that things will pick up around here!
All of us were bored, we had ice cream, then went into town to look around. The town was dead. We decided to go out to playa Hermosa to see if I could get the interview with the administrator of the reserve. Cristhian drove, we dropped Clint off at his friends in Playa Hermosa for a little, while He and went to the reserve. But when we arrived they man was yet again GONE! he had another meeting. We talked to one of the other people involved and he was asking us to help with the organization of the clean up that is duly needed. I believe They are shooting for the 23rd of June. So Help is needed
So we returned, and picked up Clint, stayed on the beach and watched the surfers for a moment then returned to Jaco...
This Whole week I have slept like crazy, Last night almost 13.5 hours??? crazy I fall asleep on the sofa then Clint makes me go to bed. I missed all the fun this week DARN!! I didn't do anything at all all week except Sleep.
But the body needed it and its looking much better. It is shrinking some and I am very pleased with the results of the operation!! All these years I wanted that stuff cut off, never could afford it. I was embarrassed, always by that. Now its gone and Its looking GREAT!! THANK YOU DR. MANTILLA!
Here is our information: If you are interested in the tortuga help and seeing the nature of the animals, visiting COSTA RICA PLEASE EMAIL ME AT: Marianna.love@gmail.com or Call in Costa Rica 506 637-8438 Please take a look at our site, we have now begun to add properties for sale. We have many and soon they will all be posted on the net.
I have all the legal people here in the office to help with the process should you be interested in any of them or have a desire to buy property here in COSTA RICA!!! Ciao
All of us were bored, we had ice cream, then went into town to look around. The town was dead. We decided to go out to playa Hermosa to see if I could get the interview with the administrator of the reserve. Cristhian drove, we dropped Clint off at his friends in Playa Hermosa for a little, while He and went to the reserve. But when we arrived they man was yet again GONE! he had another meeting. We talked to one of the other people involved and he was asking us to help with the organization of the clean up that is duly needed. I believe They are shooting for the 23rd of June. So Help is needed
So we returned, and picked up Clint, stayed on the beach and watched the surfers for a moment then returned to Jaco...
This Whole week I have slept like crazy, Last night almost 13.5 hours??? crazy I fall asleep on the sofa then Clint makes me go to bed. I missed all the fun this week DARN!! I didn't do anything at all all week except Sleep.
But the body needed it and its looking much better. It is shrinking some and I am very pleased with the results of the operation!! All these years I wanted that stuff cut off, never could afford it. I was embarrassed, always by that. Now its gone and Its looking GREAT!! THANK YOU DR. MANTILLA!
Here is our information: If you are interested in the tortuga help and seeing the nature of the animals, visiting COSTA RICA PLEASE EMAIL ME AT: Marianna.love@gmail.com or Call in Costa Rica 506 637-8438 Please take a look at our site, we have now begun to add properties for sale. We have many and soon they will all be posted on the net.
I have all the legal people here in the office to help with the process should you be interested in any of them or have a desire to buy property here in COSTA RICA!!! Ciao
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Scouting for work, Garbage in the reserve
Black sand beach

Turtle eggs that were rescued prepared nests

The Reserve

We need Help cleaning this up soon!
Yesterday was slow again, I decided mid day to go have lunch at all our favorite place Garribito, and then we rode to Bejuco to see what we could drum up. We got the name of a couple of companies to email and contact so I accomplished what I set out to do. On the way back we stopped by the turtle reserve, because I need to get that interview for print. The ride back to it is long and no pavement. It was rough on the boo boo.. I yelped a couple of times laughed in agony, and almost keeled over once. Christian continued driving Clint in the back yelling all the way! Christan laughing hard making fun of everything. We meet some park guys on the way they told us the admin was not around that they had a big meeting with the community. So we missed the interview, but we got out to see how the reserve was and the condition. HORRIBLE! I was shocked to see that there was more garbage than we picked up before the reserve, Today I have to call the Muni and talk to them about helping again... its bad and dangerous for wild life. The river Toluene that runs about 700 meters south of the persevere dumps all there garbage right into the river and when the storms come it flushes it into the sea. This is bad... I told Clint I wanted to write to the president and see what the country can do to save what is left of what they have? I know its not my country, and I know I am not powerful in anyway but If I can inspire one person to do something about it, and if I can help I will.

