Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Still havent found a place yet

We had independence day on the fifteenth. The children in all the schools play drums , there are a few bells, but this is the extent of the instruments in the bands.
Small floats on trucks and rhinos, with banana trees, balloons and palm with an occasional ginger here and there are about the only decoration that is displayed.

This Year the streets were filled, I don't think I have seen it as packed in the past. It was very hot so the children and people who participated where definately showing the heat and strain as they marched through the town.
I had coffee and fresh fruit at Vernoicas new little place near the center of town. She is from Italy, she was the person who bought the Bar I designed and put it in there new little cafe. We chatted while she waited on people, making cappucinos, and cafes, as the parade moved down the road.
We discussed an idea I have, for a new business, she was in-love with the idea that I would rent a small space and perhaps enhance her cafe. This is future I hope, She would not permit me to pay, I shared with her my situation.
That I had come here with the pretense of working for a Magazine. But the guy has not responded to me since I left San Jose, nor would he sign any sort of work agreement. So that fell through obviously. I stopped working on as of Saturday.
I am looking on Craigslist for Jobs. I am talking to everyone trying to get a little something to tide me over till I can put some money aside. Then do my new idea which is based on the orginal idea I felt I should do when coming here years ago, its food based. But not like I thought before. A really creative idea that will sell to everyone.
I am still trying to find a place, hopefully that will pan out this week. I am down to super little money. Frankly a bit worried, I have been reading about the state of affairs in the USA, my god many things are crumbling. So I am not alone.
I am trying to keep my chin up, but Its not easy. I just want a place so I can unpack, and feel like I am settled after all these months of being here and there.
Rossy, moved yesterday I helped her, but my god imagine living with five dogs in a house for six years... when I moved furniture you can imagine.
I hope That something good comes to me soon.. I tried constantly to be positive. I need some sort of support at this moment I won' t lie. I have lots of friends here but asking for there help is hard for me. Besides Most are not the type to lend a hand. Although one of them may help me out for a few weeks till I can get to find a place. I stayed last night in a hotel behind Rossy's I asked the owner if I could work for him in trade, he said no.. offered me a little space he had up stairs not really a room . So I did, I am working on the computer all day, sending out resumes, and hopefully getting something going by sitting at Rossys and talking to locals. Connecting maybe someone will have something or know of someone who could use me.
I do need prayers right now.
I Have to say the owner of the hotel is very kind to permit me to stay, he actually felt horrible seeing me sad and crying. He offered to take me for a ride up the mountian with his nanny and son to eat at this river place where they serve fresh crawdad, pesquinti, and pork, with rice and beans. We went it was a nice way for me to forget how bad I am feeling, we rode through the jungle looking at all the tall rain forest trees, the flowers and rain as it washed the plants. The Clouds hang over the mountains like smoke, making such a majestic view. I saw Chickens pecking the grounds in the school yards, actually saw my first sheep ever here, its too hot.. they were all shaven. Horses wandering about freely. This was one of the reasons he went to check on his horse on his property up there. The river Toulene very nice areas. As we looked at the property that had a small creek going through it with lots of jungle habitation in front and just right behind a green green meadow. I thought I am lucky to be here, With all the bad luck I have had all the disapointments, lies it is such a beautiful place. I Find peace in that. Then in Driving back we stopped and saw a field filled with wild life, dear, ibises, birds, ducks. The mist of the rain was right above the ground. It made me smile and forget that I am in pain, worring about where I am staying and how I will take care of me.
GOD BE WITH ME AND YOU We all need it right now.

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