Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sumerizing Febuary

Going to the yatch

Real Gecko that was over10 inches long

Eddy singing at Tabacone

Nice week, working in the gallery garden has been rewarding. Hot but rewarding, I have had several Nico's working all week long doing a great job of putting the whole look of the garden together. Tomorrow We will start the mosaic Walkway. It is not a normal walkway, I want it with metal and tile like Tortorici's style of paintings. He uses lots of different metals in his art and its really cool. So the guys are working with me tomorrow in the design.
I finally finished Macaw. It is looking really awesome! and now this month I have a new add coming out in one of the local mags, I will be writing for it to from this day on.
The weeks was a total labor week, hard labor but good. I got sick towards the end of the week with some sort of laryngitis, couch, aches,, and swelling in my face. But a trip to the pharmacy, manage to get it in check. Here you go to the pharmacy and describe your symptoms, and they give you something right over the counter. So easy and works so far every time for me.
Thursday night I got a call pretty late from Eduardo, he said he manage to get us a champagne Cruz on the bay in Herradurra. All three of us, Clint Ed and I.So early Friday we closed up and went about 3:45 to the marina, boarded into this beautiful yatch. There lots and lots of Yatchs, more than I think I have ever seen in my whole life. That Marina at Los Suenos is huge and very well done.
We were all introduced, there were quite a few people who boarded. They had cevieche, guacamole, chips and anything you wanted to drink.

As we sailed in the early evening on the sea, it was calm and the warm breezes were gently getting cooled by the water as we progressed farther out to into the bay.
The whole trip was great, as soon as we got further out they broke out the real food, It was completely catered. Prime rib on sticks, shrimp with mango, chicken, veggies with blue cheese. Pineapple and cheese. It was really good, and fun. I enjoyed the whole trip, I spent most of my time being quiet and enjoying it I was not very social. I had a serious moment, where earlier in the week I had a vision of my life. I had asked God to help with my life and change it, I saw in the vision a ship on the sea, and how it was sailing very smoothly. THIS IS REAL I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!! I saw the purple sail, and saw how the wind filled all the sails, and the whole ship was running smoothly with out effort, no engine but only wind. As I entered the ship, for real I knew that the reality of my vision was about to be come more clear to0 me. So I spent my time pondering and listening to my heart. I had a couple of glasses of Balatore, and ate a bit but not much.
I watched all the other guests and just observed. I entered into a few conversations, but for the most part I was Tranquillo.
Then I understood the vision. I watched the boat as it sailed farther out to sea, I watched the crew they all worked together to manage the ship, and ran when the wind began, I saw that as opportunity, they seized the moment of opportunity, filling the sails with the most wind that they could. I counted this as seeing when an opportunity arises, to not hesitate but use it to it's fullest.
Then I watched them tie off the ropes and work together in pulling the sails to the right positions. My life needs to be as ship, sailing smoothly using the wind to guide me, a team of people working together, my business a good team who all work together to seize the moment and use what is available to the fullest. With a good team things run smoothly. One shipmate that is not on the same page can cause the ship to falter.
The analogy is similar and I know that this is what I want in my life... I want smooth sailing, that only comes with knowledge and instruction, and wisdom.
It was a great trip, and I encourage those of you who come to visit to take this sunset cruze its awesome! and inspiring.
There is much more that I got out of this trip, more than the vision. I realized how lucky I was and how blessed I was to be able to enjoy such a thing and have it at the tip of my fingers anytime I want it.
I found a new house its huge, with two other little houses on the same property.. but it is alot to rent, and I have to give it some thought at so weather I can handle renting the other's out and making a profit on it. I just know I need to move. I can not take the apt any longer. Dirty dust constant, the noise level, and now construction right next door. The partyers across the street all night... No rest, the other thing is though that this sits on the Costa Nera and It has alot of traffic noise. MAYBE NOT? I just want a nice place WAAAAAAAAAA
I went out on Friday in San Jose with Joseph Beer, the head sales person of Costa Montana, a project I been tyring to be involved with. He had invited me out, so we went and had sushi at bennihana's. We had nice coversation, getting to know each other more. I hope our business relationship works well.
Now there selling Costa Esterillos, a great project! I want a place there!!!!
Clint went with but he went out to the clubs, I stayed in the hotel and rested, I have not felt well.
When I returned yesterday I found that the air conditioning line in the office broke ruining the ceiling, and the plasma that is hanging there under the pipes. So that is on the agenda tomorrow to get it repaired.
life... a series of challanges constantly!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

