Monday, March 05, 2007

The great adventure for me anyhow!

Clint left on the bus to go to Manuel Antonio for the weekend, I woke up extremely sore on my left side of my upper shoulder. The pain was so bad that it was hard for me to get up, I also had something wrong in my throat it was really irritated and hurting. It took forever to get up and going I went to get the nails done and a pedicure with the hope that I would feel much better by being a little pampered.
I had so much stress the day before with Macaw that I know it affected my health and my spirit. When I got the manicure shop, another gal was there and offered to give me a slight massage to relieve the pain, she could see in my face. I am not exaggerating it was really bad. I toughed it out an she massaged relieved it some. After Jenny finished my pedicure I came to the office to see what would happen for the day.
I wrote on the blog talked to a couple from London, and then Christian called. I guess he was concerned about me because I had told him about tense situation with Macaw and how they have for months run me ragged changing and changing and changing.. Never satisfied. Yet I continue to work and pray they pay the balance due. I think he told me knew someone in the police department, his father works for the nation prisons here and he has some people in high places that he said he would talk to about helping me with this. Contracts here mean nothing so if your thinking that think again. I have one but they don't care and they live in the USA so I presume they feel it would be difficult to get anything pressed against them. Anyway enough of that. Christian had a brilliant idea, That we go to the national Park called Cangreja National park where a close friend of his has an ecotourisum project. He called a couple of times to my office to convince me to go, he knew I didn't feel well, but he insisted and now Today Monday I am very happy he did! I feel one hundred percent better!!!
The name of the project is It sits on the mountain near the highest peak in Costa Rica. The road is winding and long and sprinkled with little houses here and there and small communities that are primitive and relatively simple. A few little bar's and some sodas here and there too. Lots of Motorcycles, and horses. We drove from Jaco about an hour and forty minutes.You can enter from Parrita as well, and I think from Puriscal too, but we went another route, for a scenic view.
It was very humid, I had on Capri jeans, and a summer top. Even though I was hot. Upon arriving We met Marco's he is the project owner. It is a small simple project consisting of as of now two cabana's two eco bathrooms all out doors, no electricity and only spring water. He has a desire to teach people Spanish and preserve the country that he loves. This is really a cool place, but at first I did not know what to expect, and I was not really up to myself . So I was quiet and only listened to him and followed down a steep path with thongs no tennis! the path was cut into the mountain side. From the moment you step down its thick lush jungle habitation. Lots of trees, vines, plants and bananas. plantanos, and palms. REALLY BEAUTIFUL! but a smidge scary.. I didn't know what to expect.
For Christian it was nothing he was raised right near all this, his home was only a few kilometers away. Marcos and he are really close friends. I met others later.. But first the details on the walk down to the cabana while it was still light enough to see where it was and how to get to it.
we had our bags only one small one for me and for Christian a back pack. I was scared always anymore about my bad foot. I only had thongs on and that was pretty steep. For The people there it is normal. We walked a ways then crossed a small stream with a tiny bridge he built, a dried root in strange form was on the right hang size the size of a large tree in the shape of snakes, he carved on of the arms into a head of snake and make it a shower from the stream. Pretty cool, but I hate snakes! I would want it spitting on me.
Then we came to the first one, it was occupied of all things by a woman from Corvalas Oregon. She was displaced a little. Trying to deal with the heat.
Then he showed us the bathroom made of teak, and palm leaves and all eco.
I used it then thought I guess this is pretty cool.
Then we walked further to our cabana, they are built above the ground on stilts, go and see on the site and you can see Marcos there too! there really kinda cool. It was a stretch for me, but fun! we talked for a while he explained to us about the flashlights that have no batteries, then told us what time dinner was at his mothers house that is totally self contained right down the methane gas they used made from the manure of the pigs they have.
No hot water, actually it is not necessary, its so hot.
Then we all decided to go the local watering hole which is about two blocks on a mountain side near the main house. The main house is small and very primitive, the roof has openings in it, and its made from tin. The family consists of Grandma who is in her late eighties, the father who is about 58, the mom same age, the two sisters and Marcos, but I think Marcos lives down in the jungle project.
We drove the car to the watering hole, and I met allot of Christians distant family, and friends. It is a bar out doors but children, and family go for social gatherings. They also have a community hall where they have dances,and other get together. There is a small catholic church a small pulperia,( store) and a souvenir maker. Oh yeah and one room police station. So its a small village.
We had a couple of mecheladas, and talked to a few people, then returned to the main house and ate a dinner of pasta with a delicious sauce of fresh tomato, onions, and I think Garlic? not strong, and some sugar??? I think?? it was fairly good. You see when you stay at the Cabana's it includes dinner, breakfast and lunch. If you want other things the store is open till nine at night.
We then went down the cabana, it was dark, Marcos made a bomb fire, not that it was cold he only did it for the ambiance of it. It was so special and so nice! We had some more beers, and sat with candles lit and talked for hours. Christian brought a CD player and we played American Music all sorts of it, the latest stuff! The gal from Oregon was interesting, but different. The three of us Marcos, Christian and I had a great time talking. Marcos speaks perfect English. He told me he had at one point a girlfriend from Washington state... that will be told later, once I find out more but funny thing is I think I know her, and it may be I know her very well.
She was here for two months.
It was a full moon, very romantic and I felt it, so did all of us. We danced and enjoyed the nature of being outdoors. Although I was a little scared not knowing what was staring at us or lurking about??? but I continued to have a nice time. My spirit was so changed.
Later we retired to our Cabana , it was scary walking to it in the dark up the trails, and through buttresses, Bejucos, and trees. The stair case to the upper level was steep, but Candles were lit and all was well.
I slept well except now and then hearing animals howling, making their noises, and singing birds in the night. Occasional dropping of something on the roof that banged pretty loud now and then. But I did rest and in the morning I got up before he did and walked around down in the morning light to see how it looked. It was beautiful! so untouched so natural and so different. I felt lucky to have experienced this, and it was so different than anything I have ever done in my entire life, but it was more like Camping only in the jungle.
We got up. got dressed and walked through the trails to the other cabana, it had water.
Washed our faces brushed our teeth and then walked up the mountain to the house. His mother has made a fresh breakfast, or fried Cheese that she makes from the milk of there cows.
Fresh tomato, eggs from there chickens, and Pinto, which is beans and rice mixed with celantro and onion, red pepper. Fresh Watermelon and the most delicious coffee ever grown right there. They do not have a peculator, she makes it on the stove.
The butter was fresh too.
It was nice quiet and different.
After breakfast I walked about the property, Marcos gave me a tour. Its not much to look at but they are all self contained. Actually I was thinking how nice no worries no bills, Could I live like this? Its a thought honestly.
WE looked at the horse and Marcos asked me Marianna are you having fun, I shook my head yes. Christan smiled and knew he had done the correct thing for me.
Later we went back to the watering hole after a cold shower, but it was refreshing in that heat. I put makeup on and tried to look nice we talked to a couple more friends, then took Grandma into town. Then began our trip back to Jaco.
It took us some time, we just enjoyed the ride and looked at everything. The mountain is high its awesome! then we stopped at this little place overlooking a cool garden.
We had chicarones, there not like you know there like barbecued and very good. We drank another mechalada and headed to the river.
You drive along the Tulene River for miles it is very pretty.
We came back To Jaco but I was not ready to go back to the little Apartment so we got a soda, and drove to the turtle reserve and sat on this rustic platform and watched the Sunset. It was so nice and so peace full. We both agreed it was a great weekend.
Came back to find Clint at the house returned from his weekend. We all talked and had a nice night.
Today began late, No worries, I have no projects at the moment kinda nice but we need work! Clint is feeling bad does not want to leave this week but he has too.
I hope it is a good week coming up

