Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Roadway from my place to town
This is the road I was talking about, I have country yet I am right down town see another new tower?

This is near my apartment

You can see the new tower being built, the mountain is Miros the older man I talked about he owns the whole mountain.

This is where I lay on the beach, the area is called Copa Cabana

The river next to my apartment, you can see how mixed it is lots of rain its rushing pretty hard right now

The view from my bedroom window, in an evening storm if you enlarge you can see the rain forest as the mist covers the mountain sides.

Been working on the internet, getting some good responses. I have had a nice weekend. Relaxed and some fun involved.

I spent last night for the first time in along time with Rossie, we had sodas and chit chatted watched the Transvestes, walk back and forth and laughed alot. I walked home about 12:00 at night its only 5 blocks or more to my place, not far.

It was so cool last night, really nice walking home. We had a late afternoon tropical rain that cooled it down tremendously. So sleeping was easy last night no fan needed.

I am finding I can not sleep with the air conditioning, it makes me sick in the morning. I am now so adjusted to the weather, the climate that I feel much better with only a fan.

We have had some really nice days, Sunny and then in the afternoon rain.

I talked about the mahi mahi I had, well I made Ceviche and wow it is so dang good!

This is how you make it.

Cut Mahi mahi or Marlin in small cubes.

Add red bell pepper diced fine

white onions or yellow onions diced fine

Celantro diced fine


Lemon juice from real lemons two to three depending on the amount of fish

Orange juice enough to cover the ingredients or

Ginger ale.

Let it sit over night, actually a few hours its ready but the next day is best.

Spoon into a small cup or bowl, use crackers to eat with it and top it with a cut up avocado. I like tortilla chips to eat with it, but not much. Because the ceviche is so good, the chips is only an accompanyment.

It is easy and really good for you.

In the summer with a cold beer wow it really is excellent!

Other than that, I worked on a painting yesterday for about five hours, trying to be peacefull, but the kids were out of school for some reason and the workers on the building were using machines. So it was loud But I did see five Toucans in the morning in the tree above my bedroom window. I always know when they are around. The make a certain churping noise that is very distinct. So I watched them for a few minutes as they flew from one tree to another. There beaks are so huge that its a slow flight so you get a good look at them. This are the small ones with bright green and yellow on the wings, the body is black and of course the bright yellow bill.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where I live and walk

I have been doing many things in the past few days. We had a awefull lot of rain in the evenings so I go early in the day to try to accomplish what I can walking.
I got the house phone installed early, usually it takes up to two weeks, but they did mine in three days. I pulled some strings, about time I learned how to work the system here. Now they have a new rule, you have to have all incorporation papers, Residency or be married to a tico to get a regular house phone.

You see I had a phone when I first came here took me six months to get it, but the rules were different. So what I did was listen to what they told me, then suggested they look at my previous accounts, The business lines I had there were paid on time, the house account that was always paid on time. Also my electrical and cell phone. I paid much attention to the men that were working the computers and complimented them.. before you knew it they went right around the rules and put a super fast installation form in. Of course it cost me a little but Hey I finally figure out how things work here. Now the cell phone no way of going about that but I have the order in and in Decemeber I will have a phone.
Cable is next, already got it in line and ready to set up, when I get a Television. I don't have anything as I said before in the house so its very quiet. But soon!!! I have a little job doing computer work. Also a new blogging company contacted me last week, I will be doing soon.. a new blog on a net work called
http://www.busybeemarketing.com/ its a paid blog on subjects they direct. Mine may start on Weddings and Events, also there is live video blogs. So I will probably doing those too.
I have been putting adds on a page for Personal chef, and other various jobs and I have contracted a couple already. One nice wedding as a coordinator, the other personal chef.
I am applying for Marketing jobs and more but right now the whole world is a mess. The Job market is sad.
I keep my chin up and try and I know something will come to me! I believe it, I am a strong woman with lots of abilities there has to be something I can do to survive. I seem to be doing it even though its not easy.
I walk every day just about through this shady tree laden street, Sometimes it looks so pretty that I wanted to show you and tell what it feels like to have those moments of peace when walking solo on a sorta country road in the middle of the city. It is generally quiet a few bycylers, occasional other walkers, but generally quiet. Hot in the sun and in the shade very cool. The River although its muddy right now does put a little coolness in the air. Its humid and tropical so its not very cool.

I am posting the photos on tomorrows blog because the camera is in my other purse! after I got here I realized that.

