Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Waiting for photos

I been working on the place, its really coming along. I also was helping a new owner of a hotel and restaurant yesterday in selecting all the items for the new dinning areas. I spent the whole day in San Jose with Diego and Brian. He is the owner of the hotel.
Its located near my first Apartment when I came to Jaco. Actually he remembered me back then he use to eat the Soda Almistad and saw me in the balcony when I was stranded for months with a broken leg. He recalled me sitting with my foot elevated looking down at all the people eating at the busy little soda. Funny the world is small.
I enjoyed my day yesterday although the pay was hardly nothing if that. They want me to chef in the Restuarant, but the pay is so mimimal, and its not air conditioned. Its poolside which would be fun in some cases. But I am not sure yet. I need to make enough to exsist... Although he really does feel good about me. I helped so much yesterday... well not all men but most are not good when it comes to shopping. He had in his mind that we would finish is a couple of hours. But MY GOD ITS FOR A RESTUARANT!! and its not that easy to get around here. PLUS there are few places to buy product. We don't have Target, or Wal mart or any places where you can just go and get cheap items. You have to hunt and you have to be smart about bargining. WHICH I AM!! so I did alot of talking and alot of hunting to find what he wanted.
His chaufer picked me up at 6:30 am, we drove to San Jose to a place called the White house , which was where he spent the night from Flying in from California I believe. We then went to Multi plaza mall for something eat quickly. Breakfast at 9:30 the traffic was horrible hours in that and riding the mountain then finally! Then to the the Alyiss, where we bought things for the location. Pequano mundo, more.. then finally one more Alyiss. I manage to get a few things for myself for the apartment. I white carpet for the black bathroom, flowers, vase, twisted twigs, sheets, and a pretty dress.
Not much money really... After the ride home we had coffee on the mountain top where I love to stop and just enjoyed the view. Not the same Mountain I took Ted and Jimmy this is the one on the way to Jaco. But soon that spectacular view, and ever winding road is about to be done with. I noticed yesterday they are about to finish the Freeway from San Jose to here. Which means instead of taking two and half hours, it will cut it to 45 minutes. Wow this is going to change things here. Honestly I was a little sad to see that, I really have grown to enjoy that ride, its so different everytime I pass I see something new something beautiful. But I think when I am not in hurry to go to San Jose I take that road, coming back the freeway. Sometimes in life I believe we should take time, to see or enjoy. People rush to much, Yes I know what some one may be thinking yeah right! but really what does it hurt for you to stop once in a while and really enjoy something?
Right now I am waiting for a CD of photos that Ted has to send me of the tour. I want badly to post them so others can see how beautiful things are, and what a nice time we had... Who knows maybe someone who is coming here reads this and wants my help! I would be willing to be a guide anytime! So stay in touch.
Happy Thanks Giving to those who live in USA, to my friends in Europe Send a note soon! Canada Hello... and all the others have a great week. Tomorrow I am going to an American Celebration of Thanksgiving, should be interesting, a Tico is cooking the Turkey, not many Turkeys here.. ( I miss cooking Turkeys I did make some really good ones)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jimmy lives in Canada, but is orginally from Scottland, he is a riot! I just love him.. he and I laughed so hard I was sore.. this is the smallest parrot in Costa Rica. It was a pet of Christians my old friends aunts.. it talks and sings. It ate off my plate.. Jimmy was cracking up over this. Simple things that I know.. I took them to see this mountain top restaurant /bar.. where we ate the pig, boiled plantains in salt water.. and fresh lemon, lime on everything. PARRICCOOOOO
This is in the front of the Argentinean restuarant. It is mostly outdoors, the rain was pouring the sound on the tin roof was amazing, the smell of the fire the food.. music.. all so enchanting. We were right near the beach less than a two hundred yards, but could not see it. We arrived in the dark.. the jungle sits right next to the beach. But the Following day we realized we were right on top of it. Wow it was something.

This may take a few days on the blog to publish because I have so many photos.. but it really doesn't do it justice. To be there smell, see and eat.. experience the roads the tours, the beaches, the mountains. Quads flying all over. motorcycles, cars flying buy dusting everything and every one. Rain that pours and washes everything clean.. the smell after. The animals, flowers.. the sea. All the fish we ate WOW!! whole lobsters.. cheap as heck.