Yesterday was slow again, I decided mid day to go have lunch at all our favorite place Garribito, and then we rode to Bejuco to see what we could drum up. We got the name of a couple of companies to email and contact so I accomplished what I set out to do. On the way back we stopped by the turtle reserve, because I need to get that interview for print. The ride back to it is long and no pavement. It was rough on the boo boo.. I yelped a couple of times laughed in agony, and almost keeled over once. Christian continued driving Clint in the back yelling all the way! Christan laughing hard making fun of everything. We meet some park guys on the way they told us the admin was not around that they had a big meeting with the community. So we missed the interview, but we got out to see how the reserve was and the condition. HORRIBLE! I was shocked to see that there was more garbage than we picked up before the reserve, Today I have to call the Muni and talk to them about helping again... its bad and dangerous for wild life. The river Toluene that runs about 700 meters south of the persevere dumps all there garbage right into the river and when the storms come it flushes it into the sea. This is bad... I told Clint I wanted to write to the president and see what the country can do to save what is left of what they have? I know its not my country, and I know I am not powerful in anyway but If I can inspire one person to do something about it, and if I can help I will.
We walked around for a little bit, the Sky's were really gray a storm was heading in. I had a moment there that was separate from the turtle experience, Christian showed Clint a rancho he built to Observe the turtles. Well months ago when we were seeing each other regular, he took me there one night, with a bottle of rum and coca cola. We sat cuddled and kissed drank a rum and coke and watched the sun go down. It was very romantic and different. I had never had anyone in my entire life do something like this with me ever... So when we walked up to that place my memory sprang, and I stood for a long time staring, thinking and well having a moment. I had to shake it off and pretend nothing was in my head but it was...
When we got ready to leave Christian had found these seeds that the Ticos feel are good luck I saw he had a handful of them and Clint too. The Hawaiians do the same thing I have a few myself in the house. He also found a little play plastic crab and gave it to me.. told me it is a present.
Then he asked if I wanted Peppa, which is fresh coconut cut from the tree? I said YES because Aqua de peppa is excellent for the kidneys, the body and healing. He got a big pole with saw attached to it there at the reserve and walked to the nearest palm tree and cut off three of them... Then he got a machete and cut the top off so I could drink it. It was an older one, the meat was not soft and gummy it was hard like the type you buy in the states. I prefer the green to yellow ones that are sweet and the flesh is gummy. Those are the best, but I drank it, and he commented saying that wasn't the best...
Then he cut another one for me It was too green so he tossed it and we drove back to Jaco.
I was suffering at this point, My stomach was a little puffy, I had some inflammation. So After dropping off Christian, Clint went to the store and got some Ginger, and ice other things to help me.
He made me green tea with ginger, to bring the inflammation down. He also Ice Packed the stomach.
It worked but I had to do it a couple times. I really couldn't feel the ice that area down low is totally numb. The belly button was really red so I Iced that too.
I heard arguing outside last night, two of the people I knew, there was more across the street. Someone got arrested it was loud..
I went to bed and slept very well, got up around 6:00 went out read the bible today.
Felt I needed some inspiration for my life...
Even though I have someone in my house, he is not always there. He is not my mate or lover... he is gay. He has lots of friends here and he goes out allot so I have been alone. I am again feeling very lonely, I question constantly why Am I ALONE? I am funny, not bad looking, talented, kinda smart... um can cook like a five star chef when I don't burn the bread!( I always forget how long I put it for) its so strange? OK I really do not understand it!! I am feeling like I am just withering inside lately.. Sounds silly but its not. I just want a companion, a helper, a lover, a friend.... even someone that I might be able to fight with now and then! that's kinda fun after!!!
