Friday, September 05, 2008

Not there yet

The night before I left I had met with my youngest son, his girlfriend and my grandson. A short meeting only to give Julian a small gift of some soap with frogs in them, and some post cards of where I live and a big kiss. My son and I talked and actually made progress on our communication. He understands why things are the way they are and why I am now having to do what I want in this stage of life. We had a good cry, we hugged and kissed. I was sad to say good bye to my son and his family. After I went to my friends Sharon’s and painted her whole bedroom with her till 2:00 am. Prior to this I worked at E2C during the day this is the company that produces The Monterey wine festival and Northwest Food and Wine festival, I painted some on their house outside, which I have been doing for several days.
Then visited My son’s family. As We painted I visited with my good friend. We talked till three Am or so.
Then I prepared in the morning for the flight back to Costa Rica.
The flight back to Costa Rica was more than I thought. At first I checked in at the Alaska airlines counter to find out only one bag is permitted on normal flights an additional 25 dollar fee charged for every bag over the first one. I asked if I could go ahead and check them to fly all the way through so I would not have a struggle once I arrived into Los Angeles International. This was possible so they charged me the extra and push them through.
The first leg of the flight I paid for by working for
This was more than I anticipated, it was over $350.00 by the time I paid for the baggage. It was only a two hour and 20 minute flight to Los Angeles. We were served some tiny little sesame crackers and a complementary glass of wine. The plane was small, I was lucky to have a front row seat.
The Second leg of the flight was a prepaid gift from a reader, Bobby. Which I will be working for when he arrives to check out the country and possibly purchase some property there in Costa Rica.
The reason I am affirming this, is because I had a comment by and obnoxious reader who accused me of working him, but our agreement is that I am working with him when he arrives. NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE, except my thinking, and yours.
Now, I find out in LAX that my flight goes to Houston, and there I sit in the airport from 11:40 pm till 9:20 am to go to Costa Rica, meaning that I sleep in the air terminal all those hours. GOD !! that’s ugly!
I want to say thank you to Linda a co Worker at E2C, she gave me a very nice card, as well as my son’s girlfriend who gave me a nice gift. Linda had some interesting thoughts she put onto this card, and I will use that as my guide in my next adventures.
I am super excited to be working for this company Reality guide, because the knowledge and experience I will gain will aide in writing , plus I will be able to meet some incredible people, write some great stories about their projects, businesses, tours, restaurants, Hotels, and Real estate. I am super inspired for this job.
Peoples comments on here are sometimes so crazy! But honestly I can say that I am free, Debt free, not bound to anything one thing, and the idea that I have endless boundaries, possibilities, and opportunities is amazing. I will miss my friends and family as usual, but to be alive, healthy happy and know that I am doing what is best for my life is really an encouraging thing.
I had a acquaintance yesterday say to me” I have nothing to hold me here except my house, I have no social life, I have no happiness, and all I do is just work and go home” She is the same age as I am my response was, Get free, you have a piece of property, do you want to see things in life or be pint up in that house and have no joy? Do you have a husband- lover- boyfriend? Family that supports your goings on? She said no.
I said ok there you have it. DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU, life is short try to enjoy. You may not have the opportunity again.
If you have family that never is supportive of your ventures, or even has an interest in what you do, why waist your time and hope that maybe someday they will care? It is their loss not yours, do what gives your joy, enjoy. GO OFF THE GRID! And feel good about who you are!
I may not always feel so great about me at times, but I can say I DO FEEL GOOD ABOUT BEING STRONG ENOUGH TO change, strong enough to make a choice that is best for me. Strong enough to keep going, no matter what nay sayers say.
If circumstances were different, if the family I do have was together, or had some sort of union, made an effort, then maybe I would be most hesitant to be doing things that are adventurous, but when I did live with family near it was as if most the time they were far. So a choice to see something different, do something different, after years of working hard, and never doing anything but work! So I chose to do this for a while.
Sacrifice is over. My motherhood is done. And now it is time to enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I want to thank you for your inspiration, your encouragement to all of us over the hill, overweight, ex-wives, unappreciated, ignored mothers. We have devoted most of our lives to a husband, our children, our professions. You have showed us, that we can shut the door to all this and do our own thing. Do what makes us have joy. Me time! I can recreate my body, recreate my personality, recreate my life. Thank God we were born in the US, or we could not be able to be FREE, to leave. Free to make money to leave. Free to close the door to our ungrateful children. Free to divorce those abusing husbands. Thank God we are free! So Thank you Marianna, live it up big, we deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your positive,and inspirational words. I read your blogs when I can,and I am sorry to know that it didn't work out too well for you in the states this last time,but I can recall the last visit you had was a cold one,and sounded like you would never return? funny how things turn out in this lifetime,but at least you found peace with one of your sons,and got to see your grandbaby.I am guessing your goal was to return to find peace with them all,and it's just so unfortunate for you that it didn't quite turn out this way.
I just have to of the parties in your family needs to find more forgiveness in her heart,and maybe move on if she can't learn to accept you with other family, thats just a given it shouldn't be any other way.I really mean this in a sincere way. She may be very unhappy,and miserable,but holds on dearly because she really needs that strenghth,and bond you and he hold,and can't help but control him,and when doing so, this affects his behavior,and he takes it out on the only other female role model he knows.YOU! Some people get jealous of their partners parents,and soon start to resent them. I would strongly consider council for any person who is this way,and knows it.This has happened to a member in our family so believe me, it is not you.I am unsure if they have kids of thier own,but would be a very poor choice on your sons part to even consider this. You think you are being treated badly? We would never want a child involved in that jealousy ring.I say this-- just continue to do what is in that big heart of yours.I do not see any harm in what you have chosen to do. Just go 4 it! God Bless! C