Jimmy and I on the way to Tambor

Ted and Jimmy us at Saca Goma sunset bar in Jaco. These are the guys I toured with. REALLY NICE PEOPLE!

Its been a little busy for me, with fixing things in the apartment, to the tour and trying to get into shape a little. I am the most happy I have been in a long time. In thinking this morning while walking to Deigos. I thought wow, My life was the example of what many people are going through now in the USA a year ago or more. I had such horrible situations, disaster after disaster. Loseing just about everything I had, selling what I did own and taking another adventure for the sake of sanity, and realizing life is very short. Now I am on my way back.. a survivor I am!

Life now is peacefull, I enjoy my days, and try not to be worried about one thing. Seems as if its working. I know that positive thinking has alot to do with it, and the faith that I have. I do this daily, I say something good is coming to me, I thank god each day for whatever I do and have. I have a list I wrote for all the things I am greatful for. Not just material things but things I am gifted with, and now how I have really changed for the good. For example today after I arrived at Diegos he said wow Marianna you look so young.. I have cut my hair since the tour Its long but thinner and better shaped, I am not stressed, and I have a smile on my face almost always. Its easy to be angry, to be disatisfied with things, but I am really making an effort to not be upset, not be worried and not think about a thing except being kind to people and living.

The tour was great, this just fell into my lap. I took this guys to find properties, restuarants, bars, shops, beaches, mountains, Crocks, jungle and more.

We spent a couple days on the peninsula Nycoya. We first went to Tambor, Santa Theresa, Near
Montezuma, and then to Mal Pais, this areas are so rustic and clean. Beautiful! roads are rough you must baha! we four wheeled, first time for Ted, he was so happy and excited. They both had a blast driving rustic dirt roads with rocks and mud. One time he splashed me good with mud, as I sat in the back looking out. It was all over my top, my pants, face and hair. I gave him some digs, but honestly I wasn't mad. It made it fun to teased him though.

We experienced great Argentinean food, steaks cooked right on a fire. The chicken was so delicious we used it as an appetizer. We drank fresh mojitos, and of course mecheladas. The beaches were clean and long. The surf was great to swim in. We spent a couple days on that side then took the ferry back to Jaco. Spent the night and immediately went to Playa Hermosa to find a house to rent. I found a place for them and made the deal and off we went. They were pleased that everything they asked for I was able to produce. We saw the breath taking vistas and views from high mountain tops. Fresh pinapple fields, where I made them stop and have the owner of the farm cut the pineapple right infront of us to eat directly. We experienced a place where they cooked a pig, in hot oil, the ham was so tender and delicous with lime on the side to put all over it. Along with a cold Beer was the perfect afternoon break on our jungle drive. The road to the jungle right now is a bit rough. There are drop offs, sink holes and lots of mud. Its fun though we all enjoyed and laughed so much. They were thinking of making a book of Costa Rica called Watch out for the hole... because we saw so many different types from deep ones in the roads to ones in the mountains. Walking down the street a big hole just holes... funny you had to be there to understand but it is a good i