I had a bad night in thoughts, and this morning too.... So I read and it helped lift my spirits a little. No answers but a word that is extremely difficult for the majority of us in any situation. "Trust, patiently wait and hope"
I been waiting for years! yea one of two walk in and out, don't last long and some of the quality of some of the ones that have wandered in an out are really bad..
Hope this changes SOON!
Today is Friday, we don't have much going on again. I have Christian Emailing, Jonathan is trying to find the brochures they sent them to the wrong location , only after the first time cutting them wrong! Clint is making a plant list for a proposal. And I think this afternoon if we get the brochures were going out and soliciting all of us!!
Other than that things are quiet.
I heard From my friend in Portland again Jon.. hes so funny! I am happy that old friends still stay in contact, Kelly from the Heathman lodge repsonded to an email I sent here and now is writting its cool!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Yesterday was a later day, didn't get ready till almost ten. We came to the office and hung out and prepared for a meeting in the afternoon. Clint stayed with me, while Christian took the car washed it, ran around town doing some errands. We made a presentation board for Villa Montana another condo project that will have rock waterfall pools four of them, a river that runs across the top of the condo complex. Then a water fall wall at the bottom of the whole building. Its pretty extensive, and will be allot of work. But Its going to be really cool!
We did well in the meeting. I believe its our job.
After We dropped off Christian at his house, Clint and Went down to the beach at the Boheio. to watch the Sunset. We had a drink and watched the people, the power went off a couple of times, so we sat in the dark and just enjoyed.
Later returned to the house... I knocked out four hours on the sofa, Clint milled around ate a bunch as usual... then we watched American Idol.. Wow that girl Melinda ugh! but what a voice!!! She was very dynamic. Stayed up for a while then went to sleep.
I been sleeping so well at nights, this is great. So that the body heals and I can get back to wild woman I am!
We wanted to go and solicit today our brochures are still not done, actually they were but they cut them all wrong all 500 of them.. TONTOS!! So were waiting once again it will be about 5 weeks now.
Still drinking green tea, I NEED COFFEE I have been drinking coffee since I was little and it is really something I love. So this is a little hard. But its better I don't I tried a little yesterday and wow it began to aggravate again so nooooooooo.
Here is my information for emails, if you are interested in seeing the turtles in July lay eggs and hatch. You can either help or just observe. Hotels, transportation, events, places to see aside from that all provided by us at ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!
Marianna.love@gmail.com or call the office in Costa Rica 506 637-8438
We did well in the meeting. I believe its our job.
After We dropped off Christian at his house, Clint and Went down to the beach at the Boheio. to watch the Sunset. We had a drink and watched the people, the power went off a couple of times, so we sat in the dark and just enjoyed.
Later returned to the house... I knocked out four hours on the sofa, Clint milled around ate a bunch as usual... then we watched American Idol.. Wow that girl Melinda ugh! but what a voice!!! She was very dynamic. Stayed up for a while then went to sleep.
I been sleeping so well at nights, this is great. So that the body heals and I can get back to wild woman I am!
We wanted to go and solicit today our brochures are still not done, actually they were but they cut them all wrong all 500 of them.. TONTOS!! So were waiting once again it will be about 5 weeks now.
Still drinking green tea, I NEED COFFEE I have been drinking coffee since I was little and it is really something I love. So this is a little hard. But its better I don't I tried a little yesterday and wow it began to aggravate again so nooooooooo.
Here is my information for emails, if you are interested in seeing the turtles in July lay eggs and hatch. You can either help or just observe. Hotels, transportation, events, places to see aside from that all provided by us at ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!
Marianna.love@gmail.com or call the office in Costa Rica 506 637-8438
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
The turtle reserve beach clean up
This morning was started at 5:45, no coffee.. I am trying to stay away from it for a couple of days. It is agitating my incision, so no coffee at all.
