Monday, March 12, 2007

The quiet Weekend alone

Had a very quiet weekend but still had a little fun. I spent the day Saturday here in the office. I had one client come in for some furnishings that they want custom made, its not much but at least it is something. I may have a friend of create this.

That day was quiet I blasted music in the store but no one came in. They were having a bike rally, some 200 bike riders road from Escazu to Herradura. That is a huge way to bike over high peaks and winding roads. How they can do that is amazing to me. I can hardly drive that road let alone bike it! but out of the 200 only about 15 dropped out. I saw quite a few roll in around 2:00 when I left the store. It just didn't make sense to have the air and the power on when not a soul was around.

I felt depressed, so I took a cab to the first entrance of Jaco, Where I got out to see Costaino, a Friend who is like the skunk pepe la pew on the cartoons. He malls me and hugs me and smooches all over me while I push away and actually kick some times. Occasionally it is fun to see him but this time he was very pushy and would not let me go. I got upset and ran out of his place, then to see my Friend Eida, I have not seen or been around her in a while.

We went to Mataplatano not to long ago, but that was the last time about 4 weeks ago. She is building a killer two story business mall on the main street where her old Jaco bell was and her souvenir store.
It is fabulous she was working right along with the tile setters setting tiles when I walked up. We ended up going having a small bite to eat, then I stayed at her house with her Daughter and hung out for the afternoon evening.
Her husband made a BBQ with fresh fish. I made Guacamole we had some other people come by so we had a nice evening. Then the people that were visiting. two men volunteered to take me to my apt.

That was nice because I really didn't want to ride in the taxi. The car is still in San Jose so I have no wheels, or phone.

It was about 11:00 when I got home and there was a message on the machine it was Christian he was sad he missed me and just let a nice little message. He was in Puriscal for the weekend with his family.

I got up early the next day, not that I wanted to and began right away to clean the house. I started by washing the porch off with the hose. The man Down stairs came out screaming and yelling and calling me names saying his bike got wet, I tried to say sorry but he was being a total butt hole. I just let him yell I felt like squirting him but I kept it cool. Like it hurt anything. IT is so dusty there, that even if you clean every day the dust is a inch thick so, I noticed that this morning that encouraged him to actually clean his own porch.
That type of Morning is not a way to begin, I felt sad and almost cried, as I was depressed already being alone, no wheels no phone... then trying to make the best of things and being busy cleaning getting yelled at? WHY?

Then I cleaned the whole place , like a mad woman... I mean everything including my drawers and my closet. That took me about two hours total.
When Ken Called, asked me to spend the afternoon evening with him.
I told him I was going to the beach to get some sun, so I would feel less depressed he explained he would come by the beach and look for me. But he didn't I ended up going to Marla and Bills to lay out and enjoy the pool.
I spent the day there not eating a thing the whole day. I did enjoy the sun though.
Then Marla broke out some wine, I had one big glass and of course was tipsy at that point. So I left walked home and checked my messages nothing! I made some Tuna that is really good here, it has Jalapenos, and carrots in it, I put a little Avocado and laid down on the bed. That was all she wrote!

I went right to sleep. Then about 7:00 I heard the phone it was Christian checking on me saying his battery is dead and that he would be here today sometime. I went right back to sleep, only to wake up at 12:00 to worry, and frustration. I could not sleep then. So I turned the TV back on and just stared at something no brain er.. so I wouldn't think about anything.

Finally I fell off and woke up early as usual around 5:45. I made coffee then the power went out. So I sat outside and listen to the birds, read my bible and prayed. Took some time for peace of mind you might say.
When the power came back on I showered and got ready to leave.

Took a taxi to work but nothing is going on here at all no walk ins no calls,I been listing the bills I have. Calling around to see If I can get some leads. But nothing yet.
So lets see what the day brings.

Ken and Marcia came by we had a cappuccino and talked a bit and now they left to go to San Jose so I am here listening to Jazz and trying to be positive.

It is gray today, hot by gray, no sun. haven't eaten yet.. I just have no desire to eat. Too worried...

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