Sunday, May 24, 2009

Isla Tortuga, and our Beverly hill billys boat

This is a lapa, They call them lapas, Red Macaw many today at my house, this one is tame Here is What I call the Beverly Hill billy boat we rode on for the wedding in Isla Tortuga
Coming up to the island, OUR Beverly Hill Billy boat took for ever it should have been called TORTUGA INSTEAD OF THE ISLAND ( Tortuga =Turtle )

Aproaching the Island

We left at 7 am more or less, wadeing out in the beach at Playa Herradura, catching a small ponga that took us to this boat. I was thinking oh not so bad but after arriving to the island four hours later.. I had a change of heart, especially when I saw all the other boats that pulled up. Not only did we have a long trip but we had to wait out in the water some distant away from the shore in order for yet another ponga to take us all the beach. Waited about half an hour for that.. But it was nice once we got onto the island
This palm tree was on the upper deck along with a one arm mermaid and this guy who was one of the crew members. He probably just made that hat today to for the trip over. The boat was filled with the wedding party and guests, although they did not offer us even a glass of water. Not very organized. I tried to sleep some, as I got in late with Rossy the night before, waking me up at 6.00 am with only two and half hours of sleep.. he was trying to be cool the deck hand!
There she is the one arm Mermaid poor least put a sling on her! now your begging to understand why I called it The Beverly Hill Billys
Now your about to see why It was the Beverly Hill Billys boat, this is what we should have arrived in! This manta Ray flew past us as we waited for our other ponga with guests on deck drinking laughing.. music going and they glided right up on the beach the ramp came down and they all exited with out getting wet!! ok Next time Im going on that one!! OH MY GOD you should have seen Rossy and my mouth when that flew by, and all the other yatchs!

There is rossy we were laughing and thinking where did we go wrong??
We got to the island I was starving, I only ate some spaggetti sauce the night before little tiny bit with some meat, no pasta.. and then danced in the morning only time for a peice of toast. Four hours on the boat I wanted to eat this parrot. I was not asking everyone if they sold drinks of crackers anything I didn't know If could wait for the food for the weddding. It was prepared but they had to warm it and get it all ready that could be an hour.. so we walked about, I saw this parrot on the perch and told rossy lets bbq this Im starving she laughed alot at me.. We looked in the souveiner shop but no food. The beach was pretty the sand was white I found big peices of coral. The sun was partial it was cloudy and sunny perfect for tanning and laying out

As you can see it was a nice place, its only open in the day, walking the island is prohibited, you can only use the beach and that is it. There was a small place that sold food but wasnt ready till about 1:00 so we just laid out I drank some wine and wow got really tipsy fast!

The wedding was at 2:00 we had to leave at three so we were only there a couple of hours, shame to go all that way? stupid really.. that Boat really was a turtle

The weddings here are done by a lawyer not a minister, although you can have one a lawyer has to assist, they had one in Spanish a female, and one person translated in English because obvioulsy the Groom was a Gringo, marrying a Tica Here is the lovely couple.

I wandered about taking photos, many of us were but I think I got some good ones, We had a surprise brides maid show up but as you can see they were serious faced in this photo during the ceremony. It was fast maybe about ten minutes max, and she was done and off drinking champagne!!

Now don't get me wrong, but I wasn't impressed with the flowers, I was a high end wedding designer, of course this is Costa Rica But For crying out loud Gerbers??? that wilt in five minutes? And we have some of the most incredible tropical botanical flowers in the world. WHY NOT ORCHIDS AND baby gingers..???

The grounds were basically picnic areas but very pretty, I enjoyed it there I would like to return on a different boat soon and really hang out and snorkle and play.

This little darling is the daughter of the bride, she has three children, previous mariages.
She was adorable I tried to get as many shots as I could be she was camera shy. This shot was during the ceremony and she was wrapped up with looking at the surprise bridesmaid

Well here she is the surprise brides maid. This wild pig came strutting down the aisle on the path with roses, and then entered under the table of the ceremony. They said this is a sign of good luck , everyone was laughing the thing was pretty tame too.. use to the Island visitors. Wow first time I seen one of these! and the little girl too!

This is the other brides maid the older daughter of the bride, she picked her up so she wouldnt go after the pig

Well she did her part and said I guess the party is over and took off as soon as the ceremony was finished.. I thought this was so funny! And interesting too.. she was curious about what we were doing, not only just looking for food but curious.

