Thursday, February 19, 2009

Adventure of the week

Jim and Chuck

Chuck speaking to the children, he works for Nasau

The class the The Group From left to right: David,Jim, Chuck, Ron, Rob, The teacher, Mark.

Me handing out gifts to the first group

The Group: Chuck Rob, David, Jim, Ron, Mark.. I took photos

How things happen to me is most times amazing, and really incredible how I am put lately in the right places at the right time.
Previously in my life I was involved with various chairties, United way, American Heart Association, and various churches for helping children, and here some two years back helping a little with the battered women, and in my own way doing what I can for young ones.. This is not something that is a passion as to say, for example those people who put all the hearts and souls into it. But it is something I have felt good about doing, and have helped through out my life whatever I could do for many poorer people than me. Giving is really a great thing, the feeling you get, the satisfaction of knowing that it is appreciated is in itself the best gift of all you could recieve. I have not had opportunity in the past couple of years to do much since I was so down and out myself. But I have even though I had given food, and some coins to a few of the street people we have here. I remember one time I took my son with me to Los Angeles California, to the grandious Flower Market where I would purchase truck loads of flowers for my shope in California. He was pretty young but I wanted him to come along and see how the life of his mothers business was. I usually brough clothes or something like can food to one ol bum that was there. He had spent so many years on the streets that he was literally green in color. The first time I saw him my heart broke, Really no one knows what really happens to people and how they can become so low that they have no strenght or power to pick them selfs up and realize who they were and who they can be, so they use drugs to forget. The beg for coins for alcohol to feel good, and warm there bodies. Then who ever cared for them before forget who they are and they become lost in a society that is dredges of life.
I cried when I saw this man, I know inside at one time he was something, Maybe had a huge company or was famouse.. but I knew he was hungry for love and support. Every time I went just about I would bring him clothes , try to talk to him about who he was.

Well my son saw that and I don't know what his impression was, he never really shared with me. But it was something deep in my heart that made me have compassion for those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

I do rememeber my sons face, almost disgust, and the smell of him filling his nose his face contorted by the sight of this poor man. After that I knew that there was something very different about me in this respect. I have compassion for others always. Even if they don't care about me or have any clue what my life is about I want to give.


Some how like I said I am put in the right place at the right time......
I was walking to the bank, to find out how much of a balance was there, because the only client I had, said he deposited but when I tried to look on line it did not show. So I took a long morning walk. From here about two miles. When I got out of the bank a group of men, Gringos, North Americans, where standing outfront asking questions about some tours to a little stand on the corner. Another guy came selling articles of art but only spoke Spanish, one looked at me as I was walking and said do you speak English I said yes. Then he asked me to help them a little with translation. So I did, we began to talk after, and they invited me to have something to drink and talk.
I walked home and returned to the hotel on the beach where they were staying. We all talked about what they did and what I was doing here. Its really good to be connected to Tourists, because you just never know what they are here for? Buying property, selling property of theres, or just vacations. I explained what my career was in the past and what I have done for many people here in the last couple of years. Not just career wise but tours, and renting places for people and finding property just about anything they would want to do while visiting the country. We ate some lunch and then they invited me to go on the quad tour with them on Monday. They had made plans to go fishing three days. So on Monday I showed up as they asked and we had a nice dinner, but the tour for the quads was Tuesday I miss understood. So during dinner, all told what they were doing for a living. One was a specialist at Nasau, one was an owner of a large grocery store. One was a general contractor of a large plastering company, one was a general contractor for Medical clinics, hospital and large condos. Two were Computer technicians. All were directly connected by one man, the owner of the company that built medical clinics.
They are a group that travels to Costa Rica year after year and enjoys the beauty of the country and now have a different motive.
Last year on the tours of the quads they saw shaks, and very poor people. Its up where I would go to visit Christians Family and the freinds I have in the mountians with a very rugged road. The Terrain is rough and the quads are perfect to ride up steep hills, and nothing but dusty dusty paths this time of year. Well this year, they decided to pack suitcases with toys, dolls and used clothing for the children in the small villages. Most are barefoot and dirty, and don't have much to speak of when it comes to toys. I know this life I have seen it. They told me they needed someone translate and they would pay me to help. But I said no I would help not to worry.. They rented 7 quads and two guides to take us on this wild ride to help some of the children of the mountains. We rode for hours on dusty paths, I had a problem from the begining. I told the guide at the office that the steering was hard really hard and when I started it he ran strange. I could hear it. He said no you just don't know these quads I said ok but I don't know.
I was right about one hour into the ride, before we came to the first school, We were in a huge line following one another with dust and dirt flying I was third in. The gas kept sticking and would not let up at first I couldn't tell it was this, I didn't know why I was spinning out and curvt roads and tail spinning up mountians. I controlled it the best I could but it wasn 't easy.. I kept yelling because I would gun it and try to get it kick down, it would do it for a moment then begin again. I couldn't get any bodys attention to tell them I was a little frightened not much but I knew what was happening and I knew the road I was thinking I need to pass everyone and stop the guide and have them check it . Before something bad happened. The roads are pretty small some of the drop offs are super deep.Some parts of the road have crevieces that are huge. Big dips and well ITS FUN but also if your not familiar with things can be really dangerous. We got on a straight away The river was flooding across the road I gunned it and flew threw the river spraying mud on the rest in front of me.. then killed in front of the guide. He said WOW WHAT?? in spanish ...

