Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Roatan Experience

First Thank you Readers, I thought perhaps all the readers had faded away because of my lack of consistency on writing, but I can see now that its attached to the blog and twitter I am picking up readers again. Some of you have said I needed to proof read some of the blog, let me make an excuse here for THOSE USA AMERICANS that have never had Internet or a computer in the tropics and dealt with losing connections after you have written the whole blog before you could spell check or had a computer that wouldn't operate correctly due to the heat and humidity. THERE WERE MANY times I would write so fast and then post just to get it up because of power outages or loss of connection so I apologize, if you feel my grammar is is not completely correct, or that my spelling is bad! I never claimed to be the perfect person. So forgive my errors. Oh phewww now that that is out of the way, this is the one good thing about USA that the Internet is flawless and fast and that the computers all work fairly well when some hackers aren't trying to interrupt your technological life. ON TO THE ROATAN experience. Roatan is a beautiful Island, much different than Jaco Costa Rica, the culture and the feel, more bugs, and different weather patterns, clear blue seas, not mucky dirty black water filled beaches. Amazingly beautiful, with the cruise ships every day and night , entering the horizon early in the morning slowly creeping in like an immense resort gliding across the sea, to a enormous,glowing Disco tech or building floating aimlessly in the dark fading into the night. It was such a incredible sight to see daily, I never grew tired of watching the ships, I would think about life in many ways how things come and things go how big opportunity's come into your life and then pass you by if your not aware. It could slip away when you blink your eyes . This is how the ships appear in the night. You can watch them, then they just fade away so quickly. I mean your thinking wow that is a strange analogy, but its true of everything in life it comes and goes. Same as my career, it came and went, came and went, it went this time hard.. like a shot in the night. So possibly a big ship is coming the Last ship. I am not a traditional person, never have been. I always felt there was something different or better. Being single like I stated in my last blog is tough at this age for most people, but it seems the past four years or so I have adjusted to the fact that I am not with anyone and I am who I am with out verification of a man. NOT SAYING I WOULDN'T BE WITH ONE,but I'm good like I am. I enjoy Adventures.. I guess you can say I am addicted to adventure, Rather than being the home body being satisfied with sitting watching TV, reading, and not doing much more than that. NOW DOES THAT SOUND LIKE A LIFE??? well that is what I am faced with now being back in USA. My life at the moment consists of this: Being picked up every day by my friend who wrote a very cool book, called A Sirens tale, they produce trade shows for Food and Wine, I do multi media, Facebook, Twitter, and make calls, I am now going to Zumba because I pleaded with her to let me dance somewhere and get exercise so now the two of us go. Then I am dropped off, I come into my sons house I greet them sometimes cook but only maybe one time a week. I watch TV go to bed this is every day. I don't go out, I don't have phone calls, no friends here On Saturday I go to Zumba my son lets me use a car, I sometimes go to see my grandson, come home. Stay the weekend in the house, IT RAINS ALL THE TIME so not much you can do.. although I have gone shopping with the kids a few times. NOT MY IDEA OF LIFE. My questions to myself is this? is this a time to just not be doing anything and try to learn something from this? and then build up steam again? to be able to go and enjoy the life I feel I deserve which is a leisurely life, simple of course ! I am not wealthy, nor do I have insurance, nor Social security, or savings any more. I have nothing.. but I learned one thing living in Central America. YOU DON'T NEED MUCH TO BE HAPPY, and for some reason I prefer that life? I would love to be pampered, I would to be taken care of, but I don't have anyone throwing offers at me and I am not sitting here waiting for someone to caudal me in there arms and say HERE YOU GO DON'T WORRY AND IT COULD be very pretencions of me to say this but. I just know if I don't do for me it won't happen. I know how to build the castle and I could if I had the courage build it again. I felt alive in Roatan not dead, When I went to Copan before I arrived in Portland, I felt euphoric, the Mountain coffee farm and the hills of Guatemala in the distance, the rivers the fresh morning air eating outside, with food made over an open fire stove under the cover of palm leaves. MADE ME REALIZE how lucky and special I was. I felt alive.....

