Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Roatan Experience

First Thank you Readers, I thought perhaps all the readers had faded away because of my lack of consistency on writing, but I can see now that its attached to the blog and twitter I am picking up readers again. Some of you have said I needed to proof read some of the blog, let me make an excuse here for THOSE USA AMERICANS that have never had Internet or a computer in the tropics and dealt with losing connections after you have written the whole blog before you could spell check or had a computer that wouldn't operate correctly due to the heat and humidity. THERE WERE MANY times I would write so fast and then post just to get it up because of power outages or loss of connection so I apologize, if you feel my grammar is is not completely correct, or that my spelling is bad! I never claimed to be the perfect person. So forgive my errors. Oh phewww now that that is out of the way, this is the one good thing about USA that the Internet is flawless and fast and that the computers all work fairly well when some hackers aren't trying to interrupt your technological life. ON TO THE ROATAN experience. Roatan is a beautiful Island, much different than Jaco Costa Rica, the culture and the feel, more bugs, and different weather patterns, clear blue seas, not mucky dirty black water filled beaches. Amazingly beautiful, with the cruise ships every day and night , entering the horizon early in the morning slowly creeping in like an immense resort gliding across the sea, to a enormous,glowing Disco tech or building floating aimlessly in the dark fading into the night. It was such a incredible sight to see daily, I never grew tired of watching the ships, I would think about life in many ways how things come and things go how big opportunity's come into your life and then pass you by if your not aware. It could slip away when you blink your eyes . This is how the ships appear in the night. You can watch them, then they just fade away so quickly. I mean your thinking wow that is a strange analogy, but its true of everything in life it comes and goes. Same as my career, it came and went, came and went, it went this time hard.. like a shot in the night. So possibly a big ship is coming the Last ship. I am not a traditional person, never have been. I always felt there was something different or better. Being single like I stated in my last blog is tough at this age for most people, but it seems the past four years or so I have adjusted to the fact that I am not with anyone and I am who I am with out verification of a man. NOT SAYING I WOULDN'T BE WITH ONE,but I'm good like I am. I enjoy Adventures.. I guess you can say I am addicted to adventure, Rather than being the home body being satisfied with sitting watching TV, reading, and not doing much more than that. NOW DOES THAT SOUND LIKE A LIFE??? well that is what I am faced with now being back in USA. My life at the moment consists of this: Being picked up every day by my friend who wrote a very cool book, called A Sirens tale, they produce trade shows for Food and Wine, I do multi media, Facebook, Twitter, and make calls, I am now going to Zumba because I pleaded with her to let me dance somewhere and get exercise so now the two of us go. Then I am dropped off, I come into my sons house I greet them sometimes cook but only maybe one time a week. I watch TV go to bed this is every day. I don't go out, I don't have phone calls, no friends here On Saturday I go to Zumba my son lets me use a car, I sometimes go to see my grandson, come home. Stay the weekend in the house, IT RAINS ALL THE TIME so not much you can do.. although I have gone shopping with the kids a few times. NOT MY IDEA OF LIFE. My questions to myself is this? is this a time to just not be doing anything and try to learn something from this? and then build up steam again? to be able to go and enjoy the life I feel I deserve which is a leisurely life, simple of course ! I am not wealthy, nor do I have insurance, nor Social security, or savings any more. I have nothing.. but I learned one thing living in Central America. YOU DON'T NEED MUCH TO BE HAPPY, and for some reason I prefer that life? I would love to be pampered, I would to be taken care of, but I don't have anyone throwing offers at me and I am not sitting here waiting for someone to caudal me in there arms and say HERE YOU GO DON'T WORRY AND IT COULD be very pretencions of me to say this but. I just know if I don't do for me it won't happen. I know how to build the castle and I could if I had the courage build it again. I felt alive in Roatan not dead, When I went to Copan before I arrived in Portland, I felt euphoric, the Mountain coffee farm and the hills of Guatemala in the distance, the rivers the fresh morning air eating outside, with food made over an open fire stove under the cover of palm leaves. MADE ME REALIZE how lucky and special I was. I felt alive.....

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