Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Final day in USA

When I woke yesterday, I felt very upset, worried and a little frightened. Not because of any one thing.
It is the last two days before I go to a wonderful job, working for a Reality Guide, back in Costa Rica. There isn't much to prepare for, since I been virtually living out of my suitcases, for a month and half. It is the details of where am I staying, how will I find a place, the cell phone situation well it is a little complicated. But I can say this, you know how people say when things are right how you shouldn't struggle. How things should just fall into place? When you are happy and know its right everything just seems to flow? Well this is exactly what has happened, Everything is falling right into place.

It was meant for me to return to see how wrong it is for me to be here, and to find a job that I would not have found if I hadn't.
I returned to life's dramas here that are more intense than I could have imagined. This has helped me to appreciate my trials and know that peace is on the other side of the world.

First it was good for me to see Julian, my grandson and see how he is growing, the second to see my friend Sharon, and be a help to her during the time I was here.
Share more time with a long time friend Tina and help her a little. As well as she extending her generous hand, in giving me a place to stay and offering me work.

The whole stay in USA was this time about opening my eyes, the clarity of life's going on here.
And Run like hell to stay away from it!!!
I see a pattern in peoples lives here that all seem to be the same.
When I lived here, I was medicating myself with food, and I can see that many people here are trying to find ways to feel good about there life's situations, either by alcohol , Food or Drugs, prescribed mostly? People here take so many drugs.

We all live and to have drink is ok but the amount of alcoholics, and Obesity here is astounding. I am not a tea total er, I like my wine, my caparinas, my micheladas. But it is evident that people are medicating here. Its all over the world, but more so here not as a social aspect but as a way to feel better about there so called good life, Free country living.

So back to my return to Costa Rica.
I applied online to a craigslist job in Costa Rica for a magazine, With a few phone calls, and emails they hired me. It was very interesting, because the brother of the publisher lives in Jaco and happens to know who I am.
My territory will be the Pacific Coastal areas, interviewing and writing, about fine dinning, tours, Real estate projects. In addition to the interviews I will be doing advertising sales for the magazine. I will have to work a few days a week in down town San Jose and travel back to the coastal areas. So its a dual job with multi sites.

So how did it all fall in place?
I was applying for other jobs as well, here in USA and working for Northwest food and wine, this was a contract job. So I knew it was temporary, the reasons for searching for other types of work. I thought to look one day at Craigslist and see if there was anything there in Costa Rica and immediately the first day there was. I wrote and got a speedy response. Abnormal for Costa Rica. I then called them and spoke with them, and it just formed in a matter of three days.
Ok so how do I fly there and get there as fast as they wanted me? Money being very tight.

Well one of my readers had written me a month ago about Costa Rica, he was wanting information, and asked me a whole list of varied questions, because he and some of his friends were planning on visiting in October. He wanted me to go along with them and be a sort of guide. Help them with a few things and look for property. He had made an offer to pay my way, so I wrote him and said look I am still willing to help you, are you still going? Would you be able to get my ticket a little early because I had a job offer and need to be there now.
He wrote back immediately and said of course! So he emailed me the airline ticket! THANK YOU BOBBY!!!! God bless you!
Then I called a friend there and found out he lives near where the office is in San Jose. We talked and he said its perfectly fine for me to stay with him while I work in San jose.
This guy Jonathan, was my web designer, he would come to Jaco often and work and stay in my place. So the exchange is perfect.
So everything just simply fell into place with out a struggle.
I leave tomorrow morning at12:20 I fly into Los Angeles California, then Costa Rica, I Feel free, free of financial debt, free of drama, free of bad health. I am a very lucky woman.
Although life is full of problems, and I have my share. I am blessed. And now I am going back to a beautiful land, where the weather is warm, the birds sing, the food is clean and the people are loving.
I know things are on it's way to turning around for me, and good adventures are about to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear you will be going back to the Land You Love!
Sounds like you have a good job too.
Best Wishes!