I explained he checked it the others were unaware of what was happending and I knew we were going to the next little school in the pueblo but it was up a big hill and then levels out. I didn't think I wanted to chance it. SO when he checked of course it didn't do a thing, I said keep putting the gas on and watch. One more time, then it did it over and over and when he pulled on the cable it excellerated to max, so he said well I don't have tools we just need to trade with someone whos not afraid. OH OK???
So they switched me , but the guy driving it didn't realize is was bad as it was.. he has some trouble lets just say that.

So on to the real deal:
We stopped to have a drink of cold water at a tiny little store in a small village, I saw children so I called them to come about five or so came and I gave out toys and shoes and dolls, the faces were so endearing so shocked and almost scared. Not knowing who this gringos were, and who was this lady? with that dirt all over her and a helmet on? I talk to them and they graciously took the toys.
Next stop:

It was the first school, They had envelopes with childrens names and addresses and their Idea was to get other students of same age to do an exchange in letters. Most of the children there do not speak any english and have no shoes very little books. So I talk to the professor, the teacher and asked for the best students with the best writing skills to participate in this. We found four, we gave out some toys and money for the stamps and took photos of the whole class and the four with the letters. They were so happy to be participating in something across the world. To think they would become friends with someone the same age in USA. Pretty cool.. and I was doing all the negotiating and speaking for the group. It was such a blessing. But that is not all.
We rode another thirty minutes through some pretty rough terrain, I saw a small shak which was made of old wood the front was half open and had a metal roof on the right, the left a very small one room school. I said Stop I was in the front. We all stopped and got off and asked for the Teacher. He came to see what I needed. I told him we had gifts and clothes. He welcomed me. The Children all gathered around eager to see what these gringos had.
Dusty and dirty we all got the toys and clothes and I handed one my one in a box all the clothing and shoes to the teacher. When were done he said to me. I have a question? I said sure.. he said do you know where I can get help for finding an old computer or maybe you know someone who would give up one for us? we have very few books and not much to work with. He said they had been praying for someone to who would come and maybe give him an idea of what to do. You see if your a government school and have a computer even in those parts ICE will provide free internet for them to have access to information. But they do not give the schools any moneys or supplies.
I turned and explained to the groups what he was asking. IMMEDIATELY the man that owns the Contracting company for hospitals spoke out and said I have two in USA I can send. I told the teacher ok in a few months you will recieve a computer and I can help you put it in and work with you some when they leave. I took his phone number and I gave mine for him to contact me when the computers are here.

As we traveled farther and stopped once again, we all had a beer they talked and decided that when we arrived back in Jaco they would purchase a new one with speakers, and printer, copier scanner for this school. I was shocked, really I cried at the school when the contractored said he was willing to send him one with out hestitation. After one guy saw me tear up he began and soon all of us were in tears over the fact of the generoustity and the fact that we were now helping someone who really truely needed the help

We went some 45 minutes more over very rough roads, then we stopped on the pinacle of a mountain top where you could see from both sides clearing a huge portion of Costa Rica. WOW was that every breath taking. There on the top of this moutain was a small soda, very rustically made with crude materials and only a fire of gas for cooking what delicious food they served us. A typical plate of rice beans, fried plantains, and pork or chicken. With fresh sliced tomatos. WOW we all ate and relaxed the group took numerous photos of them on the mountain top and then we traveled back to Jaco but first stopping at a wonderfull waterfall for a moment to refresh. Then off to Jaco we went. Flying through the dirt roads at full speed. We all got cleaned up and took horses then to the top of the mountain above Jaco and rode for a sunset tour. I was exhausted the guys were worse. When we arrived at the top the sunset was perfect! We all drank beers with others that were on the tour aside from us. And then re counted the day over a glorious dinner together. How lucky I am to be able to meet such incredible people. To encounter experiences here that are so different from my world in USA. I am really blessed in many ways.

Maybe as I said before I DONT HAVE MUCH MATERIAL GAIN ANY MORE, and I survive with so little but I have more than material wealth To know and be able to help people in the way that I have been able to.. Just like the tour with the canadians. I showed them something they would never have experienced. With this, in the end NOT MY WORDS BUT THEIRS WERE we were so happy to have met you and with out you, it would not have been the same. So I feel lucky that I was able to help and be there for not just them but for the children who needed it.

I am truly gratefull to have met this wonderfull group of guys whos hearts are bigger than that mountain and whos sentiments are tender. THANK YOU<> ROB> DAVID( who by the way is hillarious)>RON> CHUCK<> they all live in Florida. Now next year we have a plan when they return. They are going to try to collect more to bring back so We can share with many of the children of the Mountain.

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