Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Started out very Early Yesterday

I Began very early yesterday Walking to find a place again. I found three or four but not really good and very expensive. One house was cute huge yard, found out it was a friend of mine Lilly, she is a tour guide who now lives in San Jose and will not return for a week or so.
Rossy said the house is very small would not be able to put my beatiful red Italian leather set in it. It would have to sit outside and for me that is a big NO. So this house is out. It has no living room in other words, its all outside. You would need all teak or tropical furniture to sit out on the porch all the time.
The day yesterday was different, the weather is cooling if you can say that, We have had much rain, but the sun comes shinning through an hour or two later.
Last night the rain was pouring. I was stuck in Rossys for hours. I spoke to Jon my freind on line, I have the camera and mic built in making it easy to do live chat.
If you want to chat with me or have questions about Costa Rica you can contact me and I will add you to the board.
In the coming months I am going to be working on goal I have, not only business, to see some different areas. One is to go to Nicaraugua, its not that far from here, and I hear its just as pretty. Its only 25 dollars on the bus, It would be a fun and different weekend. Maybe in November or December. There is a beautiful beach town right inside the border, I applied for a position there for a resort, one more reason to go and see it.

I want to express my worry about the world situation, Wow yesterdays news about the stock market, the veto of the bail out, which I have to agree, why should tax payers take the brunt, when Goverment is at fault. It is such a mess there.. I am sure that there are many people who have no idea how bad it really is. From this Stand point outside of the USA the news they broadcast here is very grim for you, and for the whole world. The effect is obvious here already, Sales of cars are at a stand still. Tourisum is flat, banks are worried . Food is prevalent, but the news that it would effect the exportation to USA could drastically decrease the economy here. Since Cafta is not really solidified, and the drop in exportation continues, wow! If you go to a Costsco you will find Costa Rican Products, and a few international food distrubutors are shipping still, but the failure of the USA's economy will ripple though out the world and cause serious food crisis.
I guess I am greatfull, for my postion right now, Although I have been put through the ringer about my descision to come here and live simple. I have been made fun of, and riduculed as to how stupid I am to not think about the future! BUT WHO REALLY KNOWS THE FUTURE? REALLY??? Evey day changes, Every day something different happens. I thought what if I did have a 401 k right now the state of that is very touchy, it could be completely lost! So honestly I am glad I made the descision to get out of my mortgage, sell my expensive cars, eliminate excess material things, and Adventure and try to enjoy what life is. I would be super stressed living in the States wondering if the house I paid on for so many years would be taken from me because of a closure of a mortgage company? although they say federal reserve takes over, But how do you know any of this is true? ALL THE LIES<> FRAUD> BUSH<

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Over the Weekend Sunshine and Rain

I been doing a whole lot of nothing, except walking trying to find a place to live. I went one day to the la ferritera, the Fruit market that is outdoors on Friday. Something like a flea market with Fruits. I would show pictures but I some how misplaced my adaptor for the chip. I believe I left it in the USA and here it runs about $50 dollars. So for now I must descride it as best I can. It is now in the end of the town secluded in a dirt area. I walked after going to the Western Union, to pick up some money that I worked for but it was not there. So I decided to walk farther and go buy some memonies, and jacotes. These two fruits are really undescribable but I am going to try. One is like a sea urchine outside its bright red, has little tenicles but soft tenicles and in the inside it is white and gelly textured, the shape is like an eye ball. But its so flavorfull, I can eat big amounts of these. The chinese call these lychee. The Jacotes are green small tiny avocado shaped, some are yellow or redish orange when they become ripened. The texture inside is strange you have to aquire a taste for them. With salt very good, almost milky when you bite into them.They have a huge pit similar shape to the avocado but its not the same texture or flavor at all. Its a strange one but I enjoy it very much
I have gone to the beach three times and enjoyed the sun and the water swimming some and laying in the warm sand enjoying the sunlight. At night I hang out at Rossy's because I am staying above in a small space for the time being. I really don't have a place to rest at the moment. So I meet people and wait for closing.

The town is a little bit more active this week, simply because there constructing a new park across the way from the coffee shop, and there are new owners of the Monkey bar across the street. This is a hot spot in town, a sort of point of direction for people. Everyone in San Jose knows where this place is. Here they dont have addresses or mail sent to the houses so they use directions. Sign posts, palm trees, buildings.

So new owners are from the USA and are remodling a little. I have done some consulting, but not enough to pay me well.
I am looking for work, but enjoying the area once again. Today of all things, I met a tourist some four days ago from Germany, This tourist invited me to take a ride to Esterillos, wanted to know the areas. So I acted as a guide today and manage to go with two of my friends who live here. We all had a really enjoyable time, the beach there is really nice such a paradise, and the mermaid in the sea is always fun to see when the tide goes down. She is almost invisable when the tide is high. But as it subsides she apears. Surrounded by subtle rock formations its one of the only statues I can recall seeing in the country.

