Thursday, October 07, 2010

See those bananas? They are called Apple Bananas, My god are they ever good. There short and stout, and full of flavor, I think Clint and I ate so many It made us strong! So beautiful now since the Rain has been pouring for days on end. We ate all those you see there and now another group is coming maybe this week if it gets warm again.

I am shocked really that is cools down so much, I am not use to this kind of weather. In fact I only have one little sweat shirt, no covered shoes, no sweaters or pants. One pair of jeans to speak of and you can't wear those every day! I went on my day off and bought the lobster I talked about I bought a pound of tails for 120 limperas, equal to about$6.30 cents. Is that high for Lobster? I got about four or more tails. And I bought big shrimps for $4.00. I tried to find a sweater or a pair of pants or a rain jacket but no one that I asked had anything like that in the little run down Coxen hole stores.

Swear to god as much as I dislike USA I think we need a Walmart here! I believe they would sell out daily.. I need so many things!!! simple things that most people do take for granted I am in dire need of. Perfume would be wonderful as well! NOT COMPLAINING I'm just being a girl right now.. I feel sorta neglected in the woman area. I use only soap in bar, I have the basic shampoo and conditioner, some lotion and thats it!!! One day off a week is hard to get things done... The bus system here is really hard its tiny little buses as I said previously and they stop every five seconds with people in people out taking hours to get half way to town.

Enough of that Complaining!!! on with life! Well I should say things are going well at Infinity Bay Resort. EXCEPT! for me is stressful, the burden of most of the sales are on me, but I just try to not stress relax let it flow and do what I can. I can't force people to sign but I try to encourage them.. What I really want is to be doing something creative as I been saying. I sure hope this comes soon! When you are an active person who has been creating things for the majority of your life, and your sitting in an office looking at the same walls everyday, or staring at a computer everyday is not a creative persons ideal. Yes I can do this, yes I can be good at it too.. but my real passion is MAKING THINGS BEAUTIFUL! EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL! Ya know recently I had someone I talk to on the phone tell me this" you sure do have lots of dreams" This person has been following this blog for some years now.. They mentioned a couple of circumstances that I wrote about. Saw me on Facebook and messaged me and gave me the phone to call so I did... I thought about this statement of their's, about the dreams. And I realized that some people have dreams but rarely follow after them. Some people like to call others who have dreams Dreamers.. as a bad connotation, some people don't ever have dreams. Then there are people who have great dreams, follow after them and make them come alive. Dreams are the things the give us motivation to do something and generally if you have a dream you can make it happen. It's those dreams that have creative many things in the whole world! So yes maybe I was born to be inventive and dream and make things happen.I thank this person for saying that and I know in time this dream will be alive once again.

We all have things we want, it may be fantasy?? but turning fantasy into fact your in the postion to build bigger and bigger fantasies. That is the creative process!!!

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