Monday, February 19, 2007

We ended up going to Steve and Lisa's on the water near Tarcoles, we ater an early dinner. I had the the entire fish again, I guess lately I am stuck on sea food on Sunday, I just love it! Clint had a Hamburgesa, they really do not make good hamburgers here, but Steve and lisas are the best.

We drove back watered Marla's garden, then went to the house. I rested awhile and then Ken and Marcia came by for us to go somewhere.

We went to the jungle bar to play pool its a nice place upstairs large place very nice setting now, before it was ugly and tacky, but now they have it all decorated really cool with lots of Costa Rican Accents, and very cool furniture that is rustic to the country. Its not dark and seedy its a lively place with huge screen TVs and lots of pool tables, on one side the other has dancing. I do not play pool but I enjoyed watching Marcia kick Kens butt.

Then Christian Showed up, he really knows how to play good. So I watched him then kick Marcia and Kens butt. It was fun we stayed about two or so hours then went back to the house to talk.

Clint was in bed sleeping tired from all the gardening he has been doing with the Nicos.
Christian and I had a real intense conversation about the relationship. I really have no idea what this is so I will remain as much as I can controlled and not to emotionally involved. I really do not know how to play the love game at all..
Frankly do not want to play I just want to be who I am and not put on pretenses.

Enough of that boring stuff.

Last night I talked to my son only for a short time. He sounded tired. I hope he is really ok? I have not heard from the other one at all.
So Jordan if you read this send me your new phone so I can call you. I have sent emails but I get no response.

I do not have anything special going on this week just the finishing of the gallery Garden.

I want to get my car repaired and I am thinking about selling it. I want to buy a pick up Truck. I need one for hauling furniture, plants and just things for the job. I want a Ford but I know there really expensive here. So My plan is fix this one sell it use the cash and try to pay outright for something with more power and more useful.

It is nice today, the sun is shinning and the wind is blowing so it feels actually good. I heard Toucans early this morning and yesterday while we were eating right next to the sea many many Red macaws were flying about and doing their mating ritual.

It was so interesting and fun to watch. The Sky's today are crystal clear and blue not a cloud in the sky. All the trees are beginning to flower, bright orange, red, hot pink, pale pink, Yellow every color imaginable. The Bougainvilleas are so intense that they shock your eyes. I just wonder if the angle of the sun here has something to do with the intensity of the color of the plants?

It is really amazing how they glow in the sun. I am not the only one that has said this other people notice too.
It is hard to believe that in Vancouver or Portland that it is cold and raining, being that it is so hot and beautiful her... but in reality I know. I use to get so depressed in that weather there.

Oh I have something new going on, I am now doing a special segment in a local mag called the Jaco Guide. I will be doing resturaunt reviews, and inspirations for people who come. Giving my ideas about where to go things to see, how to use the products here and the plant materials, just living in general. Good food, good music, places to dance, shops to frequent, gardens and sites, and sports available here. It comes out once a month and I have two pages every month.
I think this will be fun! making me think about where I am going next, and what place I want to feature.
Who knows what will come from that??

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