We ended up going to Steve and Lisa's on the water near Tarcoles, we ater an early dinner. I had the the entire fish again, I guess lately I am stuck on sea food on Sunday, I just love it! Clint had a Hamburgesa, they really do not make good hamburgers here, but Steve and lisas are the best.

We drove back watered Marla's garden, then went to the house. I rested awhile and then Ken and Marcia came by for us to go somewhere.

We went to the jungle bar to play pool its a nice place upstairs large place very nice setting now, before it was ugly and tacky, but now they have it all decorated really cool with lots of Costa Rican Accents, and very cool furniture that is rustic to the country. Its not dark and seedy its a lively place with huge screen TVs and lots of pool tables, on one side the other has dancing. I do not play pool but I enjoyed watching Marcia kick Kens butt.

Then Christian Showed up, he really knows how to play good. So I watched him then kick Marcia and Kens butt. It was fun we stayed about two or so hours then went back to the house to talk.

Clint was in bed sleeping tired from all the gardening he has been doing with the Nicos.
Christian and I had a real intense conversation about the relationship. I really have no idea what this is so I will remain as much as I can controlled and not to emotionally involved. I really do not know how to play the love game at all..
Frankly do not want to play I just want to be who I am and not put on pretenses.

Enough of that boring stuff.

Last night I talked to my son only for a short time. He sounded tired. I hope he is really ok? I have not heard from the other one at all.
So Jordan if you read this send me your new phone so I can call you. I have sent emails but I get no response.

I do not have anything special going on this week just the finishing of the gallery Garden.

I want to get my car repaired and I am thinking about selling it. I want to buy a pick up Truck. I need one for hauling furniture, plants and just things for the job. I want a Ford but I know there really expensive here. So My plan is fix this one sell it use the cash and try to pay outright for something with more power and more useful.

It is nice today, the sun is shinning and the wind is blowing so it feels actually good. I heard Toucans early this morning and yesterday while we were eating right next to the sea many many Red macaws were flying about and doing their mating ritual.

It was so interesting and fun to watch. The Sky's today are crystal clear and blue not a cloud in the sky. All the trees are beginning to flower, bright orange, red, hot pink, pale pink, Yellow every color imaginable. The Bougainvilleas are so intense that they shock your eyes. I just wonder if the angle of the sun here has something to do with the intensity of the color of the plants?

It is really amazing how they glow in the sun. I am not the only one that has said this other people notice too.
It is hard to believe that in Vancouver or Portland that it is cold and raining, being that it is so hot and beautiful her... but in reality I know. I use to get so depressed in that weather there.

Oh I have something new going on, I am now doing a special segment in a local mag called the Jaco Guide. I will be doing resturaunt reviews, and inspirations for people who come. Giving my ideas about where to go things to see, how to use the products here and the plant materials, just living in general. Good food, good music, places to dance, shops to frequent, gardens and sites, and sports available here. It comes out once a month and I have two pages every month.
I think this will be fun! making me think about where I am going next, and what place I want to feature.
Who knows what will come from that??

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Garden and the weekend

The garden is coming along so nicely, The one were doing for the gallery. It is large and a bit of a challenge, but I know when were done its going to be pretty. We have lights in stalled, the water lines and spots. Places for the metal sculptures with plug's the majority of the outline and bones of the garden. Now its just a matter of moving the rest of the soil out of the drive way , install the Mosaic, walk way. It will have bits and pieces of brightly colored tile with metal interspersed like the artists Walkway.. I had a dream about this and Its all in place so as soon as we get going on it I will photo it.
The guys working are all Nicos, little tiny men dark skin and hair.. they work more than Any one I have had work. They are really good workers in other words.. I paid them they were happy and Monday I hope they show up again???

