Friday, February 27, 2009
My week was simple
I have a work coming in the next week so I am happy not doing too much.
Other than that I been spending time with Orpha, Rossy, and one other friend.
Cleaning my house, taking care of my numerous plants that I know have aquired.
Today Friday I usually but not always go to the la ferria and buy my fruits and vegetables. Sometimes orchids or plants but today was so dang hot I could hardly force myself to walk. I took a taxi there then to the hardware store then directly home.
Nothing new going on really, no events this week but the town is full full full. Lots of tourists here so that is great!
I have listen to the all the drama, the stock market, the CNN daily news about the struggles of USA and some of the concepts of the forcasters. Funny, I heard one say some of the very same things I have said many times over and over about living simple. And all the life shifts that many are going through. I sat and thought wow I was really ahead of all this when I made my life shift and then when I bottomed here a year ago.
Life is up and down, you never know what is coming really. One thing for sure is that every day some comes to us, good or bad. Its how you use the situation, how you deal with it. Take it in stride, BOY DO I KNOW HOW TO DO THIS! and just enjoy the moments for what they are. Sound so hypocritical.. and I am sure that more than half of the USA American society, has no clue to how to roll with the punches and just accept what happens and move forward.
Not allowing the negative situations to effect you in a way that you feel so destitude. I know I really know how this feels I became so depressed, one time I shared my true feelings on this blog about my depression and WHAT NEGATIVE REACTIONS did I receive from people who would not know how to deal with any of the struggles I have been through. I will say I do have empathy for those people who are in loss of there whole careers, losing material possesions, and becoming desperate. Taking families lives, there owns.. I truely understand what this feels like. If you are strong,remember there is tomorrow... there is another way. And maybe this will allow you to develop a new plan on life. I know that when bad things happen something good is just around the corner. The key to making it to the corner is by believing in something that makes you feel good, happy or positive. Weather its faith, religion, meditation, exercise, or thinking of a sweet little babies face or doing something that brings you joy. Music too is healing... I know that dance for me makes me forget everything. Even if you put on a some great music you love and just force your self to move. This will make you feel so much better. STAY AWAY FROM ALL THE NEWS ON TV...its nothing but negative and only feeds the fear you already may have. Sounds like putting your head in the sand.. but the old saying is what you don't know wont hurt you is true. Sometimes its best.. I keep up with things, by reading but to listen to all that bad news is not healthy.
Have a good weekend! Do something different this weekend make it point to be ojective and do something fun.. or good for someone else.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Past Weekend
Then on Sunday I did ,my normal Sunday beach thing with peele,and Orhpa. We go near the copa on sundays lay out watch all the people and the surfers. But this Sunday was not good.
The waves were huge due to high winds, the water was really rough. Two people entered together amist many other people in an area that has bad currents. They didn't make it. The Life guards zipped off on the jet skis, the Police drove directly on the beach with there white trucks and blue lights flashing. The Abulance was parked right near the waters edge.. No one could revive them.
Sadly we sat up at attention, and looked to see if they were alive.
Soon there after We made a choice to leave. It put a different spin on our pleasant day. I came home showered and rested. Later to go to visit with Rossy and see the new interent Cafe she is opening. Always changing and doing something to try to make money. Half of the new things she tries fails but at least she is trying.
I have a good idea for a new business too, but Of course Money is keeping it from Happening.
I will continue untill its right and then try what I have in my mind. Something everyone will like from young to old!
Have a pura vida week
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Adventure of the week
Chuck speaking to the children, he works for Nasau
The class the The Group From left to right: David,Jim, Chuck, Ron, Rob, The teacher, Mark.