Yesterday I was invited to go Marlin fishing here locally. I went ahead and took up the offer. We went early of course around 7:00 am. By that time it was already hot, cloudy but no wind.
The seas were slightly rough at first, I got sick the first leg of the trip. About 40 miles out I felt horrible and of course vomited. I laided on the sofa inside this 60 foot rigger. For some three hours. About the time I heard them slamming fish in the tank I got up and felt so much better. I got to see Flying fish,lots of birds, Manta rays flying out of the water, and only one Marlin. We caught around 13 durado, which is Dolphine, Mahi mahi. They are ugly in the head and face but the bodies are really cool. I bright shade of tourqose blue and bright yellow and green. The put up a great fight! I am so sore today, I am little and its not easy. Of course they had mates that helped so it was easier than going with amatures. They bated, rigged, and helped when I was reeling. The other people they helped also. They were a funny crew. They made us sandwiches, and hamburgers. It was a nice day after all.
I came home with about 45 pounds of Mahi Mahi. So wow is it ever good.
Last night We the group took some to the Colonial here in Jaco and the chefs cooked in three styles. Fresh fish is so delicious. Blackened, Panasado, and Ajillo that is my favorite. That is on the grill slightly with garlic and celantro. Mango salsa on the side. My friend Magali is a bar tender there so this was fun for her too.

I have been painting little by little on my art, and reading. Did some writing on the book still not finished. But working on it, this busy bee blog company said something about possibly working on an Ebook.
So things are turning around. Before you know it I will be up to doing what I have in my mind, which is another business adventure. But not design. Hey I want to say thank you for the complements and comments on my little apartment. I have made more improvements since the photos. But Can you imagine if I had money? what I could do? There are two people I do not have your email but you asked if I would assist you in helping with your place. Please send me your email and we can discuss it or chat about it. I am not expensive so lets talk.

Well off to buy fruits in Herradura a little shack made of palm leaves and old wood, has the best in the areas. I missed the market yesterday because of the fishing trip it was all day till evening. Topped off by a bloody mary at the Hookup in Los Suenos!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wow, have met quite a few people from USA this week

Although this is rainy season, for some reason this week I have met a few people from USA, they all say the same thing. That it is terrible there, that everyone is stressed, worried about the economy. The life, but on the other hand I have some say, that its a great time to buy up property of those people who are in so much debt and unable to recoup.
I am sure that is the case, but it is sad to hear

In talking with visitors, they seem so burdened with the issues of USA. But I noticed some are here to buy Property. Speaking of Vistors, one of my readers Bobby who helped me come back to Costa Rica is here now. I have not heard from him, but he was to fly in on Sunday. I hope if he reads this he contacts me and let me know what you need and when you will be here in Jaco?

I sure hope that after this Election of yours that things slightly turn around. Realisticly, I know its going to be many years, But a relief from all the bad news would be welcomed here.

As far as weather little rain at night making it very cool and enjoyable. The day like today is beautiful, sunny breezy hot but cool breezes. Right now the sound of latin music is filling the coffee shop, fast pace marenge music making it happy. The palm trees areall sparkling, because of the night rain washing them all clean. I am sitting listening and enjoying the moment. I saw Lucas my Italian friend just now he returned from California. Stopped gave me a kiss and went on his way.

I did exactly what I said I was going to do, I began painting, I have one that is a double canvas that I began. This was something I have wanted to do, but just never got around to doing it. You know you have asperations and desires but put them on the back burner ... I have done that for years so maybe now I am actually fufilling this desire again. I don't know how good I am it really doesn't matter to me its a expression and I have been longing to do.

Well the apartment is coming together slowly, its always about Money! I am doing a little computer work per day but its not much money. I applied today for a blogging job something new its video blogging.

I don't have big plans, I just am enjoying exisiting at the moment, and I am gratefull I have my health. I am also gratefull that I am living somewhere so beautiful.

Now someone in my life that is significant, would be the next step for me. AND I BELIEVE ITS COMING!

I had a pretty good weekend, I went to the beach on Sunday with Orhpa, she is hair dresser our birthdays are two days apart. We get along great.. we enjoyed the sun. Only after the night before I had attended an Aniversary party for Sunami Sushi. It was five thousand Colones, to eat all you want sushi, and one drink, they put a wrist band on people, later a new place opened for an all night disco, it is a new Agentinian restuarant but Sunami is now partners with them so they celebrated the Aniversary and opening in one night. Wow how beautiful it was I was so impressed with the interiors. Water walls and huge banana plants, lights subdued but well done, underlit bar and upper lit bar. The Music was great, the place was full absolutely full. I dance so much my feet hurt for two days after. It was a nice weekend. I saw so many people I know many greeted me with hugs and kisses.

