Tuesday, June 10, 2008


ONCE again another false promise, that didn't ever happen period.
I think my friend was trying to give me hope or WHO KNOWS? but when I finally walked to his house and personally asked him what is up with this job offer, He hummed and hawed, We went back and forth a little I said hey you told me to wait, I have? and now I am curious although this is not something I ever dreamed of doing, its better than sitting and doing nothing. And at least its money coming in, who knows where it could lead.
In the final results he said the people never called him back and that it was a good thought. He said that I should go myself to the Marina and ask.

A little peaved at him I stood there not saying much, didn't talk frankly at all! staring at the floor thinking ok, another strange situation, but hey at least it was out on the table now.

I got my jacket and began to say ok I will talk to you later, when he stopped me and offered that I clean his house. I thought well, ok sure. So Today I went and cleaned, He asked for twice a week.

My Brother when I was about 19, had a cleaning business.I would help him many times, offices, business and a few houses. So I know how to do it and I am a very clean, organized person, but its been years ago in that type of work. It was late nights of cleaning when the businesses closed. I thought about that while I cleaned his house. But I never dreamed I would be doing this, I am not to proud to work. There was a time when my sister would pay me to clean her house once a week so its not beyond me to do this, although I have always wanted my own house keeper!!

There are options, I have written many people.. Weather some of you know it or not, I will succeed. I wanted to see a different place, I did it, that doesn't mean I am here for ever it may?or it may not it all depends on what happens here. I still want to see more of the world and I can say once again I do miss Costa Rica. Should I wait and depend on someone to pay for my travels? or pray someone will just take me where I want to go?

NO I make the decisions, with little or no money I find a way, perhaps its not easy, at times it is super peaceful, a drastic change from my prior life. Sometimes I find just thinking about the weather, dull as that might seem to some a great way to pass the afternoon. I am learning daily, not only about me but about people. Cruel most of them, dishonest, but in that sorted mess I generally find something good about the person.

A life of stress, hectic work, panic, constant worry about bills, and how to make ends meet,being alone. Now its much simplier, Still alone most of the time, I have learned much about culture, people, and myself. I am strong, I do survive even when there are moments I feel I can not go on a second longer.. Somehow something snaps in me and I become alive again and take it in different direction.
I have done allot in the four years I have been away from the USA, not only have I seen some incredible things, and visited some unusual places, but I have tried things I never dared to before. I have Met some interesting characters, I have made some really good friends, I have ate things I didn't know what it was utill after, I have learned to love Pinto Gallo! I have changed my mind, My body and my spirit.
YOU! can do anything if you set your mind to it. There are times when I think, honestly I want something much better, and I know if I really concentrate I can have whatever I want! but its nice to be simple, and not worry so much. It is nice to sleep till 9:00 in the morning. Something I never use to do.
I wanted to leave the USA, Many reasons, one the area the rain, the people,my life My children, the fighting that was going on between them and the lack of love,it was not what I felt was good for me any more. I read ,took a year and just studied about places in the world.
I felt ok I am still young enough to enjoy and see things.
It takes strenght to be able to stop a life that is on going, sell things you own and make a new direction. I have done it.... Not for everyone but for me it was good, and it still maybe.

As far as walking the streets, the way gas is going, the prices! Jesus help us! maybe its best I am walking!!!! MAYBE SOME OF YOU SHOULD TRY IT, it might cut some of that fat off the back side! and give more oxigen to your brain~~~~ making you think clearer, and bit nicer, sending endorfins coarsing through your harden arteries.

At the moment I do not have a car, its the first time in my life since I was sixteen that I have not had a car. Its been approximately 8 months of walking and no car. I just wonder how others peoples approach to being with out would be? Cry about it? Run to the bank and get a loan that ends up costing tripple the amount of the value of the car? or try to tough it out till you can afford a car?

And yes I love to dance, Anonymous, who doesn't have the courage to say who you really are, has no clue that I do dance and dance very well, putting false "you tube" addresses with suggestions that I am a porn dancer? or making referrances to such stupid jokes whom you believe I have no idea what you are suggesting WRONG!!! Who are you some young moron who has never seen me or even understand Oriental dancing which is technical, and very good for the body and mind. STOP Because of you there will no longer be comments, those that want to comment send it To Myrnana84@hotmail.com
I got tips the very first night because I put money on me and when I danced the people saw, the second night I didn't have cash, Simon didn't make anouncements, They think its a paid act, they didn't know it was for tips. I have had since many people ask me when I was gonig to again because THEY LIKED IT I have had lots of complements. Simon has no idea how to make this work. We are working out the details and I Will dance there and make money!!! I have contacted other venues that will pay cash I will succeed! Honestly, a phrase in spanish is translated in english. You need to have your tongue cut out because you talk falsely with out knowledge of seeing the person you are talking about.

And I can say right now, your smiling, because you got attention from me, But your done. So take your stupidity to another site
Honestly people, If you do not like what I write please move on. I don't do it for you... I do it for myself firstly. I want records of what I think and feel, and I do have family and real friends who do care that read and are interested in How I am doing, feeling and getting along.

At that I will say now: FIRST!! WHERE ARE YOU JON DICKEY? Email me

Facts about Spanards,Ibecincans:

Lots of the women have low gutteral voices, some are very low.
Men are always thinking about the women, the men are generally macho.
They stick to most Traditions
Herbas is the drink of Ibiza about everyone has a chupito now and then.
Hamon is in most Spanards houses or they eat it a few times a week. It is a huge leg of Hamon, cured with salt and it still has the hoof on it sits on a wood platform hoof in hook.
Sausage is always something that is eaten very often, mostly blood,or another type of chorizo.
Many of them Smoke allot.
The Flaminco is in their blood, now the style of Flamico has been moderized but I will say Untill you have experienced it you may not know, it is beautiful, haunting, and really romantic. It is not only the dance it is the song.
BOOTS are a Spanish girls best friend... laughing because I see all types, and its funny some are typical, and not very pretty but they love them!

This will be the last page for comments after this one it is closed.
Those of you who don't understand why READ AGAIN ABOUT THE FALSE YOU TUBES and take a look at some of those.
HATEFUL AND INSULTING... has to be a US citizen or is it?


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Anonymous said...

There are a lot of people wishing you the best Marrianna, don't let a few negative comments ruin it.

Anonymous said...


I think that people are pretty sick and they are in the United States leaving these pathetic nasty messages. You can tell - so again - why would anyone want to return? You are free - living simply is a gift. You will succeed as you have always done and unfortunately a lot of people think it is all about the money and material things from which they will never be free of wanting and needing and thinking that somehow they are enhanced by these material possessions - until they die - they will never be at peach with themselves. They are sad folks now and have a lot of inner pain which shows itself in writing hateful messages. Hopefully someday they will find more productive messages to write and find contentment on their own.