Sunday, November 26, 2006

USA thinking, and doing, and wondering

This is a view from my new showroom

Being here for the past few days has made me do much thinking, its busy here lots of cars, people running fast and hard to shop for the holidays. It has been cold to me, I feel so uncomfortable with the cold weather, not to complain but just stating how I feel. I am much better in a warmer Climate, I feel alive and energized, and willing to do things. Here I feel so sedate, and lethargic, not willing to do a thing but sleep and eat.
Talk about eating! I had been bad, eating way to much.. I want to try when I return to set my path in a direction of better health.

But I have had some great times while I was here this time. I met up with an old employee, and well she helped on one of the jobs for a day, but by the end she got sick and kinda dropped out on us, but Clint and I managed to get the hotel done on time as usual.

I also spent Thanksgiving day with my best Friend Sharon, the jazzercise instructor, Sharon is a funny lady, I like her so much! We had a nice time at her home, with almost 61 people for dinner. We made over 31 pounds of Turkey, her and I both cooked a turkey, I did the dressing and her sister made some as well. We had a ham, and all the fixins! It was great being with her, my son Jordan, Nancy Jordan's partner, and My grandson Julian, and a house full of Sharon's family.

It was very loud there for a while, I was getting kinda nervous, I told Sharon it felt like we were cooking in a restaurant there for few minutes with the rush of the food getting done, the loud roar of the crowd in the background like hungry lions waiting to eat! It was fun.

Then after dinner, Sharon's Mother in law, her granddaughter and I were all talking about things, the Mother in law is in a wheel chair and has some bitterness in her that she often displays. Well She displayed it to me, and pretty much directed her bitterness right at me. She said something pretty harsh, the whole place just stopped, I sat with wide eyes, and kind of a grin because I was embarrassed. It was not called for but I became the brunt of her bitterness. Sharon Snapped back at her and insisted that she apologize right now, and that she would not allow her to not talk to my friends like that. She repeated that a couple times until Mom apologized to me.. It was something, a hallmark of the evening events.

I had to laugh it was kinda funny actually.
Then Yesterday we had to do Sharp electronics, I decorate the corporate offices, and I am trying to work with them on a deal with my company here in Costa Rica. It went fine, Arya Showed up, My friend from the internet, who came to Costa Rica , we went to Panama together with Tony and Eric. Arya is from Finland, she is a doll of a person, I just love her. We had a nice time at the Sharp, then later we went to lunch and talked about things in Costa Rica, Then she took me to the bank so I could cash checks to pay people. We went shopping after that and talked and talked.
She took me to Clint's so I could change, after we shopped for about two hours,and bought out the TJ MAX. Ayra is a cool lady LOVE HER!! later at Clint's we sorta talked about what was going to happened when I return, with the place, Tony and all the rest.

Then she dropped me off at the Ringside, in Northwest Portland Oregon. Its a nice classy steak restaurant. I met Hap and Clint there for a going away dinner for Clint.
There partners, And Hap is a pretty nice man. Clint and I enjoyed the dinner, and hap talked and lectured me about Clint, making sure I will take good care of him while he is In COSTA RICA, he is so worried about the bugs, and is afraid that Clint is going to catch something from one of them! I laughed but Hey he doesn't know, and well its normal I suppose when you care about someone.
It was a nice night, we had drinks and a full dinner, then we went to his house on the hill and looked at the sites of the city and his beautiful home.

Today I went to Jazz I miss it so bad in Costa Rica, but I had a nice time this morning there, I saw some old friends and met new ones. Sharon was happy I was there I could tell, She tried to get me to put up the Christmas tree but I didn't. I had to go do things today before we leave tomorrow.

I bought a few things, meet Jordan and Julian and Nancy for lunch, then returned to Costco, and checked out a few things I needed.
Tonight I was invited to dinner with Cyndy, her husband and beautiful daughter. It was such a nice gesture, Cyndy had dips and crackers and little banana chips from Honduras, and some nuts from there too, they were yummy, we had a glass of wine, and then sat to a lovely dinner of Salmon with a cream herb sauce, asparagus, bread and mixed veggies, the talk and the company was great, we talked about Honduras, and Costa Rica n what her daughter had done there with helping the communities. It was a very nice time, the dessert was devine.!! apple cranberry,currant pie.
When I drove home I was thanking God, for all my friends and my family that love me so much and how blessed I am to have the wealth of friends that I have... Maybe I don't have a fancy house or all the convienences as most Americans do, but I do have a full bank account of Friends! and That is worth more than money can ever buy.

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