Wednesday, November 01, 2006

TODAY another issue

Oh my god, if I get through this with out wanting to just die it will be a miracle.

It was going well, today I got up pretty early Tony was sleeping when I arose, Its such a strange situation to have him here living under my roof rent free, food free, and sleeping here and not be involved with this man. It is a working relationship, but I know allot about him and it poses the situation to be extremely difficult, and becoming more and more, although I appreciate all he does and how he controls, it sometimes becomes over board with Control. He is a great guy, no doubt, it's as I said in earlier post's this past week things are strange, and I feel deceived, by some of the statements that has been said.

I went to the Gym worked out pretty good, then came home to find him showering, I was waiting to get ready because I had to meet Jaunca our Attorney who will be working in the office, at the office to discuss the corporation, the licences, and my Phone lines and power lines.

Tony and I met him, no one was at the place working, OH boy here we go again, Tony was a bit set aside I do not know why?? We left things were fine, I asked him about an invoice, but didn't understand him totally about it, we went round and round.. I was trying to tell him to give me the amount for only the invoice he was speaking of. It is the COMMUNICATION THING NOW BAD.. I have to take Spanish lessons I know once I do all will be different.
He got angry but didn't tell him, went to the bank and waited for thirty or more minutes, I was so frustrated with the system here, you have to wait in one area to get read out of your deposits and can not get cash there, its very confusing.
When we left I bitched about the system, I guess that really mad Tony angry, he almost crashed the car and got so scared I was screaming. He said he wasn't his fault But I saw it all... it was horrible the feeling. I guess no one ever screamed at him WELL I DID!! AND IT WAS DESERVED. IN A FEW MINUTES
he was telling me that he didn't like my character, and that he was quiting. I told him do not be silly apologize, I was shaking and my heart was pounding hard. From the scare of the car nearly crashing. He didn't in fact he got more upset,then Jaunca pulled up and we talked he told me to Calm down, I was so frustrated with the communication and the way Tony said he was done. The heat, just everything, no eating... it was stress full blown. Then I decided to go with Jaunca, Jaun carlos, and told Tony to go to Monge to get prices on appliances. He didn't want to but he did and Jaun and I went to get licenses, phones and power.

We ate and talked and I explained to Jaun the whole situation, he was very concerned about me, I was shocked I said really are you just saying this to placate me, or are you really sincere in your thoughts, he said he was very sincere and he was shocked at how strong I was. He was impressed with my ability to continue regardless of the bad situations I have faced. He also told me that Education is the key to success, that people with like education have less problems in communication. I felt strange but I listened and learned allot in just a few minutes with him.

He is a good person also, I am lucky to Have Tony and Jaun. I just Hope that things work it self out here.
I spent the rest of the day with Juan. then we met up with Tony. The day was short for me it felt horrible earlier. But now things are fine Tony is still doing paper work and I am laying in bed with the TV On and typing away... hope tomorrow brings better days.

1 comment:

nancy dionvinci said...

hello this is your sons partner thought i would say hello and i hope you and clint are doing greaaaaaat!!!.
we are snowed in somewhat we are getting a suv soon we would like the edge!!!!
i got a raise so we will excuse the check that did not clear banks and/or safeway???
jordan took care of it all.
your grandson julian does look at you picture at times we also have randy and my family up as well so he does know you i am sure.
so your blog states that sara is now you daughter-on law??? when is the beigh wedding!??? lol jk. mary and i have to love your work there very nice!
hi clint miss ya lots hang in there (ya know what i am sayin)
julan misses you so. take care lots of care!!!! xoxoxolove ya nancy now med asst!!!!