Thats Rossy looking on as the finished up the ceremony I was walking around taking photos of everyone and every thing. It was a nice day, I enjoyed it as tired as I was I some how had forced some energy out of me.

The wedding was about over at this point and we were all just waiting for the kiss the attorney asked the all the questions and then they signed the papers. FAST AND QUICK Just like that done!

There they are again smiling now its about time for the kiss

Well I miss the kiss I was busy taking shots of the attorney and other people and so I missed it but this is the attorney.

He helped put the arch way up and build it out old palm leaves and some leaves, from a tree, pretty simple this wedding.

Here is the little darling again having fun with the flowers. She was so dang cute! I was in love with her

Here is rossy watching here play as you can see all of us were watching her

Isnt she adorable!!!

They tossed the bouquet and the gal that finally caugth it is a tica, she had to toss it five times kept throwing it over the side where this guy was.

The next bride and groom!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Just a tip to let you know

I am going to the Tortuga Island tomorrow here in Costa Rica with my friends. Its a boat ride with food, drinks and fun on the Island, party, swim snorkle on white sand beaches. Tan is going to be very dark after tomorrow. I already am but wow after this I need photos! Plenty of pictures will follow. Today was filled with chores, I had gone to San Jose yesterday, and didn't get back till late. I went with my friends from Portland again to the Cima hospital for his eye problems. But today was filled absolutely.

I woke up very early the music was playing next door again, crazy girl, simply because the landlord was gone to his farm in the mountains.
So I didnt sleep much because Rossy and I were at Monkey bar last night till 2:30 dancing and watching a dance show with all BLACK BEAUTIFUL MEN!!! the bodies were incredible.. and could they ever move! it was so fun.
We had one capparina and that was it. I came home before she did.
Then after waking with the music, I made coffee, got on line and began working putting adds on for the condos of my clients that needs to be rented. I am trying to be a help to him and myself. I will be a personal consierge should they rent. So I spent plenty of time listing them on Craigslist. COSTA RICA. I will again and try to put photos this next time.
Eating a little breakfast of passion fruit and watermelon and one egg, I went down and painted the giant bamboo that I began two days ago second coat today looks sharp. I painted them a bone color glossy enamel. Wierd I thought at first but now they look sharp.. I like it I might paint a small brown line on the caps. where the growth of each layer is.
Then I potted more plants and changed out things, I cleaned up the kitchen it was a diaster with dirt god!! what was I thinking!! I planted all my seeds in the starters for the new garden I am going to construct. Every one here is in shock no one does this here..
just the whole day was filled with doing things around here. but tomorrow I got to the ISLA TORTUGA so please read about this adventure and enjoy the photos of the beautiful islands in the pacific ocean.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Well I think the discotec has stopped! It was so nice to wake up to quiet, with birds singing. I felt hot stuffy when I woke up this morning. Sun was shinning bright making it warm as you pull yourself up an out of bed. I stumbled about the apartment open the door first thing to looked outside.. to see the new day. GOOD MORNING WORLD I said. No noise so pretty out, with the colors of all the plants this morning being so vibrant to me. it just seem wonderfull to be alive.
I want to explain about the discotec if your not understanding. For the past month or two.. I should say. The girl that lives next door has come home all hours with people, and turns her stero up to the ultimate volume and blasts house music till all day or middle day one time till the next day. I was so frustrated. I can not call the police, as she will know Im the one only me and one other person lives down stairs and thats her very good Columbian girlfriend. THe owner lives below here but they say they can't hear it. which I doubt. They say the doors are closed the air is on they don't hear it. IMPOSSIBLE!!! its so loud the whole places shakes.. this week three times one at 6 am, one at 5 am and the last which was Sat, at 5:30 am till Sunday afternoon at 2:00. Yelling dancing on the balcony this time. This was the first time I lost my temper. I was sleeping on the sofa trying to rest good because the bedroom was too hot. I heard them come in loud and drunk. Probably stoned on Exstacy, I got up slammed my door hard knock something down in side that was how hard I slammed it.. then slammed the window shut as well . She was out there dancing on the balcony next to my window I was ready to put my fists in her face! this is the first time in ever I felt this.
I didn't though I beared with it horrible it was.. tried to eat got dressed and left for the beach. My friends met me it was Sunday our normal day at the beach. We talked and I explained again what I have been going through to my friend Orpha.
She said don't do or say anything Marianna, her friends are Columbiana, and she is or could be dangerous and could hurt you or do bad things to your place. Now more frustrated, I thought there has to be a way.. later In Orphas house Phili her daughter and were brain storing on what I could do to defer this music, maybe something sinister..!!! I walked home as soon as the rains came and thought all the way home. I hate to have to move, the place is so beautiful now and I have spent alot of time and my own money to repair things. Ok so what? Ok So try talking to the landlords

