As you can see it was a nice place, its only open in the day, walking the island is prohibited, you can only use the beach and that is it. There was a small place that sold food but wasnt ready till about 1:00 so we just laid out I drank some wine and wow got really tipsy fast!

The weddings here are done by a lawyer not a minister, although you can have one a lawyer has to assist, they had one in Spanish a female, and one person translated in English because obvioulsy the Groom was a Gringo, marrying a Tica Here is the lovely couple.

The grounds were basically picnic areas but very pretty, I enjoyed it there I would like to return on a different boat soon and really hang out and snorkle and play.
She was adorable I tried to get as many shots as I could be she was camera shy. This shot was during the ceremony and she was wrapped up with looking at the surprise bridesmaid
Well here she is the surprise brides maid. This wild pig came strutting down the aisle on the path with roses, and then entered under the table of the ceremony. They said this is a sign of good luck , everyone was laughing the thing was pretty tame too.. use to the Island visitors. Wow first time I seen one of these! and the little girl too!
This is the other brides maid the older daughter of the bride, she picked her up so she wouldnt go after the pig

Well she did her part and said I guess the party is over and took off as soon as the ceremony was finished.. I thought this was so funny! And interesting too.. she was curious about what we were doing, not only just looking for food but curious.

Thats Rossy looking on as the finished up the ceremony I was walking around taking photos of everyone and every thing. It was a nice day, I enjoyed it as tired as I was I some how had forced some energy out of me.

The wedding was about over at this point and we were all just waiting for the kiss the attorney asked the all the questions and then they signed the papers. FAST AND QUICK Just like that done!

There they are again smiling now its about time for the kiss

Well I miss the kiss I was busy taking shots of the attorney and other people and so I missed it but this is the attorney.

Well she did her part and said I guess the party is over and took off as soon as the ceremony was finished.. I thought this was so funny! And interesting too.. she was curious about what we were doing, not only just looking for food but curious.

Thats Rossy looking on as the finished up the ceremony I was walking around taking photos of everyone and every thing. It was a nice day, I enjoyed it as tired as I was I some how had forced some energy out of me.

The wedding was about over at this point and we were all just waiting for the kiss the attorney asked the all the questions and then they signed the papers. FAST AND QUICK Just like that done!

There they are again smiling now its about time for the kiss

Well I miss the kiss I was busy taking shots of the attorney and other people and so I missed it but this is the attorney.