Sunday, November 19, 2006

Being in the USA again

When I flew to the USA the flights were extremely long this time. I got routed to Newark, and that was horrible. The entrance to the USA there was very strick, they just about accused me of doing some sort of illegal travel?

They frisked me several times, went through my whole purse, questioned me like crazy. In other airports such as Houston I do not have that problem, In fact you just breeze through. I suppose its that way because its so close to NEW YORK.

I didn't like that feeling at all. Then the flight to Portland was delayed because of bad storms. Actually it started at Costa Rica, they would not allow me to take a third suitcase that was empty. So I hope that Tony went and picked it up. I left messages with Juan Carlos the Attorney, and with Luis Diego my friend. But I heard that Tony didn't show up on Friday as he told he was going to at the office. I had things set for install on Friday and the Furniture maker was suppose to come and repair the cabinet, and restrain the front reception desk. I have not heard from Tony so I have no idea from him what is going on, but other people have been informing me, and keeping up to date as to what is happening there.

I woke up worried today about the place, its allot of money that I have invested to make something very cool and different for my work. The work is going well, in fact its very busy, so the fact that my assistant and long time friend is flying back with me to help will be a comfort, and assurance that things are going to be OK. Now I have like five employees, so the work load has to increase in order to pay all there salaries. We will do it! Costa Rica has lots of tourism, and I know that our work is good so to keep going should not be a problem.

It is cold here, I feel uncomfortable, and have been wearing lots of clothes trying to keep warm. I been going to my jazzercise! its been fun seeing all the people and getting such a nice welcome from my friends. I miss Jazzercise, I wish we had in Costa Rica, I need to be teaching it actually! But its a difficult situation with that, they rules and by laws and well they are just not as open to the idea of it coming to Costa Rica , I know it would explode there too.

Today I hope to spend with my older son Brandon and my Daughter in Law Sara, my granddaughter Kelsey. They were busy over the weekend , they did not come to see me, or me to see them. I saw Kelsey n Sara at Jazz and we talked a little bit until they left.
I saw Jordan and Nancy n my grand baby Julian yesterday. We spent the other night together having dinner, yesterday part of the day shopping for nothing just looking around and then I treated everyone to lunch at a Chinese buffet.

Julian is most adorable, he is a very pleasant baby. Never really cries much, at all and smiles and laughs all the time. He has the best disposition ever, very mellow and very tranquil. But not unintelligent, he is very smart. We pointed at each other and he touched the tip of my finger then smiled, we both smiled and then he said Gra he showed me my photo the other night when I was holding him and said the same thing, Gra.. I am Nonnie to him, that is what the grand kids called there grandmother growing up, Nonnie. I do not feel like a Nonnie or do I feel l look like one? but I am and I am happy that I have these lovely little lives to be a part of now and then.

They make me smile and remember how simple life should be.

Maybe in the future the boys will figure that coming to visit might be a good idea and a fun trip for all.

Starting tomorrow I do the hotels, I Begin early in the morning opening the storage unit, seeing what the damages are on the Holiday Decor, and figuring out how to repair and make it look as fresh as possible for the 8Th year. Actually I am so bored of this job, and frankly do not look forward to the work at all. The only thing I may look forward to is seeing old Friends, or seeing the new clients in the hotel enjoy the imagination of my handiwork.

I am only here for a week, then I regress to Costa Rica, for a new future in Designing Condos and houses. Complete turn key operations where we supply the client with everything they need for there vacation rental or home. We do the landscape of homes, and also now sell the properties and manage the rentals for the clients should they wish for us to.

It is s full circle operation, I know its going to be good!

Allot of work but good, and with the right people, which I think I have.

Tony as the oversee person, Edwardo the sales of property and Design, Mariann, a new gal from Venezuela who will be running the office reception area, and doing presentations, and maybe working in the design end.
Juan Carlos Ayala, the attorney who takes care of all the legal issues, and helps in sales and office. Me who I will be doing the design, of homes, gardens, condos, and the sales of Condos and homes. Plus ST REGIS RESORT, last but not least, Clint who worked for me here, doing something different than he has ever done. Sales of properties, and some design work. He will only be doing consultations with Americans and Canadians or all the English speaking clients, Until he learns different, and then I will know where he fits. Stanley I hope will be our computer programmer, if not I have to contact another person right away to get them in line as to what the program is, then there is Eric and Arya, they will be helping too, in the finances, and property management. I good size team, Then if that Marketing team that Diasa put together for me goes through, I believe we will be doing well, and maybe who knows open another Virtual showroom in Guancaste. That is the plan for now.

I think at this point, I can now become a citizen of Costa Rica, I have to talk to Jaunca, and find out the real deal but I Think if you invest a certain amount and have more than five employees it qualifies you.

I am not sure how long I will live there, but I know right now I do not want to live in USA . Its a nice country, USA, its clean and pretty and really rich. I never realized how rich a country was until now spending time in one that is not so rich. But people here do not appreciate all that they have, nor are they kind and humble or polite and I was one too. Now I have had a change of heart, I know what it is like to have whatever I needed and not to worry, but to have it and appreciate it is different. I do appreciate my life now, and all that I have which there is not a whole lot, the Store yes the show room yes its allot, and I am so proud and happy to be working there and helping others, and making a difference in the economy of the country.

For those of you who read last year about me helping with a fiesta for the children who have very little, I plan on doing that again this year, I will asking in Costa Rica to the locals if they will donate some money for me to produce this.

I have the plan already with the office of Mohairs, they asked if I was going to be involved again, three other women and I that I have met here that are genuine and kind, the office is one of the battered women

Since I was a battered woman when my kids were small, I know what it is to feel hurt and abused, and to raise children pretty much alone with no help. I want to help at least at the holiday, give of my talents and my money and share with these kids. It was such a blessing last year to do this, and I hope that this year is as much if not more. I have had people who read this say they would contribute, so now is the time, if you want please contact me, at MARIANNA.LOVE@GMAIL.COM, and I will give you banking directions, and send you photos of what were doing for the holiday fiesta, like I did last year. Actually I was asked to speak to the group of the women just recently to inspire them, and show them that you can do good after such a situation.

I do not know the date yet but I will check as soon as I get back, and hopefully be involved again.

Well Its time to get going its about 8:00 am now and Clints still sleeping, I will try today to get this photos posted so all can see the progress of the showroom in Costa Rica and the cool place that Represents Many condos and ST REGIS RESORT!

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