I go down Angelica and I were outside thats the owners name, Jimmy the husband Gringo.
We talked I explain not mad not with anger. I said Angelica I have been very kind and patient about this, There are lots of bad people out there and some are coming here and going in and out like its nothing. She is doing something to obtain the drugs, and drinking is very hard now. It is only going to escalate. ( of course were speaking in Spainish) I explained ,Yes I am older but young in my spirit there fore I have not said much to her about any of this except three times asked nicely at those early hours to turn the music down slightly so I could return to sleep.
She never does..then I said I have work so hard all my life to be a person who respects, and tries to treat others decent. I respect her and I don't get involved with things that goes on in front of my face. I want respect too this is not good, if it doesnt stop I have to find another place. I also pointed out you have two young impressionable Children and you are permitting this to go on about you. People coming going,, who knows whats going on in there.( kinda have an Idea) But the nationalites of the people Are dangerous and I will not get invloved with a war with any of this. Please talk to her, please tell her she has to stop.. come to find out she hadn't paid all the rent. So that was a plus in the action of her going and speaking to her about all this.

So well she did!!! and it has stopped for now its only been three days. But the girl was scared and begged that she didn't throw her out in these hard times. I told Angelica, listen if she has money to fiesta and do other things.. she has money to pay the rent.. no excuses!!
That day Angelica went to the local hardware store, bought some high bar stools, she called me in and aske me to do a project for her. Make cushions so I agreed, and I was happy because now we are buidling a bond. The next day I talk with Jimmy about the garden. I helped him trim all the bushes and palms and disucssed the idea of building a vegetable Garden near my side where the sun is full most of the day. Making it a raise bed. I went bought all the seeds and and now were talking alot. Then in the Morning Yesterday, they asked me to go along with them to Punteranas to help them find the fabric for the chairs. I was thrilled I wanted to get out of Jaco for a few hours. I got dressed put the makeup on and we took off about nine. It only took us Twenty minutes to go there when before it was an hour or more.. they made the new Freeway and wow was that fast!!! soon the new one to Jaco from San Jose will be done and I can not wait to see how that goes?? anyway we drove around tried to find fabric, that didn't work. Nothing in this little fishing town that sits on the edge of the mouth of the bay. Puntereanas could be a beatiful place if the government would invest money in it but its run down. Old buildings ghettos, old old stores. IT looks like its set back in the early 30s. IT was fun Jimmy took lots of pictures of old things saying soon you may not see this. We ate at this place on the beach front, and talked it was very nice. Then we walked around in the strickening heat. GOD WAS IT EVERY HOT!! I sweated maybe 3 kilos off! At the end of the day in Punteranas, we wizzed by the pier and stopped and bought from one of the Shrimp boats shrimp. Jumbos I got like 40 Jumbos for 7 thousand colones. Amounts to roughly 12 dollars right now. IT goes up and down daily. I plan on having shrimp tonight!!
Then we drove back stopping at two hardware stores, because I wanted to try to find a drop light for my dinning room table.( HERE NOT A COMMON THING BUT I THOUGH GIVE IT A SHOT) well I did see quite a few of them modern ones but not bigg enough or too expensive, or just plane ugly.

So coming home putting away my wares, talking on the computer for about two hours to my Son Brandon and to My friend Terri. Brandon and I are doing famously now! Things have all turned around with us. I am so happy to have my son back! I enjoy his stories and his questions on life.
I can not wait for him to come here in Aug!!! I have so many visitors coming. NOW IF Can get Jordan, Nancy, Julian here.. thats my youngest and his girlfriend, my grand son. THey just don't make any money period, its hard for them as its hard for everyone. I wish I could just send them the tickets....( thinking how????:( ) They want to come for Christmas but I am not going to be planning on them coming its a nice thought. I haven't spent Christmas with Family in Five years.
OH well on to the visitors, My Ex boyfriend is coming in July, Brandon in Aug, Maybe a good friend in Sept or Oct, and Clint my good friend and asssistant for so many years is planning on coming back in OCT. Wow ok this is a first!!! I got to get some good little jobs so I can entertain well and not be worried about paying things..
honestly I dont worry any more Worry only stops the good from coming. Im very positive in these days and it sure is paying off for me.
I feel great and I am looking so relaxed no stress.
You think How?
Ok I just put in my mind that everything is going to be fine, I put a smile on my face and think pleasant thoughts and change the way I use to think.
I try to believe that everyday is new! and something good is coming...!!
Good morning world!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Weekend in Paradise..

