Sunday, February 01, 2009


I have this friend his name is Jon Dickie.. he is my support and true friend.. he always sends me the best music and for me that is inspiration for living. I use to write a column with this name.. Inspiration for life and living...and now my life is to inspire others by living by my dance my writing and my spirit! I thank Jon on my day for being in my life.. and for always supporting my adventures and my style.
Kascade is the best music along with Chamboa a group I found while I was in Spain.. when I hear that music Chamboa I think about my time in Spain.. it was little rough but wow what an experience. Our lives are all about how we affect other people. WHAT I WANT THIS YEAR is to be an effect on many, to help and to allow others to feel the things I feel with intense passion. MUSIC IS A PART OF THAT.. ( My space Marianna in Costa Rica / Spain/ Costa Rica) to listen

Today I have no plans I asked a few of my friends to go to dinner.. but they have other agendas.. so I go to the beach think and come up with a plan for my month.
I am not working at the moment, but I am fine I will will survive some how some way. Enjoying my mornings here, the feel of the air, the birds the food.. the warm sunshine. Allowing me to stay young at heart! and refresh my mind and spirit!

I hope that this year brings new adventures, and great opportunities to live.
I know it will it already has changed for me. I feel positive about life.

Two days ago I went to San jose alone, I shopped for eight hours, finding beautiful clothes from Peru, and Costa Rica. I bought clothes for today beach clothes and night clothes.. so Today I celebrate.. maybe alone maybe with others.. it doesn't matter I will enjoy .
THIS IS THE DAY my mother was blessed with a child who kept he in smiles, who always tried to help her in whatever she needed.. My mother told me almost every week that I was the child that god gave her as a present, who was a miracle, a creative soul who made her feel alive. She told me that I was a gift.. so I guess now in my years it is more than time to give to other people and make them realize that life is more than just living, its BEING ALIVE!! and making others smile.
So the goal today is to make others smile and with that I SMILE... Music, dance.. food fun.. RISE UP take your place in the world.. know who you are.
I do know who I am.. A special person, a different person, one who has much to offer, and one who receives many blessings from those to love me.

Off to a new week of Adventures here in Costa Rica.. I never give up I keep trying new and different things constantly, some fail some work the key to being alive is to believe that you can do it.. and as I have said so many times on this diary is I BELEIVE!! BELEIVE YOU CAN DO WHAT EVER IT IS YOU WANT TO DO, FEEL IT BELEIVE IT AND IT WILL HAPPEN> Marianna

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