Friday, December 12, 2008

Small jobs developing, life is quiet but good

Although the economy in the world is bad, I am experiencing something very good and uplifting. I have really concentrated on not being worried, only I think in what will I do today. The now I guess you might say, i have moments when I think about what I would like to do in the future, but mostly I stay in the present, and reflect occassionally on the past. I don't know if this is helping things but lately things are coming to me in the most pecular way. I mean they just come to me... I have landed with out trying by accident three potiential jobs. I just spoke to someone about what I have done in my past, and it happened. While I was at the hardware store, ( la Ferriteria) someone saw me with Fabric samples for a couple that I am working with on two condos, I was matching paint. He saw that asked If I could help him with some huge cushions for a new restaruant that is opening so possibly I have another little job. I also got an question from the man that owns the gym here about helping reupholster, about 100 bar stools and got that. I an absolutely sure its something I am doing. I was not aware of any of this, it landed in my opportunity lap. just by meeting people and causually talking. I know its because I am at a place in my mind where I really don't worry, not that I have money its just the opposite, I have very little but happy. Unlike my previous life. Where I would make nice sums of money for my work, but pay so much for everything , never being satisfied with things or my life.

Seriously, something has changed in my thinking since Spain. I am calm, I live quiet, I enjoy good things and want a life that is nice with out worry. Worry of how I will make it through the day or week or month. But now??? I have not thought about how, I am just doing it, and to stop worry and doubt has changed the path of my daily life . I wake up most day's very happy, alone but happy. I have my morning enjoyment, watching the birds, the animals. Yesterday for example... I woke up to the sound of some strange bird. I made coffee some little breakfast and immediately went out on the balcony. I sat and relaxed drank my coffee. Soon I heard parrots. When I looked above the tree that is towering over my balcony. I saw tails about two or three. I thought wow they are here!! all of sudden I got up and leaned over the balcony to see them closely. I couldn't believe my eyes.
What a great surprise in the morning! almost 15 red macaws were perched above my head in the tree on our property. They stayed for only a moment, about five minutes and all flew off together. Wow what a powerfull thing to see. They are so large and loud, and in flight they look so strong. Soon there after about fifteen minutes, were four or five toucans. They landed in the tree across the yard. I was shocked... never these two in the same day and in the same moment. Lots of birds were out yesterday. I got my binoculars and watched. It was such a peacefull thing. I was thanking the gods in heaven that I was alive and capable of seeing such a thing. Sometimes people base there lives on what they have, weather they have a partner or material things to make them feel complete. But being complete is a choice you make. What makes you complete? and who is the judge to decide what is it that makes someone complete? Seeing different cultures, has shown me that the ways and rules of the Americas is not always the way it is in other worlds. Honestly living here seeing Americans come and go, watching there behavior.. it is sad sometimes. They have no idea how to appreciate something that makes you smile and realize you are lucky.
I know that things make you happy its true or why would people keep buying, upgrading spending. It does make one happy to accomplish something and be able to reach there material goal. But to accomplish peace in your own life a mental goal, or knowing what it is that makes you satisfied or happy is for me a huge accomplishment.
I suffered in the states of serious depression, Not my whole life only that last four years before leaving. The rain, the cold, the suburbs, where there is no real connection with people.It was a battle when getting up in the morning, I would work out just to keep me from going insane.. I had no real joy about who I was, or just joy to be alive that day. I fought with trying to be happy. Now I believe I have found KEY! The key is NOT TO WORRY<>
I see when you visualize this is how you bring what ever it is you need or want or desire into your life. Every day for the past three months I have thought about where I would go to have my passport validated, Some where close, that was not too expensivc, not the USA too much money and too far. Although for the holidays it would be nice to be with Family, But Not possible.. when thinking about this I found a place not far from here in the Carribean, the price is so cheap its unbelieveable, hotels for only 10 to 50 maximun a night. Air far only 160 round trip. So I set my vision on trying to obtain this before I have a problem with my visa. I talked daily to others, asked questions about if they know and have them been. I made up my mind this is where I would be for Christmas. It was attainable but with the right amount of work. Well Guess what? I am going to Corn Islands For Christmas.
I visualized, and hope for the manifestation! It happened... The song corny as it is in my mind right now. DONT WORRY BE HAPPY!!! if you only realize how this is true.. Everyone knows this song but how many practice it? ( I was one who didn't But now something has changed!)

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