Monday, June 09, 2008

Really horrible WEATHER!

IT was a terrible weather weekend, Rain, Clouds, not able to dance.. many people but alll were inclosed in hotels and bars. Although Kathy and I went Sat night to a local place in San Jordi, they served us a platter or a mountain of food. Typical of Ibiza, half buns or crusty breads, with fried omlette type eggs, some with a hamburger patty, some with bacon, ham and cheese melted on top. Half faced all of it and piled up high. I took little nibbles of all three, we visited with her sister in law, and mother in law and the two grandsons.

Later Kathy and I took a trip to Down town Ibiza, it was about 10:30 at night. We walked along the harbor in the front of the city looking at all the enormous yatchs. I swear to my life I have never seen such huge yatchs ever.. My god! HUGE!! beautiful, all different colors. With lights all below the water surface, glowing like huge Icons in the port. Symbols of wealth for the world to see.
It was pretty amazing, spectacular to see up close.
Some are much larger than the normal home.

We walked along the waterfront, visited shops that are open till one am, and little vendors along the road ways and alleys. It was so much fun.
Loads of people drinking eating so late at night. I met a french man who has a nice store, he needs help. I Have his email so I am going to see if I can at least get some sort of work.
Today also, I am going to my friends to talk about the yatch cleaning.
Yesterday was a weather disaster for tourists, rain, wind and cold. I went to Talmanca with hopes again but no luck. Only to visit with two girls one from Germany, one from London.Simons friend from London. We chatted and enjoyed each others company, during the rain.

Today I will practice dance, I ate my small breakfast of one egg and toasted french or Italian bread?? coffee. I will then walk to my friends house. Probably eat later with him.
We are going to discuss terms of the yatch job.

I don't want to wash the outsides, I don't know how I can? there huge!!! but inside would be nice and interesting I am sure. And Who knows what it could lead too??? I am trying seriously to remain positive!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does the word estúpido mean anything to you ?

Anonymous said...

Is there some reason you can't come back to the US? Do you owe taxes or something?? It seems like you are going through great trouble to keep away. If there isn't anything holding you back, why not return to the states. That way you could play with your own grandchildren instead of your land lords.

Anonymous said...

what about a place like puerto rico? still speaks spanish, but you would get benifits of the US, plus it is somewhere you could work legally and not under the table all the time like you seem to be doing. I really don't think cleaning boats is a good use of your talent, and peurto rico seems to be a good blend of everything you are after. Sun, etc, but you could be a citizen there.

Anonymous said...

For the past 3 years now you have been in the same sutuation and if you have not learned by your mistakes you will continue to repeat them. We have been reading the same thing for 3 years and nothing changes always the same. From that last poster maybe pureto rico would be a better choice. Just don't forget it is part of the USA and if you use your SS # for work and you owe taxes they will come after you.If that is the case why don't you just take care of that problem and your life will become much better....

Marianna said...

I DONT OWE TAXES, Stop reading if you don't like what I do

Anonymous said...

puerto rico seems like a perfect place for you! good advice!

Anonymous said...

You're life is an adventure - and at least you can live very minimally which you can not do in the U.S. Taxes are the least of the problems here now - there are no jobs - highest employment last month on the record - largest oil increase in 30 years and it goes on and on - the middle class are getting poorer not richer, food is expensive and will be even more. Family is great - especially if they are supportive but, they typically don't provide housing and food so I say see if you can survive and continue to think positively.

Anonymous said...

I think you should keep dancing. I saw this and was thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

unemployment and high prices are everywhere. heck, truck drivers in spain have blocked the toll roads with their trucks! Puerto Rico is a common wealth, meaning, they don't actually pay taxes like you do if you were in an actual state. plus, their ecomony is doing fine right now. really big numbers like that can't be applied locally and by specific industry. sure, things are tough all over, but all over the world, not just the US.

Anonymous said...

Dancer that reminded me of you post op.....

Anonymous said...

Dancer that reminded me of you post op.....

Anonymous said...

This is one way dancers make lots of Money in all Countries.

Anonymous said...

here's another clip that reminds me of you

Anonymous said...


There is so much hate i.e. frustration, anger and hurt being said on this site that I think you should close the comments again. It is very easy for people to take out their misery and try to make you own it. For some reason I can not imagine people are afraid you will succeed - I think you already have in many ways and truly people make their own way - there are just a lot of miserable people out there - wanting you to be the same.

Anonymous said...

I don't really see any hate in the above comments, unless the youtube things were. They seem fine to me, like a bunch of people who care really.