MAYBE?? I was woke up at five am Again the sounds of house Music from the neighbor who parties all night. She brought the party here this time. I am fine now at first I was angry it was five am.. but I made coffee washed the dishes, sat outside trying to relax and wake up, and now I am fine. Its just that I can not complain the landlord who actually lives below her. The reason is because half the time he is not here. He is a Gringo, married to a Tica. They are the type that wont do anything because she pays her rent on time. She and I are both very clean and have made our places look spectacular.. he has fear she will argue and leave. Calling the police with her living right next door is not an option. It will only increase the party and make her angry making my stay here more miserable than listening to some pounding house music several days a month. Its a situation alright. I love my peace I never bother anyone, but this is too much. If I try to talk with her, which we talk every day very much she will agree and keep doing what she does. I tried somewhat already. So how do I reslove this? one person said while shes sleeping do the same thing... but I am not going to do that. Thats showing her I am at the same level. So I think I will ask if we can talk alone tomorrow and see how to get her to understand how it effects me. Even if she lowered it a couple of notches it would be fine... anyway enough of complaining here.

The skys lately are cloudy, lots of thunder but little rain. Its hot in the day, at nights it has gotten cooler making more pleasant to sit here with out air condition.
Yesterday I went with my friends from Portland again. They met me on here the blog. The blog brought them to me.. and now they have built a house in Parrita, which they want to sell because they want to move to another area. The house is super nice two story and has three bedrooms sits in a palm orchard so its really quiet!!! to bad I don't have a car!!! I would move there!
They are asking me to help rent it or market it for them so we discussed it on the way to San Jose. The husband has an eye problem, we went to Cima the best hospital in the country. They are taking this very fast.. already in two days he has had all the tests and will be operated on I am sure the next week. I had to drive as they put drops and medicine in him for the exams.
She drives but can not see well at night.
We miss the turn off when he was driving and hitting the brakes very hard and blew the right front brake line. We didnt know untill I dropped him off so she and I could go look around for hours.. the brakes were flush to the floor. I went to a gas station and had them put in brake fulid to find out the guy in the station said it was leaking out. OK???? now what? the mountain drive is dangerous as it is with brakes, curvy dark at night steep and very difficult to drive. We drove around like that I handled it fine while were in the city with city traffic that is insane.. I was super carefull but felt like I am not sure about driving this over that Jungle.
After we ate we talked, I took him back for more tests, then had coffee and talk with his wife. When he was done I told him I wanted to see if someone could at least stop the line up so we could get to a place today to get it fixed. It was late and in San jose Two hours and half away from there home and mine.
So I found I small mechanic that did brakes only. He showed me it was bad the whole line was broke in half. I suggested cutting it stopping it off at least so I could make it home. He did just that.. we got on the road it was raining a little but the drive was fine I compensated for the lack of one brake but it was fine much better than dealing with no brakes that were absolute mush..
We got home it was so hot in my place I quickly opened all the doors,one window and put the fan on. I ripped off all my clothes put my surrong on and lit candles and sat outside for a while on the computer.I could hear all the different frogs so pretty at night, lots of bugs too many different sounds, Quiet for a long time then you could hear in the distant the discos playing there music but in a far distant. I talked with an old friend Terri.. and laughed and chatted then laid on the sofa and that was all I remember. Then waking at five am to the HOUSE DISCO and people standing at the door waiting to get in.