Monday, November 17, 2008

Quads, Trucks Plants grass, Abulances, more... in the Ferry

The Ferry on the tour to Tambor
I didn't know This would happen, but I am sure happy it did, this is not the first time I have helped Tourist with things in Costa Rica. This time was for sure the best I have experienced, I was paid well, and enjoyed practically every moment with these two gentlemen. They agreed to pay me per day as and all expensese included which meant meals, hotel drinks and anything else I wanted. Wow that was something! I was thanking god for them. Through this something else developed. I met some people some time back from Switzerland and we discussed a similar situation with them. They talked about me to a woman in Switzerland who owns a tour company. They have many people wanting to tour Central American, and would prefer someone like me to be the guide. I have not mention this on here, but I guess now its public. I have contacted her a few times and I will be helping her when they arrive in Decemeber. I may have a few more before then. This tour was great. We started in Jaco went to all the surrounding areas, to find properties, rentals, special restuarants, bars, locations of nature, beaches and whatever else I could think of. It was blast they really enjoyed my way, of presenting this to them. We saw animals, parrots, Crocodilles . Please watch tomorrow for more.. I have no time right now to finish I have to run but PURA VIDA as my kids would say.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I have been working with two men from Canada on a tour with them for about a week now. Guideing them and helping them find Property , rentals, and great adventure tours. I do not have time right now we are off to the Cangreja National Park for two days, I just returned from Mal Pais and Playa Carmen, Santa Theresa, Tambor. ITS EXCITING WHAT HAS HAPPENED!! I have a very long story with Photos and great expereinces to share with everyone. SOMETHING HAPPY AND VERY CHEERFULL to lift all those down trodin spirits, or the oppressed AMERICANS THAT READ THIS. Those Europeans, Spanards, and my Argentinian friends who feel they want to forget their problems for a moment. This Story should take you away for several days in thought and maybe in reality. Should you have the urge after reading my next blog to visit COSTA RICA you must contact me ASAP.

I am living a dream for sure.. and I am really super excited to write this story coming up.
I will return to JACO ON SUNDAY NIGHT I plan on spending hours writting and posting photos.
Have a good weekend! MARIANNA

Friday, November 07, 2008

Breakfast at Diegos

The rain has been consistant in the past few days, only two hours yesterday I enjoyed the beach, but the sun was not hot. The breeze was so nice, lying in the wet sand I dream of how to journey through this life effortlessly, and be satisfied with the way my life is.

I believe that all things have a purpose. The ups and downs are experienced by many people. I am not alone in life especially with the world crisis as it is now. It is how you deal with life really , it's not always up and it's not always down.
When lying there enjoying and dreaming about a new idea, I realized just how greatfull I need to be that I am capable of all things. About the accomplishments in my life, how now I am stress free. If I was to record all the things I have done, it would probably fill many pages.
I am not a talker only, I am a doer.

Life is all about the journey, my journey has not always been smooth, I need a four by four half the time to make it. But some how I creep through and land on top.
I keep trying, throwing in the towel is not a part of my character. With the faith I have and in what I was taught as a child, to believe there is a higher power that helps us daily and to know you have the power to do what you will if you believe, is part of the force that keeps me going.

This is todays feelings but in the evening yesterday I felt down, wondering were this journey was taking me next? although in the morning the dream and plan was clear. When the night fell I was alone, no television no music nothing to read. Just me and the house. I felt so sad... I talked to a friend on the phone and denied an ivitation for drinks and socializing. Simply because I felt I was not good company.. but in waking this morning I made myself stop and remember that I am lucky, and I need to be as I said earlier greatfull that I have what I have and I am where I am.

Perceive what you will from this, for me its really how my life is.
So first thing this morning I made the coffee as usual, went out to the balcony, drank and watched the rain, got dressed.. walked about a mile or more to Diegos. Had breakfast and talked with him. He is really wanting me to the chef of his new restuarant. Its an Italian place brand new.. but I am not sure I want to do it. The salary is very small, the work is the same as it would be for any chef, he wants me to run and control everything. He talked I listened, maybe for a time I will but I rather be writing doing something that is not in a hot situation, especially here. ITS REALLY HOT HERE, Imagine in a kitchen with out air? We need to talk more.. but I enjoyed his company and we always seem to have great talks.
After I walked more to the La ferria, the fruit and vegetable market that is only on Friday.
It is really expensive now compared to when I first came here. One watermellon was four dollars.. when before I would pay $1.50. I didn't buy it, I bought cheaper fruits a pineapple for a dollar, and madrins for 85 cents, some oranges and bananas. Then the rest of my veggies. I also found some shorts that were my perfect size from a friend of mine that sells there. I bought an Orchid plant. And then took a taxi home, walked to the internet. Now the cafe is full of people eating lunch and enjoying delicious coffee.

