Saturday, September 20, 2008


I am not settled yet but have been looking around some for a place. I found a really nice one yesterday, its modern, upstairs, partically furnished. Located in town near the river with lots of foliage and trees. I am hoping I can pull this off soon.
Been doing some computer work for a company in the USA and sending the information to them daily. So I have small income, also trying to apply for positions here with hotels, and a design place here. But its so slow, who knows how things will pan out. I am believeing in miracles, Honestly I don't care how many nay sayers out there are thinking oh Please... but You have to believe and I know what skills I have I am talented, and I am intellegent. Things can change and they do daily for everyone. I want the best, and I will get it.
I have made so many things happen in my life I know I have the power to do it again and again.

Sometimes we feel like we fail its our perceived expectations that cause us to feel this way. I do perceive myself as a person who was and can still be successfull. But at the moment I have failed my own self.
I have a plan, I will try to continue to move forward untill I reach the plan and make it happen. It seems impossible some days but I know each day is new. I use to tell my children when they were bad and went to bed angry. Tomorrow is another day, we start all over again every day. The success I have today is that I made it back here, which was something I said I was going to do before I left. I know I have reason for being here its going to work.
My friends here said yesterday, MARIANNA YOU ARE SO STRONG, we wish we could be like that. That in itself was a comfort, to know that people believe I am, and I can. Then today Bill White a good friend and old client wrote me. Said he feels for me that he believes in me, He wished for me that one day soon I would be rich and famous, he ecouraged me in saying your so talented, your life is interesting although convoluted, YES I agree. But in that he said I know you will make something happen.
THANK YOU BILL! it was kinda like my mother speaking to me. She was my encourager, she always said your my joy, you make me smile and happy, and I beleive in you. She told me to believe in God and thank him Daily. I can say I do Thank god for what little I have, and for the fact that I am not a drug addict, not an alcoholic, and I don't have loads of debt, and I am healthy with out physical problems.
Many times on here I said, I am not perfect... but in Gods EYES I AM PERFECT! thats a comfort too!
Ok enough!!! I been just hanging out, on the computer, helping my friend in her little clothing store. I cleaned it and helped put up clothes, we sit outside in the front greeting people visiting with a few tourists, not very many at all it is so sad.
Other than that, still no place to stay.. keeping my chin up!

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