Monday, December 08, 2008

Weekend fun

Saturday I dawned my Panama hat and black shorts started out at the soda Garribito. This is a soda near my old Apartment, where I lived with the Italian Landlord. Garribito is the district and many business carry that name. This soda is an old establishment in Jaco, it has sort of a buffet if you will, where you go and point or tell them what item you want and they put it on the plate for you. Then at the cash register, you are charged per item. Its fairly cheap and pretty darn good.

I was thinking about Clint while I was in the line, and ordered something he absolultely adored when he was living here. They have a juicy pulled pork in the morning so I had a dab of that along with an egg, two tomatoe slices, with olive oil, toast,& tamarindo drink. The whole thing amounted to $2.00. Keeping it cheap ... I walked from there into town to look for somethings for my grandaughter Kelsey and Grandson Julian for Christmas. I found some nice small gifts that I will send to them soon as I have enough to buy and send. Then I walked to Orfas to see how she was doing after her little Surgery. Later going to the beach for an hour, then coming back and talking with Margret, and Rossie. In the evening I visited a couple of friends, drank some wine. On Sunday I got up fairly early to the See the beach, it was beautiful early in the morning. I came back changed my clothes and ate a little mango, avocado, and one egg, my usual four cups of coffee! then headed out for the day. Orfa and I had agreed to beach it yesterday. She and her daughter and I. Then two other girls came which I had no idea know who they were? We all laid out until Sergeo came, talked in his loud Argentinean voice and kicked sand all over with his friend Marianno. They disturbed our luxurious day in the sun basking like lizzards!

I got up and announced to Orfa I was leaving, it just wasn't peacefull and relaxing with those two horsing around.

HORSING??? Yes Lots of horses!!! After I went to Rossies to see how Margret was and to tell here the topai was today through town.She was excited to see it. As soon as we talked a little it began. It is an anual party of the dancing horses, they ride from all over the country to one point. Have a huge reunion in the end and celebrate with a party of food drink and dancing.

Its not complitcated, its a simple event, but I just love it. Its so amazing to watch the horses dance to the beat of the music, regarless of the music. Its done with taps by the rider. They tap with a whip gently on the neck. Really the person observing does not really see the movement, the attention is on the horse. How I know is that one day going to Puriscal, for my foot when it was all broken up. I saw a man in the middle of the street, in main street down town. Practicing with this incredibly stately horse. I asked the woman who drove me to stop so I could ask and obseve. So this is how I know they teach them with the same music over and over, soon they memorize the steps. some cross over some hop some spin, its beautiful really.

Lots of little children where there in the fiesta, dancing like crazy to the wild hot latin driving music, played buy 7 piece band. Loud strong beats of the congo drums and other various drums. The horns, and guitars and all the rythm instruments. It was a nice way to end a Sunday I thought?

After I walked home in the rain, wearing my friends Cowboy hat, I got a call from Diego, he said he really needed to talk with me now.

I was soaking wet drenched, I changed and waited for him to arrive. He came about 9:30 we talked about his life basically. Very depressed that he is over 30, and alone. I told him look I know its hard if anyone would know its me. I know what is like to be with out a partner, to be completely alone. We talked for a long time, I tried to encourage him to think about what he wants and start to focus on what you want in life. Then work towards that, if you want hat woman in your life, start by belieiving that she is out there for you. Then perceive what she would look like, Or have an idea of what you like. Then rest in that, don't obsess. Believe it will come to you, no matter what it is. It comes, all you have to do it that. I think I got him in a better mood. He is like a son to me, he respects me as if I was his mother. He has cried, and hugged, laughed and joked with me and most times is so happy when I am around him. I give him strenght. He stayed in the guest room last night and rested good. He lives with a large family, not his a family he knows. I am sure there is much confusion, conflict and disorder in the house. He felt so calm here. He told me how peacefull it was in my house and that he felt so good.

So I conforted him and let him rest quite on the sofa till I went to bed. This morning I got up about 8:00 he was already gone to the restuarant. So I made cofee, ate a little was going to wash but I see clouds, rain may be coming again. Down to Ice I go to see if I got my cell phone line, I put an application in when I arrived back some months ago. They gave me a Decemeber date to ask about my line. So I hope I get a cell soon.

Other than this, I need to talk with the owner of the resort about payment, and see what else needs to be done.

Today is a nice day, cool and refeshing, not at all like Christmas.

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