Friday, March 16, 2007

Hearing from old friends

I had a couple of Emails this week from old friends, it was so nice to know that people in the states still think about me. One was a high school sweet heart that has kept in touch with me off and on since we were sweethearts, he is doing well and promised to come and visit, but ya know how that goes?
I won't count on it but it would be cool to see him after all this time.
The other was a boyfriend of mine for three years and he is doing very well also. I really enjoyed Moe, he was a cool man that I shared three years of my life with. It was so nice to see his mail, and know that he still thinks of me often.

This week was quiet, we Eduardo and I only did some calls to try to develop new business. Coming up with stratigies to make money, and talking to new people. We attended the Jaco Chamber of Commerce if you will? did not know that Costa Rica would have that. We actually Joined it. So now i am a member of the chamber. It was a fun event. They held it outdoors of course, because it is so hot. It was on the beach at the Best Western. They had lights strung from poles like a net above us, and lights wrapped around the base of all the trees. They served Pina coladas, Margaritas, rum and cokes, and beers. We had Ceviches, and little sandwiches. Some sort of desserts. They showed a presentation, of the developments of Jaco and the surrounding area in the last two years many people have now moved into the area for the developments. In the Presentation, I saw three times my work in Macaw they used it in the presentation. It was nice but, it made me feel strange knowing that I have yet gotten paid for the project.

But all in all it was a nice night, Christian went along and Eduardo came too. We networked, and enjoyed the night.
The following day I got up early as usual, WHY I DO NOT KNOW.. but I did, eating lately has not been part of a priority for me. Although still fat as ever!
I spent the day in the office, nothing much going on. Then at Night I hitched a ride with Ed to town Ate at Diego's a tiny little salad, then walked from one end of the town to the other to see my friend Rosie. I had a Sandia there, that is a watermelon drink very tasty! Talked to a few people and then went to see Helen my crazy Colombian friend. She has a hot dog stand that I did a little investing in along with another friend. She is nuts, funny lady, we sat and talked, one guy saw me and immediately asked me to go inside the Monkey bar, its a disco tech he wanted me to dance. I did for like one dance came back out. Talked to Helen some more then took a taxi home.
I just couldn't sleep that night. I didn't eat allot I didn't drink coffee, so I had no idea what was keeping me up.

Then yesterday Again I had slow day we made two connections and are working on some new plans for a proposal, not the job yet. I went to breakfast with Ron Batt, he is an old client. Then he took me to the office nice of him.
Later in the day Eric called and offered me a ride home. We went and looked at some apartments that he wants me to rent, Right next to his so that when Arya comes I will be next door.
It does have a pool but they really look Ghetto.. I don't know? Its cheap but it is so small. Anyway we went into town took me to the bank, then dropped me off at my apartment.
Christian called so he and I went out for some food, and talked about us.
He is tender, sensitive, and loves to tease me. I know I am way too much for this one. But is nice to have someone to talk to and share a bite to eat with now and then. Not so much a companion just a nice guy friend.

Today is Friday, its St Patty's day but No one here celebrates it, I wore green anyhow! don't know what the night will bring but I hope something fun.. who knows it may not!

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