Now last night I made dinner for the first time in ages, It was Clint and I and my new friend Christian. We had madrin chicken, with wine n butter fresh mandrin orange juices. Christian brought me a bag so I used the lemons and Mardins for the sauce. With Puree potatoes, and a veggie pasta, salad. It was good. We drank a bottle of wine and relaxed, Clint went out to Monkey bar Christian and I stayed at the house but he got a call late around midnight and the rest of the story is a quandary..
I am just enjoying life and myself , This friendship God only knows as I always say. He is at this point direct, sweet when he wants, And very diffferent than American men. I am enjoing for now.
Today, Clint slept really late, I was up at 6:45 just puttered about, then when he arose we went to The Job site to turn on water but the water was off. no water at all we looked around then came to the office to Internet and then, I have no clue what were up to today. But just a minute ago Ken and Marcia Came by and want me to run around tonight with them, go out do something I guess? So I am... I feel happy. I miss my boys, Clint is happy too the people in his house have decided to stay so he can return to the adventure he is having here in Costa Rica.. Maybe Sunset tonight at Villa Colletta's

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tuesday thru Thursday

The weekend was a bit hectic on Saturday, being in about five places at once… but as soon as I finished the flowers for a grand opening for a restaurant here called Ink Grill.
I thought the day was over, when I received call from one of my suppliers saying they finally delivered their product for a job that has been a royal pain in the coolooo… I was happy and mad at the same time, Since I waited all day for this call and now that I was hoping I was done they finally showed.
The hassle they presented me after they installed was even worse. Ridiculous Maderas Culaveras. I in fact will never do business again with this company. They manage to get the product right after three tries and many arguments, the headache they gave me was not worth the wait.
It was hot and humid and I was exhausted from being all over that day, not excluding producing all the décor for that party.
I went home refreshed and got all dressed up to attend the party at Inca near my office in fact its in the same area.

Clint and I opened our doors cranked up the music and invited the on lookers in! we had so many people come in was so fun!
We managed to attain a couple of new leads and some new friends.
We ate drank, and listen to beautiful Peruvian music live, with singers too!
Later we stopped by Rosie's place on the main road of Jaco and had some conversation with a couple of regulars there. We then proceeded to the Monkey bar and danced and talked to a whole group of people that are my friends. They all decided to go after closing which was at 2:00 am to Pacho Villas, for more dancing.. Until 4:30 am. Wow I was a dance freaking machine.

I was shocked at the amount of people there and the amount of men who knew who I was and asked to dance with me… I love to dance it is great exercise and certainly is a lot of fun!
The next day which was Sunday I got up about 8:00 and went to the job site I have been working on, to see if my workers were doing there job, yes they were there. Cute little Nicaraguans working away in the heat.. I felt sad but I know they enjoy and work very hard. I talked to them for a few ran to the office to check mail and write my son. Then I went back to eat at Diegos, talk to him for a few then picked up Clint and we drove to Esterillos, to lay on the beach and collect shell’s.

It was so dang hot I could hardly stand it, although Clint laid and enjoyed, while I sweated and burned and decided to go in the sea. The tide was really out there were lots of tide pools and water was so hot it was like a hot bath. But more refreshing than sitting in the sun.
So I found a hole that was about waist deep so I sat and just enjoyed the clear water and dug in the sand finding all sorts of shells exactly where I sat. Lots of people were doing the same thing some lovers were in the water, hugging and kissing it was nice to see all the people enjoying the day.
Later on towards sunset we walked the beach as we have been doing on Sundays, and Collected more shells. We usually eat at this place right on the beach, but this day I thought it would be different to go up the street that ends on the beach and try one of the places which there are four, So we walked almost to the farthest one, and stopped. When we saw out of now where my friend Rocio, she worked with St Regis, and now is no longer with them.