Me handing out gifts to the first group
The Group: Chuck Rob, David, Jim, Ron, Mark.. I took photos
As we traveled farther and stopped once again, we all had a beer they talked and decided that when we arrived back in Jaco they would purchase a new one with speakers, and printer, copier scanner for this school. I was shocked, really I cried at the school when the contractored said he was willing to send him one with out hestitation. After one guy saw me tear up he began and soon all of us were in tears over the fact of the generoustity and the fact that we were now helping someone who really truely needed the help
We went some 45 minutes more over very rough roads, then we stopped on the pinacle of a mountain top where you could see from both sides clearing a huge portion of Costa Rica. WOW was that every breath taking. There on the top of this moutain was a small soda, very rustically made with crude materials and only a fire of gas for cooking what delicious food they served us. A typical plate of rice beans, fried plantains, and pork or chicken. With fresh sliced tomatos. WOW we all ate and relaxed the group took numerous photos of them on the mountain top and then we traveled back to Jaco but first stopping at a wonderfull waterfall for a moment to refresh. Then off to Jaco we went. Flying through the dirt roads at full speed. We all got cleaned up and took horses then to the top of the mountain above Jaco and rode for a sunset tour. I was exhausted the guys were worse. When we arrived at the top the sunset was perfect! We all drank beers with others that were on the tour aside from us. And then re counted the day over a glorious dinner together. How lucky I am to be able to meet such incredible people. To encounter experiences here that are so different from my world in USA. I am really blessed in many ways.
Maybe as I said before I DONT HAVE MUCH MATERIAL GAIN ANY MORE, and I survive with so little but I have more than material wealth To know and be able to help people in the way that I have been able to.. Just like the tour with the canadians. I showed them something they would never have experienced. With this, in the end NOT MY WORDS BUT THEIRS WERE we were so happy to have met you and with out you, it would not have been the same. So I feel lucky that I was able to help and be there for not just them but for the children who needed it.
I am truly gratefull to have met this wonderfull group of guys whos hearts are bigger than that mountain and whos sentiments are tender. THANK YOU<> ROB> DAVID( who by the way is hillarious)>RON> CHUCK<> they all live in Florida. Now next year we have a plan when they return. They are going to try to collect more to bring back so We can share with many of the children of the Mountain.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Lets go back to when I returned to Costa Rica in Sept. I made an application for a new cell phone at ICE, ICE is a Monopoly business run by the government. It is Lights, power, Cell, Phone, Water, and now Internet. You can not just go to a store and buy a phone and have the service of your choice. ICE IS THE CHOICE. So you make application and wait.....and wait..... and wait.. I have waited some six months for my cell phone. Every week I go and ask if the line is ready. Always the answer is next week. Ok I say I have become acoustume to the ways of Costa Rica, Much more patient that I use to be about ridiculous situations that could be so easy.
I leave thinking well I have lived this long with out whats another week. Finally the other day I was on my way to take photos of the condos new draperies that were installed. I decided to stop and I had all my paper work with me. Here to obtain a cell phone you must be a resident, or have incorporation in a company, meaning you have invested money in business, or tag onto another persons line who is a resident( which is what I did last time and that was bad). So I made my application according to my incorporation. Which was completly fine in Sept.
Ok so walking I thought let me stop maybe the line is ready. I go in wait my turn, then ask YES ITS READY!!!! YEAH!!! finally!!! ok I hand my papers over, they look them over carefully ask for passport idetifications and more. I have it all. In looking again he notices that the Incoporation was invalid as of Dec.. WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!! oh crap.. ok so you don't get your line! What???????? yes ok we have an argument I mean I blew up.. I was about ready to tear this guy up. I told him to renew my papers was costly why didn't back date the application? Ok now its complicated again. I had to find an Attorney here to renew the incorporation. That costs, its not free.. I do it have in five hours sent via fax from San jose go back to ICE right before closing with cell phone in hand that I bought in USA while I visited. He puts the chip in, puts the new pin from this chip, the phone says BLOCKED.... WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT??? ok god what else? He said it was blocked T moble in USA. They do something to the phone so that you can not use another service provider unless you unblock it. DAMN I went every where asking places if they knew someone who could unblock it. Here Cell phones Microwaves electronics are not cheap and not everywhere like in the states. HARD TO FIND GOOD ONES AND WHEN YOU EXPENSIVE!! ok can you say FRUSTRATION?
