Sunday, October 31, 2010

Island stories

Many Islands or tropical places seem to have great stories or histories. But this island of Roatan has some of the best.
I was told there is a mountain of skulls and bones somewhere here and that the islanders will not go anywhere near that place. Of course out of the fear of the site and the imaginings of what could have happened. It could be from the slaves or it may go back to the Mayans. Maybe brought ship loads of bodies here to dump where no one lived in those years? I don't know but I find that interesting and I want to go and see where it is. At times where I work at Infinity Bay Resort, which is on the West Bay at almost the end .. infinity.. I do feel strange things. Sometimes a strong heaviness when you walk the property. Sometimes I can feel forces that are pushing against you and then after I feel this something weird or bad happens. We had sequences of bad luck for days one time after I felt there were some sort of dragon spirits, or large Evil presence. I had walked through the long pool area to the back office where I work I felt so pressed down and being chased after. I looked around and thought ok weirdo.. stop thinking strange things. Changed my energy to thinking in the flowers the beauty of the place and moved my mind to a better level. But as I walked I still felt it.

Places or Locations that are centered nearer the equator, or there origin is in a particular position, what I mean is the island is in this position, it sits on top of Coral and crystal. Crystal is a conductor of energy as well as many other things are but the earth is matter and matter is formed energy. I guess my point is that strong vibrations, energies are easy to feel here.

Back to what I was saying: As I walked I kept thinking of really good things, and moving my mind to better subjects rather than noticing the pressure the heaviness that was actually there. WALKING THROUGH IT. When I got the office all hell was breaking loose. Arguing, things going wrong, lets just say the atmosphere in that office was terrible. I walked out walk to the housekeeping and talk with the supervisor there. He was very down, looked depressed. The sun was blasting, I didn't understand why?? what was going on with him? I took like two minutes to get away from that office. He told me "Marianna I don't know why I feel like this today but I feeling attacked, I feel heavy. I knew right then what I felt was real. It could be spiritual that feeling I felt. Something that floats over that property. Many things go wrong there in sequences, not really normal things. Most don't find the connection but I do!

I walked to the end of the property one day it belongs to Infinity the end of the Island. I felt worse when I got down there although this location is ONE OF THE MOST SPECTACULAR LOCATIONS! I knew something was weird there.

I found out later that some of the owners of the land,( share holders) had gone to do little party you might say serious, and strange things had happened on the land. Even tried to enter this hole that is there and when ever anyone goes into the candles and or lights flash lights go out. Nothing can keep them on. Fires go out there.. SO that later in finding out some of these things which I will tell in another blog, I knew that all I felt here is real.

I believe in good and evil, Evil does exist everywhere, being aware of it is a good thing. Battling it is also a good thing! so that day I battled the evil that I felt and I conquered it. Occasionally I still feel something but who knows who's spirit remains in those areas, who knows the actually history of this property where I work? Maybe if anyone has the history of that particular part of the Island I can find out and understand what it is that sometimes controls things there?

Happy Holloween

Friday, October 29, 2010

Walking up here is a dream, every morning when I rise I look out my balcony to the sea to a view of beautiful trees, birds and the distant ocean. This place is through the history magical. I have read many of the history stories of the Island and you can find them on the net simply by googleing. Although they are relatively the same story some vary in details and facts.

But experiencing the Island with out knowing any of these facts is a real eye opener. Before I knew anything here about the History other than it was British founded, which is not true it was Christopher Columbus and his Spanish Galleons that were the orignators, or I personally think and believe it was the Mayans. Reason is there are areas here that resemble Meditation and prayer and war. It could be said that the Mayans came here to learn there SHAMAN knowledge, the Island has a presence of spirituality its clear to many people.
But this is my opinion in talking with some of the Islander's and folks who have been here for many years. For the most part, I have heard some very interesting stories in just the few months of living here. Not only have I heard stories but I have experienced some episodes that may be evidence of some of the tales that are told here.

My first experience was the very week I arrived. I decided to walk to the right of where I was staying which was Chili's, a small sort of cabina hotel.Lots of backpackers and divers stay there. Cheap and rustic,and I mean rustic.Beautiful gardens natural and jungle like. I took out going directly to the right. For some reason I just felt drawn to this, THIS IS THE TRUTH NOT MADE UP!