Monday, March 28, 2011


Yesterday I spoke a little about the life adjustments here in USA. I guess what your wondering is, how is it that someone who lived in USA most of there lives, moves away, with out knowing anyone virtually, begins a life in a semi third world country, goes on tons of different adventures, and can not get back into the life that she once had ITS NOT EASY, you become adjusted to a completely different life style,Food adjustments, its not traditional or easy I would say, but I always have been a bit different, Maybe you could? I love adventure now, and the thought of being stagnet with out a social circle, nor transportation, nor mounds of money in USA makes the whole world of difference in being able to transend into the old way of life here.It feels virtually impossible. Being Single in Central America was not hard at all, first the men are much more agressive than they are in USA where I lived, I mean I was out in the public in USA in Vancouver Washington, worked in big hotels, and golf clubs, social clubs, and went out occassionally. Never did men look or even talk to me. But there I would be walking down the street, mind you I got tan, had dark hair so they knew I was not a tica but thought perhaps Columbiana, or Argentinan, or some other latin country. They would smile, greet you, sometimes if they saw me more than once in one day would flirt.The community of women were generally nice and friendly, I met couples married and unmarried, in the years of living there did have a nice base of people I knew and did a few things with. But being single is much more difficult to mix with groups than being a couple. I had my friend Rossy, and Cristina, Eida, Helen, Orfa, Carolina, Pili, and a few more, and Carlos, Jonathan, Luis diego, Carton, Tom, And so many more. In comparisons to here: I lived in Vancouver Washington for 11 years, I had only a small number of friends, not many did I ever go out with except some of the jazzercise girls, So what I am saying that in that 11 years I had two or so friends. Single was so tough, Central America much easier. I brought my wieght down by more excerise, Walking is the thing you do, swimming, and of course the heat helps keep wieght down as well. I moved from Jaco beach because of the crime, the putas, and the drug dealers became so violent that it was actually a part of my life. They came after me in a couple of incidents, because I was a witness to a robbery in my own home. I caught two of the major Drug dealers waiting outside my house while a whole gaggle of thieves ravaged my home. It became obvious they were threatening me, and I had no defense. Work slowed as the economy became dead, and I saw the handwriting on the wall and made a move to Roatan where another friend of mine from Jaco moved to open an Ice cream business. I took A gay friend of mine Clint who worked for me for years. It was an easy transition, latin america mixed with tons of Other cultures. In that 7 months in being in Roatan I had a huge circle of friends, who now talk to me weekly and some even daily on line. THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN HERE. Now mind you feeling sorry for myself is really hard to admit, but I think its more like kicking my self in the ass that I made a move to isolate myself with out realizing how difficult this was going to be. I am working for a friend, doing social media, in an office where no one else is around, its in a place that is industrial but hardly anyone around to met period! I am with out car, but the weather here is COLD COLD COLD AND ITS MARCH! still have not had any sun this month, and since I been here for the past three months I only recall four days of sun. TALK ABOUT DEPRESSING! It would be different if I was located in a city where I could go a near by coffee shop and sit, or hang out somewhere, but there is nothing around here. I think if your single and you have guts, and you are not afraid of having a beautiful time then try it. I think I should write a book on Leaving called LEAVING thats it. And I explain how one gets a point where the know its time to leave, I mean you could apply this to relationships I suppose as well. The only thing is, I do have two sons and a grandson. 1. Older son is very busy and has a huge circle of friends, I am happy for him and now a new girlfriend so the social life is good. BUT WHO WANTS THERE MOTHER AROUND ? ask your self this, would you want your mom living with you at age 35? I think its wrong I enjoy my son and his new love, but I just don't think this works, ( if I had the cash I would get a small place but I don't at the moment) 2. Second Son, tied into an emotional roller coaster relationship with an older woman, not a good situation and our communication is very little. HE HAS NO PHONE she controls all the contact. 3. Grandson is adorable but then again, I have only seen him on weds when I am to watch him simply because they are working the other grandma has him and its not really easy for me to get there or around. Life was hard in some respect's in the tropics, I missed the kids, but how do I ever get back into the life style here? I miss my clothes, I have few here, I miss the food, I miss the sun, the dancing, the people, the walking, the swimming and of course the peace. Stress was not a part of my life, and now it is.