Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Woke this morning to the sound of seven toucans churping at my bedroom window. The large towering tree behind my room was the resting point for the seven traveling toucans that seem to rest there now for the past week. They are loud which is why I woke up. I walked to the other bedroom, the window is wide open, leaning my head out the window to see how many and to catch a close look at them. I saw a pair of red and white Macaws yelling and flying closely together as they went on there morning flight.
I got up made coffee immediately, then cooked an egg with tomato, toast, in the pan with olive oil and fresh sliced oranges. The oranges here are green on the outside then orange on the inside the flavor is very strong and sweet. I just love sucking on them till there completly dry. I saw outside on the balcony and watched the birds then the rain came. It rained all day today it was such a dreary day. I walked with my umbrella to the hardware store El llagar, to get two new nobs and a new shower head for the shower. Its all messed up so I figured I would fix it. Then I took a long walk to Diegos restuarant. I have not seen him in ages. We had a great talk, I drank a diet coke and he asked me to cook in his new restuarant. Its Italian, so I am going to give it some thought. I am not a professional chef but I am certainly a good if not a great cook. I have done it professionally, but this is a challange working on the line.
The pay is slim, and I know its all night shift, which begins at 3:00 opens at 6:00 and closes at nine, meaning I am done at 10:00. Its not an easy job for sure but I will see what I should do.
Maybe to get it rolling and teach someone all the tips then become the manager would be the best thing for me.Its a new location in a very nice upscaled hotel that is new here.
After that I went to the internet and read mail, checked on the latest for the blog job, still no real assignments. I then went home and made Italian style chicken soup, with fresh tomatos, onions oregano, celantro, carrots, potatos, celery, chicken, and cook tiny shells. I made so much that I gave some to my neighbor. It was delicious, and it was slightly cool today so it was the perfect thing to eat. I rested then came back to Rossy's. Still no TV in the house or Music, a bit boring but soon I hope I can purchase one.
Tomorrow I plan on repairing the bathroom, if its hot go the beach for a while, and maybe see another friend of mine.
But life is being relaxed. I am curious though to see who is the new president? like it matters? because who ever it is, Won't be able to bale out of that mess. Really I am glad I left there some years ago.

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