Monday, December 01, 2008

Over the Weekend great news!

I sit at my counter in my apartment looking at the internet and enjoying a great cup of strong Coffee drunken Latin Style with sugar and cream.

Finally the sun came out today. All weekend long from Thursday on we had down pours of non stop rains. Cooling down everything. Honestly I don't think I recall the weather here ever being this cool. I had washed my clothes to hang on the line and wouldn't you know I left to go to town walking, half way the the rain began. The clothes have been hanging under the car port since Thursday. It has been super nice here really, I been sleeping like a baby. The Thanksgiving dinner was ok, I was happy to be invited. Although I will admitt a couple of things. One is the Turkey did not taste so great, my Turkey's or my families that cook is devine! this was dry, no flavor. I didn't care I smother it with cranberry, and gravy and ate like a little pig! While waiting alone by the pool. Not a soul around I stared into the surrounding trees that hover over the resort. Seeing toucans and various birds. I thought about my past, the holidays spent with my children. And at times with all the Family. Nice days those were, the smell of the turkey and food in the oven filling the whole house. I love to watch the Parade and snack while waiting for the big dinner at the end of the afternoon. I could see in my head all the memories of this day. When they showed up with the food all done in disposable containers, my whole idea of the holiday was changed. I took over the buffet, no one kne where to put what and or how to cut the Turkey, so I began carving the two Turkeys, the owner of the resort had ordered from Los Suenos.

About 35 people were there mostly girls? strange I was thinking but didn't ask why? The Reason I was invited was because they are wanting me to be the chef of the small intimate restuarant. We drank wine, and I began to feel so full after a second plate! I couldn't believe I ate so much. I had to take a taxi home too dark and rainy to walk.
The following day. Friday only cleaned the house, waited for a call from a man I had met to help him in some ideas for a condo he bought. He never called or came over, he didn't have a local phone so I couldn't contact him to find out when or why? So I just waited cleaned and finally internet was installed!!!
Saturday I had gone to Sunset at Marlecones, now called Ganesha. There was barely any sunset, I sat above looking over the sea two palms in the foreground, rain pouring down. Listening to the greatest Euro trans music. I really am liking this form of music. Its exotic, moving and artisitic. It has really great beats too.. It sends you places, I like the wave's the rain and the sounds mixed together.
Finally the rain took a small break, I walked home on the same street that this place is one down the path by the river. It was dark, all the trees dripping from the fresh rain, the sounds of various frogs croaking and moaning. Erie but nice, then I saw little tiny lites in the distant, nearly next to the ground. I stopped umbrella in hand and just watched. It was lite bugs, there like fireflys but smaller, they put out a pretty strong lamp. I watched as they danced across the field across from my aparment. The horses were grazing in the wet grass, and seem to very happy with the cool evening air.
I came home to shower, change and go out. I was invited by two friends to go to Ganesha again, they had a beach party there. It was really a nice party, the brough all the sand from the beach, filled the floors( not so nice but the ambience was good) cut fresh banana stalks and them attached to all the posts and seemingly growing out of the center of the place. I met people from all over the world. A couple from Switzterland, he was Austrian she was Italian. Blonde like me.. we laughed talked. Then I met a man from Boston, he was so magnatised to me. He wouldn't leave. I didn't mind he was handsome and very sweet. We all enjoyed the company of my other friends, and talk to so many people. From Argentina, Spain, Brazil, Costa Rica, Europe, very few Americans. It was a nice night, I drank a couple of Mechiladas we all talked till 3 am, came home and slept hard.
Then Yesterday is usually my day for the beach, but unfortunately No sun what so ever. So I hung out watched movies, when Raquel showed up. She is something! I don't want to say what i really think about her.. but it is amazing how some people think they are pulling things over your eyes! but you know better.
She ended up showering here, and sleeping in the other room for about two hours.

Reason was too much party the night before, has no place to go, no water in her little Store that she rarely works in.. I allowed it and then later told her, I didn't have money to buy dinner, or make food for her or I, if she did then I would. Instantly she left. But that was not all.
I had like four visitors yesterday it was so nice to have company in my new place. Everyone loves it . All Fell alseep on the leather sofas.. here we go again. Like the last leather sofas I had everyone would fall asleep. Micheal a friend who does Tour fishing, fell dead off the sleep while whe watched the movie, then Tommy the American man came that I am suppose to be helping. He did the same thing, Fell asleep and snored so hard. I went outside everyone sleeping and me hanging out! WOW ok?
Well in the evening I spent the night chatting with Jon my good good friend from USA, we changed my page on My space and added great music, laughed and had a nice time.
Today maybe I will help my neighbor to pick out paint because she loves what I have done and wants my help. OR I may go with Tommy to San Jose to pick out things for him and buy all the Christmas decor for the resort.
Other than that its a beautiful day here in COSTA RICA!

Oh I had great news!! I got a letter from my great niece, Marisa.. she is so beautiful! Nice to hear from Family.

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