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Thank you for the one person, who was out there reading on the blog again. I use to have a load of readers, but the fact that I have not written consistently caused me to loose that audience. The original reason for the blog many years a back was to inform, friends and family of my existence in a semi third world country and tell them of my adventures. It grew and grew and I met so many people from the blog, I even have had people send me airline tickets when I as dying to go back after one of my not so pleasant cake walks, which in turn made me return to USA. Once again here I am DANG IT! My heart after all these years of working like a slave, doing design work, some 15 hours or more a day for almost all my life and I am 57 now,( although I am proud to say I am physically doing fine and in great shape, that's about the only thing I got going for me ) that I feel like Adventure is really where I want to be. Single still many years of it,I am not a dog nor am I stupid, but I have kinda just put the love thing in a closet and really just live for whatever every day brings me. Back to the Roatan Experience, I don't want it to be over, I didn't do what I went to there to do! the fact that Roatan has such colorful stories, history beyond most peoples knowledge, and the spiritual qualities of the Island is super compelling to me. I was thinking today about one in particular that made me think ok this is really weird. You MAY OR MAY NOT BELIEVE THIS and you can say, or think what you will of it. Lots of people have not experience first hand spirits or ghost's or the supernatural. SOME OF THE BEST SELLERS and GRAND MOVIES are based on these subjects. I can say first hand I did experience, along with My assistant Clint. Well one evening sitting on the balcony, We were talking about the weeks that had past and four or so incidents that happened to the both of us that were the strangest things we have ever experience. I had shared with him about some readings I have done over the piracy of the Island, the famous pirates that were a part of the changing of the civilization of Roatan. I had read some facts about a man that some four and half years ago found treasure and had escaped the law and had invested the money that he had cashed in on. AT THAT VERY MOMENT, WE WERE ON THE TOP LEVEL OF THE BALCONY looking at the cloud formations. Now call it coincidence, but a huge skeleton head formed in the sky and we both looked at each other shaking our heads saying ARE YOU SEEING THIS? Ok you are saying shes totally fabricating this! No it was real, my skin crawled his face was white and he went in the house. I stared until it completely changed form. After I laughed at him, It could have been us imagining, but the form stayed for a long time in the same place and did not change. As the breezed blew it scattered the clouds and above the that face was a mass of stars like I had never seen before. The mouth of the head then changed and opened very wide, as if it was yelling at me to move. I didn't I stayed, become more hypnotised. I told this all to Clint as I was laughing at him, but he insured me that he felt something and it scared him. That he never wanted to talk about those things on the balcony again. Later that week, I found out the owner of the house I was renting, the wife that was new, died in the bedroom of mine which is where the balcony was adjacent to. NOT THAT this was a connection but it became more and more evident that super natural occurrences, did happen in this house. Roatan to me is unfinished in my mind, I still have to complete the experience. I have to find a way to support myself in my adventures. Something for new readers so you know a bit about the writer: Female, 57 years old, single Italian decent Lived in USA most of her life, California, Oregon, Washington. Was a high end Event designer, landscape, interior and Weddings LOTS AND LOTS OF WEDDINGS AND PARTIES, Catered, Wrote for a news paper with my own advice column on design or whatever came to my mind LOL Was always a creative writer, and artist, in paint, sculpture and any element I could find! I did lots of trade shows, Was on stages, did backdrops for TV and a few sets but never had any stinking money. Reason!! SINGLE RAISING TWO BOYS and working my booty off! After almost 28 years of slavery I call it, I decided to sell everything and leave USA, I went to Central America and from there had a ton of adventures. Scanning back some of the blogs were crude and had some pretty depressing information in them, but out of darkness comes humor, and out of bad situations come good things. I HAVE DEVELOPED in such a way with writing that I feel, possibly its gotten better. In the recent experience in Roatan, that made me switch gears come to USA and visit my sons and one grandson, I lost a book that I was writing over the past three years. A book about the Wedding industry, behind the scenes, craziness, secrets and hilarious stories. It was on a key and on my computer that all got stolen. So now I figure I'm not doing a whole lot here. Fitting into USA society is really not coming together as of three months here yet. I decided to purchase a new key, and start up the blog, help my friend with social media networking, and build a few pages for her NEW BOOK A sirens tale, and begin to re-write mine. Plus might as well write my Modern day gypsy stories about my adventures. I would love to hear feed back from anyone out there. Also if you know anyone who wants to escape and hear about a life outside of the norm, let me know. Marianna

