Friday, March 09, 2007

Catastrophes galore!

Oh the joys of being in business and Living in Costa Rica!! I am sure that this happens everywhere in the world but I have to say that these last few weeks here have been living, bloody hell!

It began with not being able to find the repair shop for the dealership in San Jose a week and half ago. I was so frustrated, there are no street signs no directions, no addresses... and people use landmarks but in San Jose every street and lots of areas are very much the same. Its confusing, and lots of traffic. I rode for three hours with Clint trying to find the stinking place only to end up in crying and throwing in the towel. I will say I am pretty darn good finding directions I have had to many times with Clients in the past and in different cities but this was the worst. I actually felt so sick I had to stop get out of the car and go walk around for a while. My stomach was so upset. Clint just let me be and looked around in the Pequeno Mundo store.

Clint has left now he flew out yesterday we, Diego and I took him to San Jose but first we shopped a little and hung out. Then we dropped him off to head on the search again for this repair place that is not connected to the dealership. It took us a while finally I was mad just turned down a street he told me not too and there it was. We talked to the people there the guarantee is two years. The car is a year and half old. They made a decisis on to not hold to the guarantee? Diego argued with them for more than a hour. I was getting that same feeling sick in the stomach and head. Finally I said this is enough I can not argue any more. I paid cash for the car, It is a Tianna, Cross lander, My son told when when I bought it , that is was Crap and it is... The seat is coming apart, the front head lights water leaks when it rains, the emergency brake does not work and it has rolled twice and hit a tree once and then hit a bench the second time ruining the bumper. It has a ticking sound in the air, I have replace the alternator, I had wiring done on the Air conditioning. There is more... so I guess I am sorry that I got this!!! trying to be economical, and safe at the same time. Anyhow
We left the car, we came to some sort of agreement, honestly I do not know what it was but the car is there hopefully getting fixed.

I used My cute pink flat cell phone that I love twice while I was there and I believe I slipped it into my purse, but when we got into the taxi I did not use it, nor did I use it when we ate before taking a bus for three hours back to JACO, on the bus I noticed the phone was not with me??? I freaked, because that is my main source, Clients call me on this phone, everyone calls me on this phone, and My fear was that someone would get it and call all over the world. Oh was I sick on that bus.

It was late about 6:30 when we caught the bus, the traffic was horrible so it took us instead of two hours three hours to get back. Diego slept all the way, I was wringing my hands, praying and asking God why my life lately is so rough and hard... how much more can a person take?

First the not finding the place then when we returned to Herradura that day a waterfall of water was pouring from the front window facing the people. We had a plasma in that window for advertising and showing things we do day and night. That got ruined and so did the ceiling and part of the walls. So they had to rip it out and replace everything, we have not gotten the plasma yet. Then this week I have all my bills on auto pay, well here its not exactly auto pay I found out! I did not have water, power or lights one night and one day in both my house and the office. I fought with ICE the company here who con trolls all of that.. and come to find out it was the bank. It wasn't because of no funds, it was because.... someone who would not take the blame who does those Auto matic didn't do the auto matic??? I know I know it doesn't make sense but allot of things here do not make sense. TO AMERICANS... I was so ANGRY.. hot, and dirty too no water for toilet, no water for shower no lights no fans no air... Oh my god... then problem with Macaw, and now the cell phone stolen? WHAT ELSE???? well the phone was in Tony's name so they can not shut it off with out his permission. I called him and explained I hope he does it, then when I do acquire another phone if I can? he has to sign docs to turn the line back on? Oh boy what else??

I have no car this weekend, no phone so I guess I walk to the beach and hang out in the sun and just try to be Tranquilla.

Ed, the guy who works with me, along with Clint as I said is gone now... was only here two days this week and left just now. So the place is quiet, I am typing with the TV blasting hoping that some wonderful client comes in!

I just wonder how much the threshold of exasperation can handle?

Tomorrow is a better day... I will alone all weekend, maybe I can find someone to take me around who knows?

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