Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Weds, June 4th

I pittled around here this morning, seemingly taking forever to get ready, why I have no clue. It just didn't come together the way I normally get ready. I walked out and it was cloudy again. Kathy was right outside my window peering in, cleaning up some little something from one of the plants that is outside my bedroom window. Always in the morning Ivan and she or Grandma, Abuela, are outside milling around. We chatted for a second, she commented on how Guapa I looked, and we said good bye. Adios.

I walked right down to the gal who made her promises to me, she was sitting at her desk with people waiting. I smiled as I entered and said good morning, she half heartedly smiled and said right off the bat, you have to wait... I thought ok your the one who called me, On Sunday no less.. and asked me to come on Monday I have done everything she has asked. Now she wants me to wait. I said Oh I understand and I turned and walked out. I sent her my resume, like she wanted, I have done everything she wanted... I did say ok well you know I am right across the street, You need help and I am here if you want me.

I left at that, and walked to the printer that is just down the way. But they only do digital graphics and suggested I go into Ibiza. So I walked to the bus stop, sat down and no sooner than I sat the bus pulled up.

I rode with a hole crew of Tourists, they were all English and German speaking. One little old Ibizan came on and there was not a place to sit. I immediately got up grabbed her arm and said Senora por favor aseintase! I gave up my seat for her, at first she said and where will you go, I said its ok VALE!!! So she sat and I stood.

Got into town, went to the paper, to ask about an add.. and then I found a printer, and talk to them about some cards. I want one that says all the things I am able to do well, and just start handing it out to potiential clients.

Belly Dancing, Sounds crazy! but yes... Catering! Massages! party planner and designer, floral, home, interior, landscape. you name it!! So we worked on the idea and he is willing to let me make little payments. Now I just need to make some tips and pay for the cards.

I walked around found a couple of shops Inever saw before. I spent about four hours walking. I wanted to go that area in the center that I met my friend in where there are many little outdoor restaurants, in the plaza. But I walked through it and it was full.. so I continued on the old part of Ibiza, near the gay district. Its so cool this area. Old architecture, Buildings close together, White washed, laundry hanging from the balconies. Colorfull shutters, a few plants here and there and lots of Bouganvillas. I have a place that I have eaten at a couple of times there in one of the alleys, its very classic spain. But it was full also, and they had mixo paellla, last time I ate it I was sick the next day. It could be the shell fish. So I decided against that. I walked across the alley to one where people wait in line to get into, and I discovered why. Its an old bar- restuarant, TAPAS.. and its probably one of the older ones in the city. Famous for its cheap wine and cheap food.

I got a table right away which is not usual. I have been there before but could never get in. People here do not eat at noon. They close all the shops, and businesses at 1:00 or 1:30 its after this the places fill up. So around 2:00 to 4:00 is when lunch is eaten. Dinner takes place at 8:30 or later, 9:00 or even up to 11:30 at night.

I sat ordered the house wine. Everyone drinks Wine or Shandees, or beer. So I figure wine is better. He brought the dang bottle! Then the bread comes with aoli I love that, garlicy and creamy. I ate a small amount, some bread with olive oil and salt. Its the Italian way and the Ibizan way also.

Then came what Ever it was I ordered??? Sepia, la plancha, ok I know La plancha, like on the grill? but SEPIA? I thought perhaps it was a fish of some sort, I asked for Salad no potatas, they say POTATAS, in Costa Rica is was papas, Salad was plain with a couple of tomatos. Olive oil and vinegar is normal on every table.

I drank the wine watched the people the dogs on leashes! and admired the sights.. I truly enjoyed my lunch, although I didn't have a clue what I was eating, it was chewy, and well I think it was big squid, flattened and grilled with a little garlic, I saw two tenicles, but it also looked like octopus? but that is called pulpo? so I don't know what it was.. but I ate it! then came a guy playing an according, walking around playing so gleefully. He had a hat on and played some classic I am sure tunes. Took off the hat and passed it. I smiled he didn't come my way I watched him in the distance.

I left, walked about, feeling a little drunk after one and half cups of wine. WOW WAS IT EVER STRONG!! not kidding I was tipsy. It was just a local wine, but good red.

I found another restaurant that may use me to dance, talked with them for a few minutes, then it began to rain. Walked about in the old port district for about a hour, then hit a coffee shop the rain was cold to me.

I had a coffee and palm leaf pastry.. I couldn't resist..

Watching as tourists ate loads of ice cream and pastries, and sitting enjoying the afternoon Coffee.

Then I headed for Talmanca,I had a shirt of Simons that I washed and it got left out some how, he talked to me for a while, then showed me his new problems.

Two baby kittens that were left, he asked me if I wanted them I refused, Kittens NO.
Then he asked again if I could do the laundry and I said of course.
Then I got a call from my friend from yesterday, he said he had a job offer for me.
It is of all things Cleaning Yatchs, inside and out.. how the heck will I do this? I don't know but I may give it shot! Ya nevah know?
He is meeting with me tomorrow, Ok here we go again?? I hope?
In the morning I will practice dancing, wait on his call, get my things ready for the evening. I may dance again only this time with announcement so people know what the heck is going on! I explained this to Simon and so were trying to work it out here.. learning as we go.
He seems to really like me, he thinks about me, because he recounts things I say when where together.. So he must be thinking about me.
When he is sober, he such a beautiful person!
See what tomorrow brings, Today was GOOD ALTHOUGH NO WORK CAME it was a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well the men come in these places
And the men are all the same
You dont look at their faces
And you dont ask their names
You dont think of them as human
You dont think of them at all
You keep your mind on the money
Keeping your eyes on the wall

Im your private dancer
A dancer for money
Ill do what you want me to do
Im your private dancer
A dancer money
Any old music will do

I wanna make a million dollars
I wanna live out by the sea
Have a husband and some children
Yeah I guess I want a family
All the men come in these places
And the men are all the same
You dont look at their faces
And you dont ask their names
Repeat chorus twice

Deutschmarks or dollars
American express will nicely thank you
Let me loosen up your collar
Tell me do you wanna see me do the shimmy again
Repeat chorus