Now this week I expect company but as I said I have not heard from him yet.. So where are you BOBBY?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Been busy , and Rainy season is definitely here

This is road about four blocks from my place. It is full not passable as of my writing now, this was about hour and half ago.
These are lamps I designed when used at night above the bar its very pretty, although I need chairs, I need everything!!!

Amazing, my bathrom is smilar to one I did before I left the states, the glass block I love but its black different for me. I like! it's modern! I made the mirror.

Better shot of the living room the other side is not finished yet. I want an entertainment wall, and Franz, from Nicauragua, is going to build it cost me 18 dollars for the wood and concrete, I want it to look the same texture as the walls. Shells from Punta Leona

My room, not finished yet, the bed cover was something I saved from years of weddings, the drapes are table covers I use to use for weddings and made them into window coverings with only fishing line attached to the old louvered headers, now last night I added crystals I had from before the boys were born.

The chair before I painted it

The canvas is blank and as you can see no drapes the chairs I just changed, they were in the apartment, I painted them dark and found some fabric in a little store, there are no fabric stores here, But I manage miraculously to find this and its matches. Soon I hope I can do more!

My Balcony, that is Jenny from Nicauagua

This is Punta Leona, I picked up lots of shells there the water is warm and the sand is clean

Typical loras, flying everywhere here.

These Avocados are bigger than a cantelope

I have been painting, repairing, scrubbing old paint off the baseboard's and doors. When Ticos Paint they don't remove light switches, or clean up any dropped paint or splatters. It was all over all the wood baseboards everywhere really. So I took a scubber and cleaned for days everyone of the baseboards. I been putting things together, with what I had, and purchased some small items I needed such as glasses, coffee maker some pillows for the bed, which is not mine. I am with out Television or Stereo or radio.. No Internet yet, no phone. So it is a bit lonely and quiet.

Everyday I make a small breakfast, with fresh fruit and sit on the little balcony and watch the River flow by. It has been so peacefull, its very green where I live it is an isolated area in the middle of town. The river passes in back of it and in front of it, there is small bridge that is private for the house to cross so its sort of like a half moat. The workers there are still putting rock on the building so in the morning is a tiny bit nosey. Soon it will be done.

I have been waiting for my drapes I had in the office to be rehemmed, Its funny here they tell you Manana, Manana.. like I have said before you think It means tomorrow in reality that is what the definition is, but really here it means a week, maybe TWO.. I keep going to the place and she keep's saying Manana!!!! its probably all of five dollars to fix them, but its just fustrating. No one can really see in except the one neighbor across the way but I just want them up anyway!

I found out there is a new place now that actually sells art supplies, so I am going to begin painting again. I did in Spain some, water colors, but I gave them to Kathy when I left. I use to paint when I was very young. So this should be interesting again. Mostly for my place is what I am doing now but if I find I am enjoying it I may just do it and maybe try to sell them. I really would like to do rendition's of the tropical trees, leaves, flowers that are everywhere. So this is what I am begining with. I saw an idea with Bamboo in Chocolate and Red, but I already have too much of that color in the living room. But it would be interesting to make to sell to someone.

I have not gone out, maybe once or twice since I have been back,for dancing. I been concentrating on looking for small jobs. I may have a condo I sold for my friend Christina and Joe. They actually have two on the beach very nice completely furnished so this could be a nice commission. I have contacted Los Suenos yesterday but no repsonse yet for Christmas. I have a couple of maybe small consulting jobs. But I am just relaxing and trying not to stress about things.

Now the rainy season has hit, its really a bad storm this week. Rivers are over flowing, streets are all flooded hip high, mountains falling down and trees in the roads and rivers. Crashing into the bridges, even ours. This morning I am sitting looking in the tree tops at some huge birds, when I heard a crashing noise below. I looked at the churning river the color of coffee with milk, Its force is powerfull, shoving huge trees under the small bridge causing it to rip some of the wood off the bridge and bend the metal. The sound was so loud it was shocking! I was wittnessing it all. No one else saw everyone was inside because the rain is so intense. But I sat on the balcony and watched from above. Now the bridge has some small damage which will have to be repaired. It is the only entrance to the apartments.