Well today is Friday, I go the market on the street. I also am going to have something framed. I hope to buy flowers today for the house too... being that I was a high end event designer most of my life, interior and exterior designer.. I love beautiful things, flowers supported my children and my self. Flowers were my life for many of those years. I want always to have them but no one sells them here. Scarce and really I don't know why Columbia is the best resource in the world and its close.. Costa Rica has the most beautiful tropicals but you cant buy them..
Off on my adventures for the Weekend! PURA VIDA

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Today was a beautiful day, It started out pretty early I woke up at 4:45 and the sun was up! but that did not persude me to keep my eyes open. I laid back down and snoozed till 7:00 then made my coffee and got on line to see what new mail was there. To my surprise a few from old friends and one from a maybe new one?

Then I talk with the landlord about the pile of junk that has been laying out there as long as I have been there and how it is a bother to the quiet view in the morning. I agreed to help pay for it to be hauled off. Then he jumped up and said he would get it done. For me to find a truck.. Later I took a walk about 10 ish and walked into the hardware store where all the trucks park that want work. I talk to one guy waiting he had a small truck I told him to ask for Jimmy and he came while I was walking on the beach.

I began to walk but first to see some huge 6 inch round bamboo I spotted 8 months ago in an empty lot was cut and all very nice lenghts. I asked several times about them, so today I gathered them up and went on my walk.
At the end of the beach I saw small pongas, I asked they very thin fraile fisherman if they would sell me one. Yes for the price of less than two dollars. So I got me a fish and walked back. No one was on the beach it was almost completely empty except for one or two ticos walking.

Walking back I stopped at the bamboo spot, called a taxi and had them pick me up. IT just so happened it was a friend. He helped me put it in the back and drove to the house. I plan on sanding it and staining it. Using as a sculture in the house.
Then when I returned all the junk that has been there was hauled off! I was so happy. I ate some yogurt checked mail and then left for the nursery. I want to try to build a rasied bed here. I honestly have never seen anyone with a vegetable garden in Jaco. I thought well maybe I should ask what grows best, Although its filled with tropical plants, flowers and trees.
I found out some good news not much but a few good things will do well. Friday is the day.

This is the inside of the pod called guava pod, the seeds you suck on are furry and most. They are sweet and almost have a cinnamon flavor.
This is A fruit that is orange inside its called Zapote, It has a huge pit that is black similar to the shape of Avocado. The flavor to me is like pumkin pie. VERY GOOD use it in a blender with sweetend condensed milk and ice WOW WHAT A DELICOUS SHAKE OR SMOOTHIE

The yellow part is the fruit, crack open the green cover and suck on them

The same guava pod and memonies and Passion fruit

Here is the after of the fish I bought at the beach today WONDERFULL! I filet the fish.

Here she was before I cooked her

So after the vivero, the nursery I had gone to my friends salon. I haven't seen here since she came over the other night to bring me popcorn. We talk every day. We chatted and discussed a plan for the weekend. Our day at the beach hopefully if it doesn't rain.

ITs been raining some and cloudy and thunderous.. but hot always hot here.

SO BEAUTIFUL I am so lucky. I was so happy today with the fish, fruit the fun... and oh yeah the garbage is gone!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Wondering what I been doing?

