Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This is probably what smelled so bad, Cabbage and potatos, the green your looking at is small bananas, the island is filled with plantations of bananas cocos, and plantains. The small red of course is tomatoes. There are no chemicals used on the islands.

Fishing harbor, the small pongas, and old boats is all you see there. Nothing is modern and nothing is new. This loading dock is where almost everything comes in, and goes out. This was where I took a small ponga to the next island...

See all the eggs, its normal in latin countries to have no refrigeration of eggs, I have eaten eggs this way now for some years never a problem. Look how they sell the product, butter right on the counter not refrigerated.

Balls of string, colorful, Reminding me of a Christmas decoration. Can you see all the products in the background, people bargining for the items they need. I was enjoying seeing the interaction and bartering. I AM A VERY GOOD BARTERER... I love doing that. So I really took attention on how they manage to bring prices down to get their bargins!

I don't know if you can see but the floors are dirt, the place is stacked to the cieling with products. Most of the small Pulperias are similar. Some do not allow you to enter, only a window and you tell the people what you want and they give it to you. Like a counter window with everything behind. Maybe its because poverty is so high that people steal, so its preventitive. I like all the things hanging in the ceiling.

This is how all the markets are on the island, they are rustic, dirt floors, walls of thin wood, and slashed tin roofs. Light shinning through the only source of light used. The food is not refrigerated, some of it rotting the smell does hit you in your face, Although I became adjusted to it in minutes. The whole store was filled with people buying there early morning fruits, vegetables, and various product needed for living. I realized it was very third world when I saw how they sold meat. At first I didn't know what I was looking at.

I saw a small structure on the roadside, the road is only one car wide. People are walking on the side's and in the road. The structures are located right at the side of the road. It had roof, it was all open, something like a patio cover, with dirt floor. One side had a small window for those who purchase to wait while they cut the portion of meat that you desire. The meat was hanging from big hooks, I didn't take a photo because I almost had a weak stomach looking at it. Filled with flies, the huge chunks of flesh hanging roughly butchered in the hot sun of the day. The guys cutting and selling were barefooted and half clothed. I actually saw one of my taxi drivers selling one day. I stopped and talked but couldn't look at the meat. I know this goes on in other countries but I have never experienced it in real life close up. I was shocked and figured I WASN'T ABOUT TO EAT ANY MEAT ON THE ISLAND AT ALL!!!! it wasn't nessesary anyway. It was shocking to say the least to me. The taxi driver found it funny that I couldn't believe he was a taxi driver/ butcher!
The Yucca root, which is delicious, it is boiled and then fried. It has a great texture. Infact its better for you than a potato, has more fiber, and the taste is really good. I am addicted to it.

Cows by the roadside, near the beach. This is the black river that ends at Marthas. It went through the whole island. The road is just where I am standing to take the photo. The river and the sea meets again there to the left. Poor Cows! soon to be in the shack on the roadside.

This is the windward side, I found a huge beach called long bay. As you can see has waves. the water is clear clear clear. The beach is fairly clean more garbage is on this side. The waste from ships and garbage fleets is really evident there. It is such ashame that the world feels its ok to dump anything and everything in the sea. Time for people to wake up, I saw it and I know it stills goes on. Makes one sad really. But I saw things marked USA

This also is the Windward side but with no rocks, it is very undeveloped, hardly any homes or structures. Really pure, but I noticed again in the bay more garbage. The peacefull sound of the waves makes you over look the waist to the north of this beach. Beyond the bay was clean. I stopped here had a bocadillo, a beer and relaxed thought about things.
This is just a house I like near the banana plantation. It seemed better than most structures,actually had windows and was modern. But for the most part the rest were simplistic.

More tomorrow!

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