Friday, November 07, 2008

Breakfast at Diegos

The rain has been consistant in the past few days, only two hours yesterday I enjoyed the beach, but the sun was not hot. The breeze was so nice, lying in the wet sand I dream of how to journey through this life effortlessly, and be satisfied with the way my life is.

I believe that all things have a purpose. The ups and downs are experienced by many people. I am not alone in life especially with the world crisis as it is now. It is how you deal with life really , it's not always up and it's not always down.
When lying there enjoying and dreaming about a new idea, I realized just how greatfull I need to be that I am capable of all things. About the accomplishments in my life, how now I am stress free. If I was to record all the things I have done, it would probably fill many pages.
I am not a talker only, I am a doer.

Life is all about the journey, my journey has not always been smooth, I need a four by four half the time to make it. But some how I creep through and land on top.
I keep trying, throwing in the towel is not a part of my character. With the faith I have and in what I was taught as a child, to believe there is a higher power that helps us daily and to know you have the power to do what you will if you believe, is part of the force that keeps me going.

This is todays feelings but in the evening yesterday I felt down, wondering were this journey was taking me next? although in the morning the dream and plan was clear. When the night fell I was alone, no television no music nothing to read. Just me and the house. I felt so sad... I talked to a friend on the phone and denied an ivitation for drinks and socializing. Simply because I felt I was not good company.. but in waking this morning I made myself stop and remember that I am lucky, and I need to be as I said earlier greatfull that I have what I have and I am where I am.

Perceive what you will from this, for me its really how my life is.
So first thing this morning I made the coffee as usual, went out to the balcony, drank and watched the rain, got dressed.. walked about a mile or more to Diegos. Had breakfast and talked with him. He is really wanting me to the chef of his new restuarant. Its an Italian place brand new.. but I am not sure I want to do it. The salary is very small, the work is the same as it would be for any chef, he wants me to run and control everything. He talked I listened, maybe for a time I will but I rather be writing doing something that is not in a hot situation, especially here. ITS REALLY HOT HERE, Imagine in a kitchen with out air? We need to talk more.. but I enjoyed his company and we always seem to have great talks.
After I walked more to the La ferria, the fruit and vegetable market that is only on Friday.
It is really expensive now compared to when I first came here. One watermellon was four dollars.. when before I would pay $1.50. I didn't buy it, I bought cheaper fruits a pineapple for a dollar, and madrins for 85 cents, some oranges and bananas. Then the rest of my veggies. I also found some shorts that were my perfect size from a friend of mine that sells there. I bought an Orchid plant. And then took a taxi home, walked to the internet. Now the cafe is full of people eating lunch and enjoying delicious coffee.

I had an invitation from Arja my friend from the Blog, I met her and her husband some three years ago from the blog, they were from Portland Oregon, I got them an apartment next to me. We went to Panama together.. and now they have a home in Parrita.
They are wanting to sell it. Its brand new they built it. But Arja says its too big for just the two of them. If anyone is interested I can hook you up with a good price. And send photos. Its near Quepos Costa Rica, which is near Manuel Antonio, the National wild animal part and the most beautiful beach. Anyway she invited me to go and stay with them there for a day or so. Its only a bus ride of 30 minutes from here. So I hope on Monday or Tuesday I do. It will be so nice to visit with them again. We enjoyed each other very much. She and he are Fins from Findland. Interesting people..
Now today I wait for a TV to be delivered, I bought from a wholesaler. So this will be fun for me to watch a little tele. Listen to the the music videos and watch movies. Have not done this since I arrived here.
Well the weekend is coming... many people are now arriving. It feels nice to see people here, before so strange to walk and not see a soul on the streets.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for describing your stress free life - it brings down my blood pressure. It is awful here in the u.s. unemployment at a record high and it is going to get worse. even gas is affordable now - although no one can afford it anyhow - well that is an exaggeration but food prices are continuing to rise which squeezes the life out of us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marianna. I have been following your journey on and off and can't figure out where in Costa Rica ps Jaco? Art and I are both retiered and have been traveling a lot this year. Mexico in February,Germany in April May, Alaska in August andWashington to South Dakota in October. Are you not comming back here anymore? Linde A Vancouver