AS I walked I discovered many cool places, little bed and breakfast's Lilly Pond, a Brit and a Honduran that own that. I have since become friends with them. On past to the Half moon bay, around the bend to Lands end and onward. As I walk I approached a fork and took the center road. To my right was a turret, I recognized it from being in Ibiza where many pirates, and Spanish wars also took place. I saw it covered with some Trailing plants and really didn't pay much mind to it. I keep moving forward, seeing many homes, project of really nice and upscaled houses and apartments, not finished? I thought, another effect of the economy of course. Going farther I came upon a coral like area with a few trees growing in it, in passing this area an strange feeling came over me like a wall of force stopping you from passing strong energy.

I kept going but did put some thought into that part, I also had an imagination of people in that area. Moving down the road and around a small bend were more really nice houses one occupied and past that a point of the Island. It was dark and rough and big clumps of volcanic rock and coral mixed, as I walked the road way was embedded with white clumps of coral lots of different types. I looked to my left and there was a wall, a concrete wall with an opening in it and a small path leading to it. The wall obviously was a break I am sure even though the sea here is calm no waves because of the reef. The Reef is massive practically surrounds the whole Island and its filled with life. As I walked to it I entered the opening like a doorway but with out the door.

I could see some waves but not very big, small waves and lots of formations. People say that nature does strange things and that Plants and Rocks and nature can take on forms of human things or resemble things. In the moment I sat down I felt something but didn't know what it was. I looked out and stared and was thinking what this was like many years ago. I looked at all the rock formations and was fascinated with the shapes and effects. ROUGH HARD you can not touch it or walk on it. There was as small concret path that went to sea I mean small I walked to the very end of it and looked out, then turned. As I turned I looked into the rocks and began to see faces, lots of them. All forms and shapes and in terror, many of them sad and looking wild. SOME with mouths open and screaming. I shook my head looked again and I kept seeing them as if they were frozen in the rocks. I got fear at that moment, I picked myself up and left.. it was very close to sunset. I got out of there as fast as I could and walked past that same Coral Garden area.. feeling like something was drawing me that place.

I then looked at the turret and a story came to my head. I knew in myself that is had some significance to the wars and slaves,MIND YOU I HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF THE HISTORY OF THE ISLAND. I had returned twice to this area since and still felt the same feeling as originally.

What I found out is:

Pirates inhabited Roatan along with the Slaves that were forced to be here from the mining wars of Spain with the pirates. From what I was told the slaves were Caribbean, afro -Antillean they were forced from the Spaniards to come here to help with mining of the silver and gold that they wanted to bring back to Spain. The process of the transport of the slaves, was as other story told is that they were crudely shipped masses in small open boats, tied hands and ankles some five or more together. When they approached land they were tossed out to swim or to jump to land. Many of them were sick and hungry, some had no strength. In approaching the black Coral coastlines they were struck against them smashing maiming and even killing some. As they struggled with the sick, dead and injured tied together they tried to escape or to get to the land they were brought to.
It was told that the lives of those killed were stuck in the rocks. Some of the coastal areas here are treacherous and rough. Making it very difficult to climb upon. Once cut by this coral the wound takes many days even with a healthy body to heal. I can imagine how that must of looked and felt for those people. Thrusted to a island that they had no idea who or what they were going to face.

I have had some experiences here on the Island in the four months of living here that are not really scary but unexplainable to most people. Even one night while watching the stars on my roof top balcony, something with out form whizzed past me and Clint both, neither one of us saw it but we felt it and we heard it. IT WAS NOT A BIRD OR A BAT.. it was a strong force, later we looked up and saw in the clouds a head forming.. We both said lets go in.. and nothing more was said about that..

THERE IS MORE , many tales and stories, this island is rich in many things and spirits I believe are one. !! stay tuned for more

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Wow I got up early today just couldn't wait to get on the internet. I finally got a modem yesterday here in Roatan. I had a modem from USA long time ago but they want over a hundred dollars a month to use it. The modem they use here is a small chip that you insert in the computer a TIGO stick. Works great! I been doing with out Internet now for some four months in the house. I have it at Work but really can't access my blog, or Facebook or anything other than the work I have there because of shared files and computers.