I been doing a little of this and little that lately. Painting, rescuing Plants and repotting them. Went one day to San jose with my friends from Portland Oregon. We spent the day shopping and hanging out. Very nice to be in the company of them once again. We bought things to fix our houses up. Me not that much.. only a ceiling fan, small clock for the wall and a carpet for in front of the sink. Its not easy to find cool things here, but I do know where to find items. Simple things as I stated before on here is generally the most difficult. It is not a country of big design or beautiful items the country it self is the beauty here so being creative is the key to making someones place beautiful.
I always find ways but its not easy here at all.
I have not gone out, or into town in the past week at all. I walked a little but have been home doing things here. The laundry was an effort since I haven't washed in a couple of weeks. I just don't have enough to make it worth it so today was a big laundry day starting at seven am. Fun to hang it on the lines and smell it when you remove it to take it all in.
I don't know I find pleasure in the most simple things any more.
I had visitors last night Orhpa and Rossy came by. Rossy has never seen my place and was in love with it. My friends are becoming closer to me.. its very nice to have people who care. Things are changing in my life here.. and now I have more contact with family. Alot has changed in the past couple of months. THANK GOD!!! I actually was contacted by an old old friend who she and I have been soul mates as friends for years. I was lost to her she had no idea where I was untill one day her daughter Shannon, googled me and found me on face book. Now I am in contact with here about everyday in the past few days. Its so nice to be chatting with my buddy again.
She wants badly to come and visit, but I am sure finances are the problem. I told her its very cheap now to travel to Costa Rica, that I have a great place near the beach that she would be perfectly welcomed to stay here for how ever long she could. Maybe that will happen too? I don't know but I do know that things are changing for me.
Its been a week of just doing domestic things, and I plan to continue fixing and just hanging out being creative here for the next week or so.
We have had some rain really nice actually cooling down the days, now you can hear at night the numerous sounds of various types of frogs croaking in the small river that runs next to my place. Its a mis of thumping, drumming, cricket sounds and many strange sounds. from clicking to almost bird like sounds. But its all frogs or toads. I am acustom to the sounds since I have been here for a while but for a stranger I am sure its wild to hear. It almost like hearing some sort of music.
The other night I notice the fire flys, there so pretty at night. Lightly glowing off and on. Here they are very small black and fly slow.. The float from the ground and make patterns. I enjoy listening and watching morning and night.
Today I had two palmomas wild ones, these are wild pigeons. They are hues of rose with irredescent blues on the wings. Large too not small like domestic ones. Shy not agressive.. very pretty to watch.
Other than this not much doing.. I went to Friday market got passion fruits that are egg shaped and have a seed texture inside. The flavor is undescribleable but I am in love with it! so it must be passion....
I bought those guava seed pods again, Avocados that are huge so good, strawberries, grapes, green beans small and fresh. I had to have fresh squeezed sugar cane juice. Wow is that ever delicious.. kinda like Ice tea with sugar, green in color and full of anti oxidents. Then the pineapples white and yellow that are super sweet at this time. Sugar like no acid.
My fridge is filled with fresh goodies this weekend, that is pretty much my highlights..
Not a whole lot of people this week here, tourisum is down. WE need people to come and visit and enjoy the beauty of this place. So think about it want a nice place to warm to visit where food is good and the airplane ride is cheap now? Come to Costa Rica!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Woke up to a fresh rain

Waking up a fresh Rain is always inviting when the weather has been as it has lately. Hot ,sticky, down trodden, so this should wake all the plants back up clean up all the dust that has crusted everything and cool down the atmostphere. It feels so nice, sitting out on the balcony smelling the fresh coffee and sipping. The coffee here is the best, the life too along with it.

Those guys called yesterday don't know what they said because the phone they were using was cutting out. That happens all the time here half the time phone system hardly works. I didn't bother to call back, one of my guy friends that I told the story too was disgusted said something really good. Said the Tourists that come here are very inconciderate of most people. USA tourists are the most embarrassing, really loud obnocious, and rude. Which that was rude... but today is a new day and new things has arrive the rain is a great sign of freshening.
I feel refreshed, but the only thing is today is my beach day with Orpha, guess that is not happening. Its cooler than I have remembered it being here in May. Normally not much rain, but this is nice.
Lots of Parrots and hummingbirds singing and fighting about who is getting the nectar first. They pretty big here not small like in the USA, I saw some in Spain those too were tiny. ,The climate here produces big things.. thats an understatement!
I had one of my friends from Nicauagua Call last night she lives right up the street, she is 21 years old and very cute. Sweet.. loves to just chat with me.. funny I have Women of every age as friends, from 18 to 50. The younger ones like to be around me, reason they say is that I am funny and beautiful. So nice to have sweet friends like them. I am lucky, I do have a nice assortment of beautiful friends. A few male friends here too but most of them are always after one thing. Regardless of age, this is the nature of most men. I am not afraid to say it, I have experience this my whole life.. here is more out in the open, sex is not a bad thing nor is it something that is sequestered here. I can say this, when I lived in USA not very often was asked out, in fact hardly ever.. never even looked at Ignored mostly, but here!!!!! wow!!!
The best thing I can say is its very nice to be complimented, and asked constantly, but I do get tired of some of the locals constantly asking me for my company. I just smile never am I rude and I politely slip away or go on to another subject. Its constant.. I am not complaining, I am just stating its a different world here, you can not compare it North American standards. I am use to it now at first when I came here was shocked and thought ok they are targeting me.. but its not that at all. Its when they see someone who is attractive they tell you. Its not harrassment its compliment. So I am lucky in that aspect.
Was reading yesterday about Sicily I want so badly to visit my heritage, I have a couple of goals here in the next year. One is Maybe to go to Columbia for a visit, and to see Sicily if I can. My friends from Spain keep writing me to come and visit them too. In fact a friend from Italy is coming this next week. He may be staying with me. He lived in Spain and I became friends with him and his good friends. Really funny guys. They wrote me last week to tell me they were coming. I told them they would be smart to have me take them around. I will see what happens,I am not making any solid plans till I hear from him. It will be the first time In Costa Rica so I am sure hes going to want to see all the famous places.

