Thursday, March 24, 2011


Well months have past, I was doing so Well in Roatan, If I tell the whole story today its way too much to put on this blog. Just lets say this. I was Robbed once again, the friend of mine living with me did not lock the door. While we were out promoting the business, someone came in and took everything including Cash. Why Cash your thinking right? I had just paid for the permits for the new business lots of money for these permits in Roatan. Business permits for a foreigner, takes more time that a resident. You can not open a bank account unless you have these requirements fulfilled. It was one night shame on me, one night and one night only. I left it in a purse hidden. I was afraid imagine of all things to bring it with me, for fear someone would take the purse. Well they took it alright out of my house! DAMN IT it was so devastating the violation of being robbed is something that is so frustrating, mind boggling, and tormenting. Not knowing if those who entered your house, was watching you, do they really know who you are? In a small Island Like ROATAN everyone does know who certain people are. Alright to sum it up once again robbed of everything I owned, it wasn't millions of dollars it wasn't like I had super valuable things but the total robbery amounted to about 8 or more thousand dollar. Pretty devastating for me, I thought about it for about two weeks, I immediately called my sons told them about it, one told me to come to USA where he felt I was safe and stay with them. The other didn't have much to say. I truly love the latin life, I am wondering how to live in that and avoid the trauma's of robbery? I love the food the people, I mean there is good and bad where ever you go, but seriously?? 5 times now including a car???? I could write a book on robbery, probably should just write some short stories on the life in Latin America and maybe they would get sold, replace double the money that has been taken from me! So, now I am completely with out practically everything except my health. The things I do have is this: One pair of jeans, one pair of tennis, a few dresses, some earings, nothing for hair, nothing for nails, nothing for writing like a computer, no camera no car, ok lets say this. I was a woman with everything you could imagine, I had two of everything, Even Cars. Now Im pretty much gypsy LOL I WANNA SAY, but not in my spirit. I was successful, a designer with goals and a column in the papers. I was in demand, I had a beautiful home and all the things in the American Dream. Now I have different values, I have no material things, and I need them but how to regain them in this economy, and in USA is a mystery to me, and how life twists and turns and you land up in a situation you didn't expect. BUT THE GOOD THING IS I HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE AND I CAN WRITE ABOUT IT AND I CAN DO SOMETHING THAT THE AVERAGE CAN'T I can say I am free of burdens, no responsiblities when it comes to debts! This is what I have...

I do want to write, and I hope I can continue on this blog of my life, the people who read this you probably all dropped off by now, I haven't written in so long and its been inconsistent. I am going to try to continue give updates on what happened describe things that have occurred to me while living single in the Central Americas. EVENT WENT TO THE MAYAN RUINS ALONE on a bus!.. but wow now in USA not adjusting and wishing I was back. Life is certainly different here.

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