The Infinity Bay has been a salvation, I'm so grateful that I have this job, for the fact that it has lifted a little burden off my back with some income. Although now My friend and assistant Clint is actually been going out and doing marketing for the business that I have done for some Thirty years.

Its doing well to be real with you, We have such great opportunity here in ROATAN! I think that the job I have is just a stone to step on to get to the real place I need to be in ROATAN.

I love the location of the resort, but as normal Corp jobs the people, and bosses are really something to deal with. ITS NOT USA and they keep trying to make it that way. REASON I AM NOT IN USA??? really sick of dealing with the politics and attitudes, and the lies of the typical mentality of them. I love the fact that I work in a beautiful tropical place, but now I am not even allowed to eat outside? AMERICAN WAYS OF NOT MIXING WITH THE CLIENTS, or maybe just one mans power?? Anyhow no complaints I am grateful!!! and pleased I can learn! SOON GOOD THINGS COMING!!! and I am open and ready for them.

Living in Roatan is surley different than COSTA RICA, many people speak English since this is a British founded Island, and the other two languages one of which Island talk is sometimes hard to understand but Im getting it now... funnyhow they can change there accent depending on who there talking to, Great to be here in many respects.

The down side of this place is, no shopping, no furniture places no Appliance places hard to find things period. AND ESPECIALLY hard to get around, with out a car its a challange. At least in Costa Rica we could ride the transit, and get to most places very inexpensively and fairly fast. Here no transit, taxis horrible, expensive and roads are few one around the whole island and some arterials. Where I live is above one popular area and its a little difficult to get through and into any other area. BUT ITS BEAUTIFUL! and the view to the sea is gorgeous, the night view of the stars from my balcony is astounding! its so clear and so full of stars. The Clouds seem to float in forms here, and in letters, last night it spelled out ROCK... WHAT??? yea it actually spelled out Rock... Strange happenings here on the Island, many spirits and energies that are evident to some and really strong and apparent to someone like me.

For example a friend of mine AMANDA, a SHAMANA has told me of stories of the slaves and how they were tossed out of the boats, and how the spirits of some of the past remain on this Island. Its quite interesting and appropriate for this up coming weekend!

The day is begun and I must get ready to go to the hotel, I have to walk about a mile to catch the transport bus so I have to run but stay tunned to the details on the history of this island and know that I am sensitive to the nature of it and the energy that exsist here. IN OTHER WORDS YOUR GOING TO GET A REALLY GOOD STORY that is worth the reading! have a good day!

Thursday, October 07, 2010

See those bananas? They are called Apple Bananas, My god are they ever good. There short and stout, and full of flavor, I think Clint and I ate so many It made us strong! So beautiful now since the Rain has been pouring for days on end. We ate all those you see there and now another group is coming maybe this week if it gets warm again.

I am shocked really that is cools down so much, I am not use to this kind of weather. In fact I only have one little sweat shirt, no covered shoes, no sweaters or pants. One pair of jeans to speak of and you can't wear those every day! I went on my day off and bought the lobster I talked about I bought a pound of tails for 120 limperas, equal to about$6.30 cents. Is that high for Lobster? I got about four or more tails. And I bought big shrimps for $4.00. I tried to find a sweater or a pair of pants or a rain jacket but no one that I asked had anything like that in the little run down Coxen hole stores.

Swear to god as much as I dislike USA I think we need a Walmart here! I believe they would sell out daily.. I need so many things!!! simple things that most people do take for granted I am in dire need of. Perfume would be wonderful as well! NOT COMPLAINING I'm just being a girl right now.. I feel sorta neglected in the woman area. I use only soap in bar, I have the basic shampoo and conditioner, some lotion and thats it!!! One day off a week is hard to get things done... The bus system here is really hard its tiny little buses as I said previously and they stop every five seconds with people in people out taking hours to get half way to town.