We were amazed that we were far away, and the only person in the place was her and Clint and I. We had a nice dinner together, Clint had the frutas del mar, with arroz and I had the Langosta and mariscos. Shrimp and lobster. Mine was 12 bucks total with a full dinner and a lobster, the lobsters are little and spinny but delicious! Clint's was excellent.. It was a nice night we then walked back in the dark next to the sea and drove home.
What a nice way to end the week and refresh for the up coming week.
This week not so hectic thank God, and I actually have someone who many be interested in me for the first time sincerely in a long time. I won’t go into detail yet, as I really do not want to get to excited and jinx the thing! But it may be a good valentines once again. The day will tell….
The whole week seems to be good with the exception of Racsa cutting off my Internet because of lack of system and billing. The fight now is on going with them for Two days to get them to return the service, I think I have talked to about 20 people so far and everyone has a different excuse for why the service is not on. Talk about Frustrating!!!! I have no plans for the week although I may go to Puriscal to visit and ride horses. I had an invitation to go, but if it happens that is another thing.
Clint leaves in three weeks, he is fretting over it… not sure how to handle coming back alone or dealing with his issues in the states. But I think he will return since his friend bought him a ticket already to come back. Besides I need him here badly.
Clint and I are still seeing some of the results of Tony’s bad judgment on a couple of our jobs, in fact one of the vendors I used with him got the manager and fired him over what went down with me and the amount of money that I spent with them. and I am sure he will continue to do the same thing with whom ever he works with. I found out that he manipulated me in several areas without me really understanding. Thank God for Clint, making me more aware of the situation and opening up my eyes to what was really happening. Not including his promiscuity, the got me in trouble with a client. Ya live and learn about people don’t you???

Now we had Eduardo, he is Tico, but lived in England for a number of years. He is trying to do a good job but not really knowing how this business work’s make it difficult for him to understand all the issues and angles.

Also I have Johnathan who is a tico who speaks perfect English as well, but is rasta, hair that is a mess.. And well I am so freaked some times that I have to bite my tongue and not say what I really think. Although this is the only thing I find is an issue with him.. If would cut that he would be so handsome and so cute! He is a very talented young man about the age of 28 to 30, he is a great Internet website designer and he is redoing mine and as soon as it gets installed you will see why I say he is talented. He has a natural ability to work on the computers. He really does great things, and a wonderful photographer, It is so nice to have him work with us, and take care of the system here.

There is another Johnathan he lives in San Jose, and does my programs for the video screen, young about 28 also and they both know each other.

Then there is Brian a young dark tiny tico very handsome about 19, who helps us with installs now and then.n Real surfer dude, a groovy sort of guy he describes himself as. Brian also does DJ and in fact hes pretty darn good. I have been to several different functions where he was Djing and the music was really good.

Then there is Freddy, Grady and Gringo. They do electrical, Tile, and Pluming for me.. I want to think of them as the three stooges, Freddy being Larry, Gringo is Curly, and Grady as Moe kinda, Actually Grady is much nicer and better looking but he has control of the situations generally.. Fun Guys I love them. They call me the Buena Hefa.. the padrona (good boss lady.)

And now I have Adonis, the security guard who is a pool expert who is helping with one of our clients houses.

And Hamilton, he is our gardener, he plants all the gardens we are now working on with two other guys. I have the feeling if we continue doing landscape designs Hamilton a nica will be the boss over the guys he seems to like authority, and follows my instructions well. He has s beautiful smile. He is very dark skinned, about 34 year’s old and has lots of experience in the garden. It is his passion, has a great personality too. I really like him he makes me laugh all the time says crazy things and has such a good attitude about life, even though he is very poor and works hard as ever. He enjoys people and life.
Maybe much to learn from him??