Then I went once again with a taxi, it is impossible to walk anywhere the rain is so hard, no umbrella either! and I tried to get the drapes. But yet once again Manana!!!
So now I am here at Rossy's the smell of lizano is strong, this is the typical Costa Rican Sause they put on the rice and beans. I like it but sometimes it makes me feel strange the smell..

They called the rice and beans, gallo pinto. Its brown looking like Dirty rice. It is good especially with fried eggs.

I don't eat much of it, I am not a rice eater any more. I rarely eat Pasta, Rice, bread, potatos, but when I do endulge, I eat small portions of it, only once in a great while. Yesterday I ate something called chamote. It was yellow in color and mashed like potatos, I discovered its there sweet potato, its mild and slightly sweet and the texture is really good. I enjoy so much all the different varieties of veggies and fruits. Not to mention the DEVINE COFFEE!!! I drink way to much of that!! but its so dang good.. pure. It comes from here. You have to understand, that Starbucks is one of the biggest exporters from here. They but good beans but burn them in the states, the flavor is so incorrect. Here the same beans are cooked in a process either with sugar or with out, the sugar extracts the acidity in the bean, making the Coffee so delicous and with out all the acid oils. Even the Process with out is really rich and good. Personally I think that Starbucks is extremely over rated. There is not one in this country but they buy an awefull lot of there production of coffee here. well enjoy the photos more to come now that I have the converter.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Ice, Our electric/ phone/ cell phone/ company and Miro

This morning I got up around 8:00 drank coffee at my breakfast, and sat on the balcony watching the birds. Its was warm already at 8:00, my bedroom is mostly glass, so its pretty warm when the sun comes up waking me early.
After I thought I should go to Ice and ask about my house phone, I had previously, so they could reinstall. But of course, you have to have a paid receipt of electricty, and directions to the house. NO ADRESSES so for example, The Direction is, 50 meters,south of the yellow bridge,off the aveneda Pastor Diaz the road entering El Limbo, and across the small personal bridge to the complex. Well I didn't have the correct directions so I have to ask, the owners to write it out and show a copy of the receipt of electricty and maybe they can install a phone. Problem is I think that the owner never paid for a box to be put out front. Meaning that one of the tennants has to pay for that.. So I may not have a phone. The other thing is I applied for a cell phone but I must wait till Decemeber till they have a new line. I asked about internet and it is over $130 per month for high speed. So I guess I just continue at Rossys, kind of inconvienient, I like to get on line at night and hang out. So I just deal with it and keep moving forward.
As I was leaving ICE, Pronoused ESAY. I Saw Miro.
Miro is the man who owns the mountain here in Jaco, he bought it some 20 some odd years ago for like 75 cents a hectora, He is a very rich man, and has contributed all the roads to be paved in Jaco. I mean every one of them. The government has tax money but doesn't do much about road, water or other wise. Miro decided he would take charge and now he has these pavers every where. The roads are really nice. Well he saw me again, he saw me last Sunday walking and stopped and asked me to go to lunch with him. I know who he is but he did not recognize me from the past. I am thinner, and now blond. He showed me all his projects, he is over 8o or more years old, and is constantly busy building projects. Making a board walk here with cars and walkeways and statues, plants. He wants to make a mermaid, and have me pose for it. He is serious. Marianna the Mermaid.. funny because when I was little lived in the pool Day in and day out. I was waterskiing at age 6, I taught Swimming for many years in High school and later on in life. I am a water freak. I use to pretend I was a mermaid. Now all these years later this man wants to make a bronze statue of me as a mermaid, to put here on the beach?
I laughed very hard but he is serious, he said it again today.
Anyway we had lunch last Sunday and I listend to his very interesting life, he is Yugoslavian, had a furniture factory for many years, he fought in the war and was in prison for many years in Yugoslavia. There is more, but If you read back to the begining of my blogs you will see and interesting story about him and the mountain, the restuarant he was building and Eida, this friend of mine. Who I shared my story with and she horned in and took charge of trying to get a piece of the mountain. He did not like me at all, in fact he was rude to me constantly, but something has changed. Now he adores me and is constantly looking for me. He is a genuis, inventor, and buider. Late 80s and has fire in his blood. Actually for his age he looks GREAT, still very handsome. Well it seems were building a nice friendship now. He took me today to see his new castle he is building WOW O WOW THE VIEWS ARE 360 the most incredible in Jaco. all the beaches, mountains the town totally everything it sits on the very top of a jungle mountain and its enormus. I know have the computer chip to take photos once again so look forward to seeing some really cool photos in a few days.
I don't know but he seems to be taking me under his wing, I am carefull I don't say much to him and I don't ask for anything. I just listen to his promises. I am very cautious, I have heard so many people promise and never come through, and of course his past has something to do with how I am responding to him.
He really didn't like me before, but now I hope its going to be a good friendship. He is a strong powerfull man, and I could use some help. Everyone knows Miro, and the Mountain. So it proved to be a very good day. I enjoyed seeing the views from the top of the jungle mountain, WOW no lie its so breathtaking.
Then later I went and found some little things for the apartment. Now I am going to walk home and visit with Magaly. She Is friends with a friend of mine but now we have become friends.