He told me in Spanish,( he speaks very little English) to gather my things and he would be at my house in an hour. As soon as I got ready, Ed my friend from the furniture store around the corner showed up and sat and talked to me for a few minutes he could see I felt very depressed.

I left saying see ya later he stood surprised that I was closing half a day, But needed to go and Christian was going to be at my house in no time.

I went and got my thing but not the correct things, because I could not understand all that he said, and so I didn't bring tennis shoes, or light clothing. We dropped off his truck, picked up one of this friends, he needed a ride his family lives way up on the mountain where we were going.

It was a pleasant ride although I was very quiet and inward. Christian tried to cheer me by putting on the BG'S I laughed, thinking how in the heck does he know this music... he had all sorts of oldies. Which I am not into but I listened and sang along with him some how the english language is easy for him in song.

We waited for almost an hour for his friend then finally he showed up walking down the road. I guess the electricty went ou and he couldn't do his hair??? Whatever its hotter than heck here! I don't know but I found tha funny.

We went south towards Esterillos, then turned at the MATAPLATANO road, and went past that. This is a rual road no pavement, on gravel, and dirt. It is not that bad in most of it but in some parts horrible. The dust is bad because of lack of rain so it was like bajaing through country roads and partial jungle here and there.

We went over many little bridges over low rivers at this time they are low. We drove past some very beautiful scenery, and music was playing loud in the car with the air conditioning on full blast. We sang and he tried his hardest to make me happy. It was working! Although still not talking much I continued to drive up this mountain around sharp curves and down valleys. Crests of mountians were spectacular

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