Well that
is about all about the folks who are working with me now, We have not seen Juan Carlos the attorney in about four weeks, so I have no idea where he is. He works in the office too but has not for some time.
Today is Valentines day, So far I have had nothing but headaches with RACSA that is our Internet provider for the country. BAD BAD BAD... no service and well its a total monopoly. They never send bills, no notices, your suppose to remember to pay them weather you owe a dollar or 400 doesn't matter they shut off the service with out notice. You have to pay the cable company for the service and Racsa for the service as well. It is very hard to explain to the Normal American but I am sure the Ticos here understand. I don't and you do not know when the payment is due. Complex situation, is all I can say.

Well today is Thursday, I had a nice evening after all, I had a valentines, and he came and visited me and took me to Mata Platano.. with Clint of all things??? but it was fun we danced and met up with Eida my old friend here that I met from the very beginning Joey and Her and the girls and a few other people. Nice night, we all enjoyed the live music. I gave Clint and Ed, and My Valentines all Valentines, but not one gave me any?
This is beginning to have some sort of pattern here LOL I like to give but it would be nice once in a while to get something???? Don't ya think?

Today was hot and I worked along side of the Nica's who are installing this garden. I ran around getting supplies for Freddy and Gringo, got food for everyone, and then came to the office to write copy for a publication here in Jaco.
It is a new thing I am doing. Its a commentary on fun places to go, good restaurants, interesting things to see, home and garden advice.
A couple of hours of typing was spent on that then I rushed around again and helped the crew on the job site. Clint actually worked the site with the guys shoveling and planting. The sun was blazing hot but we did get a bit of a retrieve from some clouds and of all things it rained tonight. Very unusual for this time of year, but I was so happy because the plants were in shock from the heat and this may have really helped the installation! yeah!

I picked up Clint, the guys were still working it was almost dark, he was starving as usual!!! has to eat ten times a day but this time it was well deserved he worked so hard and was starving.. So We went and got him a hamburgesa, and papas fritas. Then I decided to buy all the guys working Hamburgers and fries. We took it back to them and they sure were happy.

We went back to house I showered and changed and came back to the office. It is now around 8:25 I am doing the blog and other things and waiting for my Valentine to show, he called and said he was coming so I have music playing and just hanging out. The rain is coming down but it is very hot actually it feels good a small relief from the heat we have been experiencing the past few weeks.

In the morning I have to be in San Jose again to do another landscape job for the owners of Diasa, a company I have been trying to join up with. The owner is coming back from Brazil today so I hope that this weekend the job will be done and I can negotiate some sort of deal with him on the marketing end.

Bright and Early I leave up the winding mountain roads

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Captain Morgan, like the rum

This was one of the cantinas on the Island Johnny Cay

One of the infinite sunsets in Costa Rica

This is For Percy, thank you for the comment on the blog. Please email me at my normal mail which is I would like to know when you are coming to visit, so we can plan another trip to San Andres, it is possible at the time you come the prices will be lower, they do packages all the time so please let me know. I will be looking forward to seeing you again! it is because we are not ordinary people!

Here is more photos of San Andres, This week was pure hell, lots of issues going back and forth to San Jose and finding new sources, I even heard from people I have not heard from in ages, including a past love Milo wishing me a happy birthday.

We now are working on the exhibition garden for the Tortorici art gallery. Also trying to finish up Macaw. That has been painful... Please God this job needs to be done!

Today Began with phone calls from the client at 7:00 am about a truck load of dirt I had delivered to a site, it was suppose to be there this morning but evidently the guy dumped it last night and didn't bother to look to see the electrical in the ground that was just installed for all the landscape lights that are going to be used. He ran over the electrical breaking tubes and dumped it with out notice. My client was furious and so was I, because Freddy had just finished the job! then as we were leaving some how the circuit breaker in the apt blew and now no electricity. Then I had to run to the site to talk to the workers, run back to LA Flor to get the pool man for another job, to buy products for house 29, then to garribito to buy shovels and rakes for the landscape installers. Then the apt to check the power and get oasis because Inka Grill hired me to do all the flowers today for there grand opening! then back the office to see if Clint got the call for the chairs of Macaw. HELL YEAH Its but a crazy life now... Living la Vida lo ca.. en Esta momenta mi Vida es lo ca.