I sat outside and heard lots of Macaws screaming in the trees in the early morning hours. I listen to the birds and drank some green tea. Soon was getting ready for the morning.
Yesterday I had an email from the chamber that they were having a Clean up day at Playa Hermosa for the Turtle reserve. I had written and article earlier for one of the publications about the beach and how I believe that teaching the children to clean up and what not to do to the beaches is the way to change the horrible situation of garbage that is found every where. The chamber and I are on the same page. In receiving this mail yesterday, I suggested to the guys here that we all go very early to the clean up and join in with the children to clean the beaches for the Turtles and people, and plant trees in areas that are needed.
We all left around 7:30 and rode to Hermosa where we met up with lots of volunteers for the very first time in that area ever.
They had a canopy, water, gloves, bags, and food for everyone.
I took the first small group, Clint on the other side with a group and Christian at the gate letting cars in.
But there was more than just us.. It was warm the weather was perfect and I was happy to be doing something good and knowing that possibly I could be helping a situation that in the future may not be here unless more of us do this.
The day of environment appreciation, was a good one!!
Later I had another group who were really good little workers. We cleaned for about two hours together, I finally saw Christian get in and help along with tons of other people. I think we may have had about 250 children or more and many adults.
The turtle reserve is really beautiful, the sands are black and the beaches are endless the water because of the black sand is dark and intense.
We actually saw a few nest's that had already hatched out a week or so ago, but the real date for there return and nesting is in the late part of June to July. The most part of July is were you see lots of them coming and digging and planting there Eggs in beaches that many ancestors ago used.
The clean up today was the very first one. the administrator, a private individual, now supported by the country, Was so happy and shocked, elated is the word.
When I heard this I knew that what We had done was a very good thing to be involved with for the future of the country.
In the month of June I plan on writing a whole story for two publications on the history, how, and what has happened in the past. The robbery of the eggs, how people sell these for food, pleasure. And all the details of the preserve. Also If anyone is interested you can come and observe for a fee and spend the night or help with the conservation of the turtles here in Hermosa.
Contact me and I will give you all the information, and if you need hotels or anything when you arrive here please email or call us at the office. Here is the mail:
Marianna.love@gmail.com the phone in Costa Rica 506 637-8438
It was good day, came back to find the water off at my place so no shower, and I was full of sand. I changed and tried to clean up best I could to return to the office for a few hours to work on a proposal, Now Clint and Christian and just resting here in the office and I am emailing and now blogging.
A few people came in to tell me they loved my June article in the Jaco guide. I had coffee with one of them another just talked. The two others made me laugh so hard saying I was full of LOVE???? too funny!! Now tonight were going to a concert at The Best Western, and a meeting with the chamber.
We are really trying to be more involved and be aware of how our little city and our beach towns are growing.
I sat outside and heard lots of Macaws screaming in the trees in the early morning hours. I listen to the birds and drank some green tea. Soon was getting ready for the morning.
Yesterday I had an email from the chamber that they were having a Clean up day at Playa Hermosa for the Turtle reserve. I had written and article earlier for one of the publications about the beach and how I believe that teaching the children to clean up and what not to do to the beaches is the way to change the horrible situation of garbage that is found every where. The chamber and I are on the same page. In receiving this mail yesterday, I suggested to the guys here that we all go very early to the clean up and join in with the children to clean the beaches for the Turtles and people, and plant trees in areas that are needed.
We all left around 7:30 and rode to Hermosa where we met up with lots of volunteers for the very first time in that area ever.
They had a canopy, water, gloves, bags, and food for everyone.
I took the first small group, Clint on the other side with a group and Christian at the gate letting cars in.
But there was more than just us.. It was warm the weather was perfect and I was happy to be doing something good and knowing that possibly I could be helping a situation that in the future may not be here unless more of us do this.