Well lots of people are here at Rossys now its about 4:30 afternoon. First ime in a long time I have seen so many people at once. It have been a beautiful day in Paradise.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

I want to thank Lora,

I had a comment today on an older blog, it was from a woman named Lora, I do not know you but I want to say thank you for your words. Its nice that someone actually understands what they are reading here.
Thank you Lora It was a comment on the Blog NOT THERE YET.

Still working on my place. This evening I was sitting on the balcony, I am on a second floor. It over looks a muddy river because its rainy season and very large old trees that are enormous. The philodendrums that cover the base and centers of the trees are absolutely huge. They could cover my whole body. It has nice grounds, one of the workers there is putting natural flat slate rocks on the surface of the building and on all the walkways. I have large plants and two teak Costa Rican style chairs on the small balcony. As I sat I thought about how peacefull I felt, and how quiet my brain was. Not a bit of turmoil, and strife. I took a big breath, and thought if only my children would come and see how it is here. They would like my new place and it would be a fun place for them to come and hang out for a vacation. But I know they will probably not.
One can not possibly afford it the other I am sure could , but has no desire to come and see what I find interesting here.
I have always wanted them to visit and see some of the sites, enjoy the beaches, the quad rides in the jungles, the Canopy zip lines, the rafts, the crock tours, the food, or experience a different culture. My hope is some day they will.

The rest of the week my plan is finish painting and get things in order. One of my readers is coming on the 19th, with a lot of his friends. I want the place somewhat together so they can stay over and enjoy there time here. Its nice to meet the people who follow my blog. I have met quite a few and some have become good friends.

Now, the weather is cool in the evenings, we are having some rainy nights, and cloudy afternoons. The humidity is high at times, but I still enjoy it.
I sure hope I can run into San Jose this week like I planned but it all depends.

Tonight I made some fresh chicken, bought from the street fair on Friday, it is hormone free, was really soft and good, I made fresh beets that are sweet as candy, and a spinach salad. The spinach here is different its not leafy. It's leaves are small and pointed, crunchy, almost sticky but the flavor is similar a bit more pungent.

Well off to walk home, its about half a mile from Rossy's Cafe Del Mar. Its about 9:00 p.m. so soon I will go. I actually have pillows tonight to sleep on and a bed! amazing when you do with out how you appreciate little simple things. Believe me, I appreciate everything, doing with out bare essentials for so long. Just to have a pillow is a blessing to me.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Yippeeeee My Apartment is coming along

You see when you believe you can do something...
You will find it will happen. All you have to do is believe.

I was so believing in coming back here, why? many curious questions as to why. But for the best reason is my peace of mind. I have always in my life had goals, aspirations.. and achievements.

Some simple some complicated, but I manage if I believe hard enough and trust, that things will happen and they happen.
I wanted badly to find a place, low rent, Nice, located close to the beach. Well some how some way I ran across one cheaper than I have ever paid here. In a very nice little area all by itself.

The landlord is Tica, and the husband is Gringo. They have a guy that does everything there, he has installed the three chandeliers that I designed for my old office over my bar, I painted the living room all chocolate brown deep dark, with my red leather sofa I had in my office. It was in the Century 21 office for the past year, they didn't want to pay for it, so I went and got it and put in my new place! it looks great.. I believed so hard that I would have this and now its all coming together. I been doing some computer work, and it is enough now to pay for the place.
The kitchen is a caramel color and tomorrow I paint both the bedrooms. The landlord gave me a discount for all the paint and they are so nice. I am happy after staying in a storage room for almost three weeks was horrible. So this is like heaven, its got to be one of the best places I have had in alot of years.
Yesterday inbetween painting, I ran quickly to the la ferria, bough all sorts of fruits, and veggies, flowers and plants. Its really coming alive!

So if anyone is coming to Costa Rica, please contact me, and lets make a plan to visit, and eat at my place.
Good weekend to all.