Monday, September 08, 2008

Living in Costa Rica

I am sure some may not understand my passion for the life in Costa Rica or understand why I feel so bad when I am in the USA around my sons.. You may never understand, I am sure you assume or presume, one thing or another but the reality is.

I love the green, I love the climate, I love the nature, the food, the people's smiles, the music. I feel happy most of the time here.
When arriving, I went directly to Jonathans office, he was busy working on a television stations website, so I walked up into San Pedro and just looked around. I tried to buy and umbrella because it was raining but all were sold out in the two places I entered. I had my first cup of Costa Rican coffee strong and with milk. I tasted so dang good...
I smiled and thought I did it again, I have changed so much in the past few years, my values now are simple, more simple than ever. It doesn't take much to make me happy... but the one thing that would really make me happy would be the love of my children. SIMPLE LOVE...

I can not go into the situations, its very personal, and too fragile a situation to expose. But regardless, I love them, and a mothers love is forgiving and undying. People always make there own choices. Mine is not to be cut off, but to live a simple, peaceful life. Enjoying whatever I can.
My hope is one day they will come and visit me and see why I am here, see the another perspective outside of the one they have.

I think if the youngest could if he had the finances he would, and maybe in the future he will.

Ok off to COSTA RICA...

So after Jonathan got off work he told me that he lived so far away that the taxi 's for me to go to Sabana Sur which is were the office is it would be about 35 to 40 dollars back and forth. He said it would be best to stayed in a hotel. So I bit the bullet and stay in a small hotel in Down town San Jose, eating into the tiny amount of money I left with.

In the morning they served the typical breakfast of gallo pinto, which is rice mixed with black beans celantro, onions and red pepper, an egg and tortillas with sour cream. It seems I get up early here ? I had gotten up the first time at five Am, only to go back to bed to try to rest before my training experience with Realtyguide.
I found out its mostly Sales of Advertising for this company, meaning I deal with big projects, brokers, developers, architecs. I do have a few things to battle with this, like getting my cell phone back which I found out may not happen at all it was cancelled by Tony the orginator of the line.ITS MUCH DIFFERENT HERE... then my computer was reformated by HP and they neglected to put all the programs back into it, I searched for all the disks, but I do not have office. One thing that has to be repaired... there is a little more but I am trying seriously to be strong and MOVE on.
After the training, still feel unprepared, it was a rush of so much information with out any writen information. The second day he only met with me two hours and wanted me to do a sales pitch, which I frankly explain, I was not ready. I didn't have enough time to learn or study with out writen information. So today and tomorrow I must try to study what I have in the media kits, the sales prices and maybe to my own sort of introductory letter to previous clients, which I do not have a list of..
I caught the bus on Sunday at five it was pouring rain but hot, I mean buckets of rain all my luggage got soaked, but it was fine when I opened to see.
The drive through the country, many things the same and many things changed. I was surprised. But it was so beautiful and GREEN AS GREEN you can imagine. Almost too much for the eyes.
Soon it was dark and the bus was cramed filled of workers returning to there cabinas, in certain areas where projects are being developed. People standing hanging on to the rails holding on the bars on the side sitting on the floors.
I had a reserved seat because I walked early in the morning to the office some 20 blocks or more to purchase ahead, I knew what it is like on Sunday.

As darkness fell I thought about many things, and realized that I am a super strong woman, who challages myself to many things, and some how some way succeeds. in doing what I have to Amazing how I continue with little or nothing? I surprise my own self.

Even if no one else cares or is proud, that some how I survive, and take care of myself in a way I never have... I am proud that I still am believeing that I can make it in a world that is increasingly difficult.

Today is beautiful the sun is out its hot but the breeze is blowing and the clouds are softly
filtering through the sky. I have seen 8 of my freinds already, all seemed to be happy that I am back.
All were smiling and welcoming me. Now to find a place to stay, and hopefully get going on the job thing.
If anyone is Interested check out the site where I will be working:
If you coming to Costa Rica you can write me send me a comment, with your name and email
address and I will respond.

Back In the country again!


Vie Spinner said...

Glad you are out of the United States - it's nothing really fantastic here - anyone would likely agree - too much violence, too much greed, and too fat kids and people = not healthy.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you are back the US is nothing special right now. too much of greed, politics, economy issues and problems, people are fat - kids ain't fit and the place is spiraling down the hole - at least your hole is green - ours is brown without rain in California. ick.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You got out. I was fearing for your life. Afraid mold would grow on you from that bitter cold and all that rain. Those that live in Wa. & Or. must hate where they have to live. Probably too fat and drunk to move or know better. lol. Enjoy the sun. Enjoy the clean food. Feel sorry for us idiots that have to live in the US! We need help!!

Anonymous said...

Reading about Costa Rica makes me want to move. I should just sell everything. have a large garage sale and what I do not sell just give to the Church or people on the the street of Las Vegas.. Why pay on storage with things that can be replaced. These things that I don't use anyways. Only pack the things that I use.. + I have a monthly income that should be enough for CR if I can survive here in Vegas. What is stopping me.. It takes guts and fortitude. Something that is hard to come by and only a few ever attain. I take my hat off to Marianna for having those qualities that only a few can claim to have. Like the great explorers that went out to search before us. Lets just say that in order to change you have to stop doing the same thing over and over again. It is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same over and over and expecting Change.
I would like to try Costa Rica if only to make a difference in someones life.