I had an invitation from Arja my friend from the Blog, I met her and her husband some three years ago from the blog, they were from Portland Oregon, I got them an apartment next to me. We went to Panama together.. and now they have a home in Parrita.
They are wanting to sell it. Its brand new they built it. But Arja says its too big for just the two of them. If anyone is interested I can hook you up with a good price. And send photos. Its near Quepos Costa Rica, which is near Manuel Antonio, the National wild animal part and the most beautiful beach. Anyway she invited me to go and stay with them there for a day or so. Its only a bus ride of 30 minutes from here. So I hope on Monday or Tuesday I do. It will be so nice to visit with them again. We enjoyed each other very much. She and he are Fins from Findland. Interesting people..
Now today I wait for a TV to be delivered, I bought from a wholesaler. So this will be fun for me to watch a little tele. Listen to the the music videos and watch movies. Have not done this since I arrived here.
Well the weekend is coming... many people are now arriving. It feels nice to see people here, before so strange to walk and not see a soul on the streets.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Woke this morning to the sound of seven toucans churping at my bedroom window. The large towering tree behind my room was the resting point for the seven traveling toucans that seem to rest there now for the past week. They are loud which is why I woke up. I walked to the other bedroom, the window is wide open, leaning my head out the window to see how many and to catch a close look at them. I saw a pair of red and white Macaws yelling and flying closely together as they went on there morning flight.
I got up made coffee immediately, then cooked an egg with tomato, toast, in the pan with olive oil and fresh sliced oranges. The oranges here are green on the outside then orange on the inside the flavor is very strong and sweet. I just love sucking on them till there completly dry. I saw outside on the balcony and watched the birds then the rain came. It rained all day today it was such a dreary day. I walked with my umbrella to the hardware store El llagar, to get two new nobs and a new shower head for the shower. Its all messed up so I figured I would fix it. Then I took a long walk to Diegos restuarant. I have not seen him in ages. We had a great talk, I drank a diet coke and he asked me to cook in his new restuarant. Its Italian, so I am going to give it some thought. I am not a professional chef but I am certainly a good if not a great cook. I have done it professionally, but this is a challange working on the line.
The pay is slim, and I know its all night shift, which begins at 3:00 opens at 6:00 and closes at nine, meaning I am done at 10:00. Its not an easy job for sure but I will see what I should do.
Maybe to get it rolling and teach someone all the tips then become the manager would be the best thing for me.Its a new location in a very nice upscaled hotel that is new here.
After that I went to the internet and read mail, checked on the latest for the blog job, still no real assignments. I then went home and made Italian style chicken soup, with fresh tomatos, onions oregano, celantro, carrots, potatos, celery, chicken, and cook tiny shells. I made so much that I gave some to my neighbor. It was delicious, and it was slightly cool today so it was the perfect thing to eat. I rested then came back to Rossy's. Still no TV in the house or Music, a bit boring but soon I hope I can purchase one.
Tomorrow I plan on repairing the bathroom, if its hot go the beach for a while, and maybe see another friend of mine.
But life is being relaxed. I am curious though to see who is the new president? like it matters? because who ever it is, Won't be able to bale out of that mess. Really I am glad I left there some years ago.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Holloween, and the past week

I never expereinced such celebration for Holloween as they do here. In the evening the children go up and down all the businesses in groups. Big groups, and all the businesses give treats, or gifts. Its so cute they have great costumes and all yelling feliz Holloween.

In all the night clubs and restaurants the places are completely decorated, very elaborate some. And half the town has costumes on. I wore my belly dancing attire, but I got great responses. I was in one contest at one place. Got 4th out of hundred, so that was alot of fun. I danced all night till 4:00 am. When I left Rossy was still dancing. I was so tired, no drinking just dancing but so many people stepped on my feet they were absolutely killing me.
Holloween here is really fun they are super into it.

This week I have been working out again feeling better, but god the body is sore. I get early and go to the gym about 7:00 am, then walk home or go to the internet for a couple of hours. I do what I need to then return to the internet to do some work. Other than that I haven't done much. It rains heavy in the afternoon so I spend the time watching the rain sitting on the balcony. In the Evening I go and visit or hang out with friends.

This weekend I hope the sun comes out so I can go the beach, that is the plan tomorrow go to the Miros Mountain for a hike then the later the beach. In the evening I plan on making a nice dinner for myself. Maybe Spagehtti, haven't eaten that since may.