Well ok I let it pass that night, trying to get on line and find out information only to find out no internet for two days. Almost three days with no internet, making it impossible to resolve this.
Ok so Yesterday I spent most of my day looking up the restriction code online. THERE IS NO ANSWER I tried to chat many times but the site kept saying no agents available.. one Time I got someone she said yes she would send me the code, and said I must pay a refill in order to get it sent to me, Not MAKING SENSE, because I can not pay on the internet, the sites in USA do not accept International cards, nor accept my email name.. and why would I pay for a refill when the chip is a different country, meaning I wouldn't use the refill anyway? We continued chatting, then the internet cut off..LOST!! for god sakes.. how difficult can it be to get a cell phone?
Now I have two phones one from Spain same situation blocked, vodafone, and Nokia 2610 that is blocked. Sitting on my counter useless. I want to throw them as far as I can! So I suppose I have to go and buy a stinking phone here cheap again, that probably wont work half the time!!!
I contacted a couple of friends ask if they could help by contacting T moble but half the people don't know what there talking about in the T moble some say they never heard of that, some say you don't have to pay a refil, some say the phone doesnt have any block, BUT I SEE IT!!! and I read about it on the net. So who is right?
Well anyway minor things become major here. aside from that I am doing a photo shoot on Sunday for the condos so the client can rent these on the net for vacationers. Yes there is tourists here, in fact last week there so many I was happy to see that the world situation is not affecting it so much here. People are coming from all over the world to relax, and enjoy life.. because it is short. YOU CANT TAKE IT WITH YOU..
Today its very nice breezy and hot, I plan on going to Orotina I was going to go to San Jose but work up with a head ache and decided it best not to go today.
ON to what the day has for me...
Friday, February 06, 2009
Sunshine /construction/ noise in the morning

Sunday, February 01, 2009
Kascade is the best music along with Chamboa a group I found while I was in Spain.. when I hear that music Chamboa I think about my time in Spain.. it was little rough but wow what an experience. Our lives are all about how we affect other people. WHAT I WANT THIS YEAR is to be an effect on many, to help and to allow others to feel the things I feel with intense passion. MUSIC IS A PART OF THAT.. ( My space Marianna in Costa Rica / Spain/ Costa Rica) to listen
Today I have no plans I asked a few of my friends to go to dinner.. but they have other agendas.. so I go to the beach think and come up with a plan for my month.
I am not working at the moment, but I am fine I will will survive some how some way. Enjoying my mornings here, the feel of the air, the birds the food.. the warm sunshine. Allowing me to stay young at heart! and refresh my mind and spirit!
I hope that this year brings new adventures, and great opportunities to live.
I know it will it already has changed for me. I feel positive about life.
Two days ago I went to San jose alone, I shopped for eight hours, finding beautiful clothes from Peru, and Costa Rica. I bought clothes for today beach clothes and night clothes.. so Today I celebrate.. maybe alone maybe with others.. it doesn't matter I will enjoy .
THIS IS THE DAY my mother was blessed with a child who kept he in smiles, who always tried to help her in whatever she needed.. My mother told me almost every week that I was the child that god gave her as a present, who was a miracle, a creative soul who made her feel alive. She told me that I was a gift.. so I guess now in my years it is more than time to give to other people and make them realize that life is more than just living, its BEING ALIVE!! and making others smile.
So the goal today is to make others smile and with that I SMILE... Music, dance.. food fun.. RISE UP take your place in the world.. know who you are.
I do know who I am.. A special person, a different person, one who has much to offer, and one who receives many blessings from those to love me.
Off to a new week of Adventures here in Costa Rica.. I never give up I keep trying new and different things constantly, some fail some work the key to being alive is to believe that you can do it.. and as I have said so many times on this diary is I BELEIVE!! BELEIVE YOU CAN DO WHAT EVER IT IS YOU WANT TO DO, FEEL IT BELEIVE IT AND IT WILL HAPPEN> Marianna