I can handle it I have lives a nuts life for a long time but my thoughts in coming here was that it could be or would be a life of more peace and less stress and better quality of life that I didn't have before. Not saying living in a high class pampered situation but saying that it would be a life of more substance. The substance being more time to enjoy the simple things.

Truly this is what I want... Yes I work for money and I am always chasing after it...but I prefer to find a better to attain it, with out struggle and strife and pain. Isn't there a better way??? probably not! so until then keep on going on

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Some photos

This is the ghetto Fabulous regal, with Clint in his 70's style glasses

This is just a few photos of San Andres, we had such a great time! the weather was perfect the water was Devinne not hot and not cold. The food incredible and simply fun because you could use all five hotels with this package that we had. In other words we could use all the hotels pools beaches, activities, and all the food and drink you can handle. ALSO you can go to all the disco techs, and all the amenities from all five hotels with out extra cost.
I was a total blast, we left on Friday morning it was a forty minute flight to the Carib, up in the air and one drink of soda and down we went. The Island is not large but not tiny. We went through all the customs, and then got in a ghetto fabulous taxi, this taxi was a laugh it was a 1981 regal it had red Velvet interior, and was about to fall apart. We found that most of the taxi's were about that year or older, and were Monte Carlos, Buick's, and some ford crown Victoria's! they were ratty and old but fun to ride in.

These are my hot Colombian High heels I bought there I had them on with a suit of all things!!

Then onto the Island our hotel sat right on top of the water it was not surrounded by it, that was another hotel but ours actually sat on the waves. we had a room that the water was actually slapping the wall in front of it and it would spray into the windows. It sure was a nice sound in the night although a couple of times the thought of Tsunami crossed my brain.

We laid in the sun drank pina coladas and mechalada's and enjoyed the sites of the beautiful men! I met one he was so cute! Kennedy, he worked on the Island Johny cay this is cool small Island. We took a boat to the aquarium Island, (HMMMM weirdest thing was the majority of the people we encountered during the time we were celebrating our birthdays, were aquarium's!) This is the truth we were so weirded out..... anyway we took this boat with a bunch other people to this island come to find out they had snorkel gear to rent, so Clint Rented his I had my own we snorkeled and laughed and he struggled with it screaming in the surf help I can't do it!!!! I tried not to laugh but it was comical. I helped him get going then enjoyed the surf all the fish beautiful colors, and huge manta rays big black ones. When Clint saw this he was petrified, but he did go into the water and take a close look. All I could think of was Steve Irwin... so I tried not to put my feet down. I did pet them as they swam by.. it was cool!

Then we got on the boat again now these are not huge boats, there small with about 12 people slammed all together. We then Went to Johnny

Cay the Island were Kennedy worked. He gave me a birthday drink of coconut in a coconut, with rum and God knows what else??? Then he made me a rose with a palm leaf, and well it was a different day no shoes on a island with hot burning sun great water and beautiful people!! I will never forget this experience.

This is it for now because I am at the office and my friend Ed, is here and he is talking with me about the Island says he wants to go so we may be planning the next trip back..... since its only 40 minutes away and so cool I THINK ITS A MUST!! thank you who ever it was who commented to me to be sure and go to SAN ANDRES you were so right! I fell in love again with the Island. It reminded me of Key West a bit, nice clean and beautiful! FOOD INCREDIBLE

Here I am looking out over the clean blue water so beautiful!


Juat the begining of the photos from San Andres

I will post more this after noon, Today I am working on a landscape site, so I had a about an hour to post. I have many more... this top one is Johnny Cay, it is a small Island out across from San Andres. We took a boat there and snorkled ate and played... The whole story to come