Friday, October 29, 2010

Walking up here is a dream, every morning when I rise I look out my balcony to the sea to a view of beautiful trees, birds and the distant ocean. This place is through the history magical. I have read many of the history stories of the Island and you can find them on the net simply by googleing. Although they are relatively the same story some vary in details and facts.

But experiencing the Island with out knowing any of these facts is a real eye opener. Before I knew anything here about the History other than it was British founded, which is not true it was Christopher Columbus and his Spanish Galleons that were the orignators, or I personally think and believe it was the Mayans. Reason is there are areas here that resemble Meditation and prayer and war. It could be said that the Mayans came here to learn there SHAMAN knowledge, the Island has a presence of spirituality its clear to many people.
But this is my opinion in talking with some of the Islander's and folks who have been here for many years. For the most part, I have heard some very interesting stories in just the few months of living here. Not only have I heard stories but I have experienced some episodes that may be evidence of some of the tales that are told here.

My first experience was the very week I arrived. I decided to walk to the right of where I was staying which was Chili's, a small sort of cabina hotel.Lots of backpackers and divers stay there. Cheap and rustic,and I mean rustic.Beautiful gardens natural and jungle like. I took out going directly to the right. For some reason I just felt drawn to this, THIS IS THE TRUTH NOT MADE UP!

AS I walked I discovered many cool places, little bed and breakfast's Lilly Pond, a Brit and a Honduran that own that. I have since become friends with them. On past to the Half moon bay, around the bend to Lands end and onward. As I walk I approached a fork and took the center road. To my right was a turret, I recognized it from being in Ibiza where many pirates, and Spanish wars also took place. I saw it covered with some Trailing plants and really didn't pay much mind to it. I keep moving forward, seeing many homes, project of really nice and upscaled houses and apartments, not finished? I thought, another effect of the economy of course. Going farther I came upon a coral like area with a few trees growing in it, in passing this area an strange feeling came over me like a wall of force stopping you from passing strong energy.

I kept going but did put some thought into that part, I also had an imagination of people in that area. Moving down the road and around a small bend were more really nice houses one occupied and past that a point of the Island. It was dark and rough and big clumps of volcanic rock and coral mixed, as I walked the road way was embedded with white clumps of coral lots of different types. I looked to my left and there was a wall, a concrete wall with an opening in it and a small path leading to it. The wall obviously was a break I am sure even though the sea here is calm no waves because of the reef. The Reef is massive practically surrounds the whole Island and its filled with life. As I walked to it I entered the opening like a doorway but with out the door.

I could see some waves but not very big, small waves and lots of formations. People say that nature does strange things and that Plants and Rocks and nature can take on forms of human things or resemble things. In the moment I sat down I felt something but didn't know what it was. I looked out and stared and was thinking what this was like many years ago. I looked at all the rock formations and was fascinated with the shapes and effects. ROUGH HARD you can not touch it or walk on it. There was as small concret path that went to sea I mean small I walked to the very end of it and looked out, then turned. As I turned I looked into the rocks and began to see faces, lots of them. All forms and shapes and in terror, many of them sad and looking wild. SOME with mouths open and screaming. I shook my head looked again and I kept seeing them as if they were frozen in the rocks. I got fear at that moment, I picked myself up and left.. it was very close to sunset. I got out of there as fast as I could and walked past that same Coral Garden area.. feeling like something was drawing me that place.

I then looked at the turret and a story came to my head. I knew in myself that is had some significance to the wars and slaves,MIND YOU I HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF THE HISTORY OF THE ISLAND. I had returned twice to this area since and still felt the same feeling as originally.

What I found out is:

Pirates inhabited Roatan along with the Slaves that were forced to be here from the mining wars of Spain with the pirates. From what I was told the slaves were Caribbean, afro -Antillean they were forced from the Spaniards to come here to help with mining of the silver and gold that they wanted to bring back to Spain. The process of the transport of the slaves, was as other story told is that they were crudely shipped masses in small open boats, tied hands and ankles some five or more together. When they approached land they were tossed out to swim or to jump to land. Many of them were sick and hungry, some had no strength. In approaching the black Coral coastlines they were struck against them smashing maiming and even killing some. As they struggled with the sick, dead and injured tied together they tried to escape or to get to the land they were brought to.
It was told that the lives of those killed were stuck in the rocks. Some of the coastal areas here are treacherous and rough. Making it very difficult to climb upon. Once cut by this coral the wound takes many days even with a healthy body to heal. I can imagine how that must of looked and felt for those people. Thrusted to a island that they had no idea who or what they were going to face.

I have had some experiences here on the Island in the four months of living here that are not really scary but unexplainable to most people. Even one night while watching the stars on my roof top balcony, something with out form whizzed past me and Clint both, neither one of us saw it but we felt it and we heard it. IT WAS NOT A BIRD OR A BAT.. it was a strong force, later we looked up and saw in the clouds a head forming.. We both said lets go in.. and nothing more was said about that..

THERE IS MORE , many tales and stories, this island is rich in many things and spirits I believe are one. !! stay tuned for more

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