The day of environment appreciation, was a good one!!
Later I had another group who were really good little workers. We cleaned for about two hours together, I finally saw Christian get in and help along with tons of other people. I think we may have had about 250 children or more and many adults.
The turtle reserve is really beautiful, the sands are black and the beaches are endless the water because of the black sand is dark and intense.
We actually saw a few nest's that had already hatched out a week or so ago, but the real date for there return and nesting is in the late part of June to July. The most part of July is were you see lots of them coming and digging and planting there Eggs in beaches that many ancestors ago used.
The clean up today was the very first one. the administrator, a private individual, now supported by the country, Was so happy and shocked, elated is the word.
When I heard this I knew that what We had done was a very good thing to be involved with for the future of the country.
In the month of June I plan on writing a whole story for two publications on the history, how, and what has happened in the past. The robbery of the eggs, how people sell these for food, pleasure. And all the details of the preserve. Also If anyone is interested you can come and observe for a fee and spend the night or help with the conservation of the turtles here in Hermosa.
Contact me and I will give you all the information, and if you need hotels or anything when you arrive here please email or call us at the office. Here is the mail:
Marianna.love@gmail.com the phone in Costa Rica 506 637-8438
It was good day, came back to find the water off at my place so no shower, and I was full of sand. I changed and tried to clean up best I could to return to the office for a few hours to work on a proposal, Now Clint and Christian and just resting here in the office and I am emailing and now blogging.
A few people came in to tell me they loved my June article in the Jaco guide. I had coffee with one of them another just talked. The two others made me laugh so hard saying I was full of LOVE???? too funny!! Now tonight were going to a concert at The Best Western, and a meeting with the chamber.
We are really trying to be more involved and be aware of how our little city and our beach towns are growing.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Oh I been so gone!

Well on Thurs, we had another disastrous storm which impeded our installation of the grass for the house that is sliding down the hill. The night before I had gone out with Jonathan, my computer Mae, and Christian after work and had a beer, they drank allot. We ate and had good work conversations along with other flavored conversations as well!
Later they convinced me to go the back yard, a young surfer place in Playa Hermosa right on the beach. I thought it would be fun, and essentially it was my first time doing anything. Although I did drink a couple of beers! tried to dance.. it was a little rough, I had jeans on and the pressure on the belly was a bit much.
I wanted to go home after some hours but Christian insisted on staying. Finally I threw a little Marianna Fit and INSISTED THAT WE LEAVE NOW! and he came only to stop and shoot the bull with another person for fifteen minutes, until I marched back over and said HEY COME ON!! LETS GO!!
Well I suffered the next day!! the storm was horrendous, I heard it in my sleep, and knew right then we were foiled again!!
We had ordered some special grass but there is none in the whole country the storm ruined everything and now delaying our installation. Its not just us, its all the people in the industry. We are all suffering .
The lady of the house did not like the grass we got it was temporary in order to preserve what is left of the land, she sent it back saying she did not like it! Well,when the rain kept pouring, my mind and body felt Ill, I was in so much pain. All I could do is pray and lay on the sofa.
Hours, of lying there and worrying... still no ZECATE!( Grass)
Sometimes I wonder all these challenges,and strange situation's That I face here? Why? This job was so simple and going to be beautiful! The guys were all done except the Grass installation, The following night the mountain walls, and all the plants, stone walkways... and more went crashing down. Only a few plants were saved. Now waiting is the game, seeing if they can repair this horrible situation... and who is paying for the replacement of all the work that we did? The architect agreed to pay for all, but I see nothing done, when I finally took the trip today up there, and by the way the road is horrible, even at this stage of healing, I felt pain. We made it to the top and what we saw was totally disheartening.
God help all of us! There was a whole hill near the house before, now there is about three feet in the biggest part and nothing near the pool, in fact it took a small edge of the pool too.
DAMN! what to expect now?
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
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