Sunday, March 27, 2011


Thank you for the one person, who was out there reading on the blog again. I use to have a load of readers, but the fact that I have not written consistently caused me to loose that audience. The original reason for the blog many years a back was to inform, friends and family of my existence in a semi third world country and tell them of my adventures. It grew and grew and I met so many people from the blog, I even have had people send me airline tickets when I as dying to go back after one of my not so pleasant cake walks, which in turn made me return to USA. Once again here I am DANG IT! My heart after all these years of working like a slave, doing design work, some 15 hours or more a day for almost all my life and I am 57 now,( although I am proud to say I am physically doing fine and in great shape, that's about the only thing I got going for me ) that I feel like Adventure is really where I want to be. Single still many years of it,I am not a dog nor am I stupid, but I have kinda just put the love thing in a closet and really just live for whatever every day brings me. Back to the Roatan Experience, I don't want it to be over, I didn't do what I went to there to do! the fact that Roatan has such colorful stories, history beyond most peoples knowledge, and the spiritual qualities of the Island is super compelling to me. I was thinking today about one in particular that made me think ok this is really weird. You MAY OR MAY NOT BELIEVE THIS and you can say, or think what you will of it. Lots of people have not experience first hand spirits or ghost's or the supernatural. SOME OF THE BEST SELLERS and GRAND MOVIES are based on these subjects. I can say first hand I did experience, along with My assistant Clint. Well one evening sitting on the balcony, We were talking about the weeks that had past and four or so incidents that happened to the both of us that were the strangest things we have ever experience. I had shared with him about some readings I have done over the piracy of the Island, the famous pirates that were a part of the changing of the civilization of Roatan. I had read some facts about a man that some four and half years ago found treasure and had escaped the law and had invested the money that he had cashed in on. AT THAT VERY MOMENT, WE WERE ON THE TOP LEVEL OF THE BALCONY looking at the cloud formations. Now call it coincidence, but a huge skeleton head formed in the sky and we both looked at each other shaking our heads saying ARE YOU SEEING THIS? Ok you are saying shes totally fabricating this! No it was real, my skin crawled his face was white and he went in the house. I stared until it completely changed form. After I laughed at him, It could have been us imagining, but the form stayed for a long time in the same place and did not change. As the breezed blew it scattered the clouds and above the that face was a mass of stars like I had never seen before. The mouth of the head then changed and opened very wide, as if it was yelling at me to move. I didn't I stayed, become more hypnotised. I told this all to Clint as I was laughing at him, but he insured me that he felt something and it scared him. That he never wanted to talk about those things on the balcony again. Later that week, I found out the owner of the house I was renting, the wife that was new, died in the bedroom of mine which is where the balcony was adjacent to. NOT THAT this was a connection but it became more and more evident that super natural occurrences, did happen in this house. Roatan to me is unfinished in my mind, I still have to complete the experience. I have to find a way to support myself in my adventures. Something for new readers so you know a bit about the writer: Female, 57 years old, single Italian decent Lived in USA most of her life, California, Oregon, Washington. Was a high end Event designer, landscape, interior and Weddings LOTS AND LOTS OF WEDDINGS AND PARTIES, Catered, Wrote for a news paper with my own advice column on design or whatever came to my mind LOL Was always a creative writer, and artist, in paint, sculpture and any element I could find! I did lots of trade shows, Was on stages, did backdrops for TV and a few sets but never had any stinking money. Reason!! SINGLE RAISING TWO BOYS and working my booty off! After almost 28 years of slavery I call it, I decided to sell everything and leave USA, I went to Central America and from there had a ton of adventures. Scanning back some of the blogs were crude and had some pretty depressing information in them, but out of darkness comes humor, and out of bad situations come good things. I HAVE DEVELOPED in such a way with writing that I feel, possibly its gotten better. In the recent experience in Roatan, that made me switch gears come to USA and visit my sons and one grandson, I lost a book that I was writing over the past three years. A book about the Wedding industry, behind the scenes, craziness, secrets and hilarious stories. It was on a key and on my computer that all got stolen. So now I figure I'm not doing a whole lot here. Fitting into USA society is really not coming together as of three months here yet. I decided to purchase a new key, and start up the blog, help my friend with social media networking, and build a few pages for her NEW BOOK A sirens tale, and begin to re-write mine. Plus might as well write my Modern day gypsy stories about my adventures. I would love to hear feed back from anyone out there. Also if you know anyone who wants to escape and hear about a life outside of the norm, let me know. Marianna

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