Enough of that Complaining!!! on with life! Well I should say things are going well at Infinity Bay Resort. EXCEPT! for me is stressful, the burden of most of the sales are on me, but I just try to not stress relax let it flow and do what I can. I can't force people to sign but I try to encourage them.. What I really want is to be doing something creative as I been saying. I sure hope this comes soon! When you are an active person who has been creating things for the majority of your life, and your sitting in an office looking at the same walls everyday, or staring at a computer everyday is not a creative persons ideal. Yes I can do this, yes I can be good at it too.. but my real passion is MAKING THINGS BEAUTIFUL! EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL! Ya know recently I had someone I talk to on the phone tell me this" you sure do have lots of dreams" This person has been following this blog for some years now.. They mentioned a couple of circumstances that I wrote about. Saw me on Facebook and messaged me and gave me the phone to call so I did... I thought about this statement of their's, about the dreams. And I realized that some people have dreams but rarely follow after them. Some people like to call others who have dreams Dreamers.. as a bad connotation, some people don't ever have dreams. Then there are people who have great dreams, follow after them and make them come alive. Dreams are the things the give us motivation to do something and generally if you have a dream you can make it happen. It's those dreams that have creative many things in the whole world! So yes maybe I was born to be inventive and dream and make things happen.I thank this person for saying that and I know in time this dream will be alive once again.

We all have things we want, it may be fantasy?? but turning fantasy into fact your in the postion to build bigger and bigger fantasies. That is the creative process!!!

Monday, October 04, 2010

Well its been a week since I wrote on this blog, The rainy season has hit us now and we had a threat of a hurricane. That was a farce nothing happened, but the storms that came after have been very radical, lots of blasting wind knocking things down and raining like normal in the tropics. My friend and assistant is hating it I am finding it a refreshing from the blasting heat and sweltering waves of heat that hit you when you walk about.

Things have been busy at the Infinity Bay, lots of inquires keeping me busy writing out contracts and contacting people. I am finding that My Spanish is so much better having to read it constantly or daily and it is showing me that I find Spanish to be a beautiful language, some of the words in Spanish I like better than the words in English.

As far as the ideas of creating, its still going and in fact were making progress. My sales person is doing a good job contacting the right companies and resorts. I think its going to be doing very well before long.

I have been going snorkeling until the rain came, almost every Sunday. Hours and Hours in the sea, swimming and seeing the most beautiful reef! Wow so amazing the formations, the colors the fish the shapes of the coral. BRAIN CORAL IS WEIRD AND ITS ACTUALLY BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE! I sometimes have a little fear when I am snorkeling come of the coral looks very dangerous and sometimes you get in a situation where the water is super shallow, so you scrape by hoping that you don't touch it with your body, your feet or your hands. In my case it could be my boobs..!!! I have seen massively huge Lobsters, You can not touch anything in the reef on this side which is where I live in West End, Nor in West bay. It is completely Protected.. so taking a lobster is out of the question! UNFORTUNATELY! They have to be one of the ugliest things in the sea aside from Octopus. Although I love to eat them both.. I would never dare to touch one. Ohhhhh then there is the sea cucumbers.. YUKKYITY YUK looks like something familiar and really black and ugly!

I love nature, I love my place I am living and so grateful I am here in ROATAN! I am in love again, in love with life... I feel alive once again but I do want my creative person to remain alive so I am seeking the way to develop her passion . Her love! and that is all about nature.

Being here is different than in other parts of Central America, the American, British influence, Garafunda, and European makes is a very interesting place.

I do miss the food from Costa Rica the fresh everything... although we do get similar product its not as plentiful, or available as in Costa Rica. I do miss my few friends, I have heard from a couple almost weekly so thats a nice feeling.

I have met lots of new people here making life very different. I am happy about many things and as I said grate ful. I know that I am here for some reason and the reason is coming.. I hope Im drawing it to me like I should and it manifests it self real soon!

Speaking of Lobster, Did you know Honduras is one of the major suppliers of Sea food in the world? and Lobsters are very prevalent So Guess what?? tomorrow on my day off I AM GOING BUY SOME LOBSTERS! its not expensive here I can afford it!!! Also Conch and if its fixed correctly its delicious! SEA FOOD YUMMMMMMMMmmm.. No more news as of now! Keep reading send me notes and let know what you think and if you want to visit Roatan just let me know!