Monday, March 26, 2007

Not a Whole lot going on lately. No new Projects and no leads. We have been beating the bushes, although there are plenty of new projects nothing is in the stages where were needed? I heard from my son Jordan today that was nice he has a new job at the Oak tree cooking. He is a chef and now I hope he will hang in there and do well! That was great news to hear that he has a new job. I also heard from Brandon saying he is fine and does not like to type on the MSN chat and that was all.

This past week was spent being pretty ill. I had some sort of virus, not to mention the house getting robbed, after my cell phone was stolen the week before. I sure have had my share of bad situations this month. This virus is mean, it makes the whole body hurt, starting in the neck and spine. Then fever, and excruciating headaches, then in day four I had a red rash break out all over my body. I prickly one that was very intense. I makes you not want to do anything. Fevers were not continual, but would break out in a moment for like a hour and then go away. I went to the pharmacy but he said it was some sort of bug in the skin? I really didn't think so so I suffered it out now I'm in day 9 I am still a little head achy not bad but occasionally a sudden itch breaks out or a sharp nerve ending elusively in your body for a few seconds. I talked to several people who have the same exact thing? strange! but I think I am on my way to feeling better.

I have not heard from Christian he had it too and left to go home to Puriscal. That was four days ago. Maybe our friendship has been only a short one? I dunno? but it seems strained.

Clint is Bored there is nothing to do, we laid out at Marla's yesterday but it was over cast and not really any sun. Although I got a tan he was wanting blazing hot to burn I guess? it was perfect to me, not feeling well I slept later in the chair by the pool. We went in the sea it was nice the water was clear yesterday and warm. The salt on the skin felt so good.

Still do not have my car back it has been in San Jose for now four weeks. They have only repaired a few things. It has been a real struggle no car sick, getting robbed, no phone... GOD!!!! now what? I been riding the bus, taking taxi's only once did Marla offer a ride, One time from Diego. I know when I get my car back if other people need a ride or help I am going to make sure that I help. You really know who your real friends are when your down. Diego is a real friend he has helped more than once.
I sure hope that car gets fixed this week, and that MACAW PAYS!! still nothing from them, even though we have made all sorts of attempts to negotiate and resolve. Its been hard.

Yesterday, I was very inward, I hardly talked, I have been sort of withdrawn since I got sick. For more than four or five days not talking much at all. Just thinking about my life and now what? and is there a reason for all the destruction that is going on. I searched my soul, wondering who I really wronged? I honestly try in my heart to be kind and good to others, and project positive energy but it has very difficult this past few months to be that. I have had great moments since Clint has been here, but it has been extremely difficult.

I thought and thought yesterday how to be inspired and how to be encouraged, how to make the best of every situation, with out having anger or become bitter towards things. I was laying on the lounge chair by this beautiful pool,( which by the way is not mine its my friends by the sea) great full that at least I could do this and enjoy the day this way.

I was looking up at the palm tree's swaying when I saw some Macaws red ones three of them fly by. One alone, in general I had friends, and I know quite a few people, but usually I am like the Macaw. Flying alone. I saw how beautiful they were and how easily they flew in the breeze, hardly flapping there wings. Gliding along the one that was alone was far from the other two. The two were close obviously a couple. I was told that once they loose there mate they are forever alone. Sad, and yet life's parallels them.
I just talked to Eida, she called with the same thing I had that makea about six people I know that had it. she was complaining that here whole body was itching and was miserable. I know how that feels it was intense.

We may close early and go see her daughter Kaylene model at the Copa. She is now going to some modeling school and its her first runway I think? So I may just close early and go. Nothing much going on.

I pray god sends work and money that is owed to me...

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