Well... its nice today I am happy to be alive and living in Costa Rica, Today is a new day and new things are about to happen.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Nothing much more going on

Some sort of Holiday again, there are lots of people in town this weekend. It began yesterday, I got up normal time slept on the sofa again because its so hot, got dressed in my surrong and bikini to walk to beach and then to the La ferria. Friday is our fruit and vegetable market at the end of town. Not to many people there but the streets were begining to fill up with cars and people walking by the time I walked all the way back. Its quite a distances from my apartment. I would estimate about three miles maybe? Maybe less, but its hot and when you walk you feel like your treading down. I did it but boy it was hot. I was absolutely Soaked by the time I reached the house.
Then later I had sorta a date if you wanna call it that? I met this guy from New York, but right now I am not thinking to highly of him or his friends. He met me on Thursday evening, asked me for lunch I went to his condo as he asked.. he wasn't there called after I paid the taxi to go there, walked about mile and half back to this taco bar and had humus. Said he would find me took him a hour after that I had paid already then he said lets go in the pool at my place I agreed to walk back but I wasn't wanting to go in the pool. We talked He asked what I was doing today? I was there about an hour chatting and drank a beer with him. I told him nothing. He has five friends in the condo, I said why don't we invite some people, you pay for the food I cook and we all have a nice afternoon. It's some sort of holiday here so everyone is out and about and on the beach. The condo is right on the beach front so you can see all the people and swim in the pool. He agreed it would be really fun so we made a plan. Ok So I saw all the them last night we talked about it, I invited maybe ten of my girlfriends. I left my number so they would let me know but we agreed I would come there about 11:30 or 12:00. I did exactly that got up early made breakfast drank my coffee interneted, researched on some reciepes.. and wrote a list for the store. I took the taxi again to the condo, NO ONE THERE.. and to this moment has not called. Its 2:00 the party was to be at 2:30 Needless to say, I was disapointed, and discouraged, and a little mad. So I walked back on the beach, its near the la ferria so it about three miles back. All dressed up with no where to go.. Feeling super down,
I hate that when people committ and then flake, I am a woman of my word.. when I say I am doing it I AM DOING IT.. and I was so disapointed. I was looking forward to cooking for a group and enjoying food together talking and being social.
NOT only this but what are my friends going to say to me? FREAKING MEN!!
So walking back sweating like a pig.. all pretty, hair washed ,makeup on wedge heels, and cute dress.. Paid my water bill rested in the mas x menos grocery store so I could cool off. Ended up buying corn chips cheese, conditioner and water. To make some stupid NACHOS! instead of a great meal with friends.
Now I walked home, ate this wierd fruit pod thing called guava but it sure doesn't look like guava.. and sat here and thought about life itself.
I generally have respect for others, And If I have a problem with something I committed to I tell them I can't do it or call or something. Although he doesn't know me well and I don't know them.. Even though he told me they were fire fighters from NEW YORK and were invoved with 911.. You would think they would be decent( NOT) I still think you should at least tell someone you cancelled plans.
Can you tell Im mad?
Now My day is just sitting around looking at my plants, doing absolutely nothing. BELIEVE ME if i see them tonight out honestly I dont know what I will do? I want to just ignore them and tell them to you know what? but on the other hand I want to say why would you do that?

The security gaurd at the condos said they left very early around 9:00. Strange I left the note on the door but no word. SO WRITE THAT OFF, there loss I am a very good chef, and they missed out on the opportunity to enjoy time with me, my friends and my food.
I thought as I walked that is the very last time I will never offer anything to anyone again. NEVER.. and I am the type of person who enjoys giving. That ruined it for me some how?

Ok on to other things:
I have made few inquirys for jobs this week but nothing yet. I tried to talk to the hotel gal three times no repsonse. So I keep hoping that something good is coming I say it daily and believe in my heart I am going to be just fine.
We have had some different weather here, cloudy and cooler in the afternoon then about 5:00 its hot as hell. during the day hot. Little bits of rain not much.. other than that NOTHING MUCH MORE GOING ON