Friday, March 25, 2011


Roatan , is a beautiful place,Barrier Reef, palm trees, sandy shores of pure white, winding roads, rolling hills, trade wind breezes.
I am sad I can not be there to enjoy the Island and the food, the people are are different than My experiences in Central America Costa Rica. Although after that last experience I chose to return to USA for some time to be with my sons, see friends I thought? and just try to return to the life I knew before. Something is to be said about LEAVING A PLACE AND RETURNING? Not as easy to assimilate, as I you think.

I have been back for three months and still have not adjusted to the life in USA yet, I don't believe it is going to happen soon either.

I found that the people of Roatan were friendlier, they seem to have mixed feelings like the Costa Ricans but were able to embrace the foreigners in a different way.

The reason perhaps is because of the mixed culture there that has been there since the the Spanards invaded the island. The three or four or five cultures I saw were the Indios, Honduranas, Iselanas, Garafunas. Then comes the Gringos including Canadians, and Europeans. The Mix of people for me was fun, you were able to feel the Latin life but also the other cultures effected your life living in Roatan.

Spanish is one of the languages that is spoken in Roatan, but the real language feel is the isalena, a blend of English, and Garafuna. I can understand it some but not much. Its comical most times to listen to them chat to one another, it has a pleasant song like quality to it.

If I had not have such a horrible experience with the Robbery I believe I would still be there enjoying the sun and the Island vibe. Lets just say this I don't believe my adventures are over, I have had some very incredible and some very simple adventures that have added flavor to my personality and my spirit. If you want to hear more let me know I would like to continue on this blog but Im not sure my readers are still out there I need some feed back about this and If so I will continue and tell all the stories I have in my treasure trove of mystery.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Well months have past, I was doing so Well in Roatan, If I tell the whole story today its way too much to put on this blog. Just lets say this. I was Robbed once again, the friend of mine living with me did not lock the door. While we were out promoting the business, someone came in and took everything including Cash. Why Cash your thinking right? I had just paid for the permits for the new business lots of money for these permits in Roatan. Business permits for a foreigner, takes more time that a resident. You can not open a bank account unless you have these requirements fulfilled. It was one night shame on me, one night and one night only. I left it in a purse hidden. I was afraid imagine of all things to bring it with me, for fear someone would take the purse. Well they took it alright out of my house! DAMN IT it was so devastating the violation of being robbed is something that is so frustrating, mind boggling, and tormenting. Not knowing if those who entered your house, was watching you, do they really know who you are? In a small Island Like ROATAN everyone does know who certain people are. Alright to sum it up once again robbed of everything I owned, it wasn't millions of dollars it wasn't like I had super valuable things but the total robbery amounted to about 8 or more thousand dollar. Pretty devastating for me, I thought about it for about two weeks, I immediately called my sons told them about it, one told me to come to USA where he felt I was safe and stay with them. The other didn't have much to say. I truly love the latin life, I am wondering how to live in that and avoid the trauma's of robbery? I love the food the people, I mean there is good and bad where ever you go, but seriously?? 5 times now including a car???? I could write a book on robbery, probably should just write some short stories on the life in Latin America and maybe they would get sold, replace double the money that has been taken from me! So, now I am completely with out practically everything except my health. The things I do have is this: One pair of jeans, one pair of tennis, a few dresses, some earings, nothing for hair, nothing for nails, nothing for writing like a computer, no camera no car, ok lets say this. I was a woman with everything you could imagine, I had two of everything, Even Cars. Now Im pretty much gypsy LOL I WANNA SAY, but not in my spirit. I was successful, a designer with goals and a column in the papers. I was in demand, I had a beautiful home and all the things in the American Dream. Now I have different values, I have no material things, and I need them but how to regain them in this economy, and in USA is a mystery to me, and how life twists and turns and you land up in a situation you didn't expect. BUT THE GOOD THING IS I HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE AND I CAN WRITE ABOUT IT AND I CAN DO SOMETHING THAT THE AVERAGE CAN'T I can say I am free of burdens, no responsiblities when it comes to debts! This is what I have...

I do want to write, and I hope I can continue on this blog of my life, the people who read this you probably all dropped off by now, I haven't written in so long and its been inconsistent. I am going to try to continue give updates on what happened describe things that have occurred to me while living single in the Central Americas. EVENT WENT TO THE MAYAN RUINS ALONE on a bus!.. but wow now in USA not adjusting and wishing I was back. Life is certainly different here.