It was nice for a few hours, we ate ribs and patacones, drank two mechiladas then all went for a long walk on the endless beach that Esterillos has.
I saw the house that I did some months back. The Garden looks in very bad shape, they have not kept it up, the lawn was yellow and grow over many things. Sad because We put so much work into it. The surrounding areas were very nice. I saw a house there that was for sale that was very cool. Wouldn't I love to live there Since Esterillios is my favorite area? I dreamed about and some day who knows? Anything can happen.
I was greatfull to be enjoying life and with out cares, only listening to the waves and walking swimming in the warm waters, and not worring about my simple problems.
Felt so nice to be released from the chains of fear and worry of where to live for a few hours. Then the rain came, We all got DRENCHED but it was not cold so it wasn't so bad besides I just got out of the ocean and water was warm as could be.
I saw a few fish flipping through the waves as I got out of the water. Don't know if was mata rays or fish but this area is fish readily.

Tomorrow I hope I find a place, I am thinking I may go into San Jose on the bus and check out a few things.
Life is good , I have my health my mind is sound, and I seem to be happy regardless of the lack.
Eating fresh and feeling better about things.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Another Day in Paradise

Although my life is not exactly what I had plan, I can say this its nice to be in a place where the Sun shines after a fresh early morning rain, and you smell how it has cleaned the air and feel the warm wind blow.
Today we experienced one of many hard down pours of rainy season. It really came down, but it's not that cold it has cooled down tremendously though after the rain. Tonight it is cool, a little humid but very cool.
I made dinner for Rossy and girls.
I made something that Kathy made me in Spain. A salad of fresh pineapple, lettuce, tomato, avocado shrimp cooked in garlic olive oil, and finely chopped onions.
I made the dressing very similar to what Kathy had bought. I mixed mayo, Ketsup, white vinegar, a little sugar, and tiny bit of relish which I could not believe was in the fridge at Cafe De Mar. This is unheard of here?? so I was a really surprised and of course added it in!
All the girls took some of it and really like it. Since business is non exsistant we ate out front on the vip table. I do feel for Rossy, she is experiencing exactly what I was one year ago.

I am hoping that things change quickly around here for all of us.

It was a pretty productive day for me, I worked all day on the computer making up research lists. I hardly moved out of my chair the whole day but was still able to enjoy the nice weather after the rain. I was outside for some time as I am right now working on the computer.
Yesterday Sunday, I had gone on a lead that someone gave me for an apartment right on the beach. It was very far almost down to where I lived orginally when I came to Jaco. I knew I was at the right place when I saw a huge White man in a hammock lounging about with four big dogs barking . His old blue car sat near the house on the beach. I walked up slowly since the dogs were out, and asked about the Apartment. It was suppose to be for $300 a month on the beach one bedroom.
Again I was not there soon enough, about 15 minutes shy of getting it. Disapointed I walked right back out to the beach, laid out my surrong, and lied down for a while in the warm filtered sun.
I fell asleep and when I woke it was slightly sprinkling. I was so drowsy, I felt as if I was in a daze for more than a hour.
Walking through town I decided to eat a TCBY and treat myself to something good. When I sat down I looked around, the town was so quiet, so erie.. I just thought and wondered what will all these businesses do? Looking in the mall area where the TCBY is, almost all the businesses were closed, out of business. I slowly walked toward the store my other friend owns.

There I found Magaly, this young girl I know sitting and drinking beer in the front of the store. As if there was something to celebrate. Not my frame of mind at all, I changed my clothes got the computer and began working on this research. Listening all the while to them speaking Spanish about things that were un-important. Although at one point the conversation changed to how dead the town was and what will they do? Hmm? I though? What will we do?
I retired early last night laying in my little room, pondering the world, and how it has change in my lifetime, reliving some of my past. Wishing for a moment that I could change things not just for myself but for the betterment of others.

Keeping my thoughts in a positive way some how I want to make a difference in how other feel and live.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I am not settled yet but have been looking around some for a place. I found a really nice one yesterday, its modern, upstairs, partically furnished. Located in town near the river with lots of foliage and trees. I am hoping I can pull this off soon.
Been doing some computer work for a company in the USA and sending the information to them daily. So I have small income, also trying to apply for positions here with hotels, and a design place here. But its so slow, who knows how things will pan out. I am believeing in miracles, Honestly I don't care how many nay sayers out there are thinking oh Please... but You have to believe and I know what skills I have I am talented, and I am intellegent. Things can change and they do daily for everyone. I want the best, and I will get it.
I have made so many things happen in my life I know I have the power to do it again and again.

Sometimes we feel like we fail its our perceived expectations that cause us to feel this way. I do perceive myself as a person who was and can still be successfull. But at the moment I have failed my own self.
I have a plan, I will try to continue to move forward untill I reach the plan and make it happen. It seems impossible some days but I know each day is new. I use to tell my children when they were bad and went to bed angry. Tomorrow is another day, we start all over again every day. The success I have today is that I made it back here, which was something I said I was going to do before I left. I know I have reason for being here its going to work.
My friends here said yesterday, MARIANNA YOU ARE SO STRONG, we wish we could be like that. That in itself was a comfort, to know that people believe I am, and I can. Then today Bill White a good friend and old client wrote me. Said he feels for me that he believes in me, He wished for me that one day soon I would be rich and famous, he ecouraged me in saying your so talented, your life is interesting although convoluted, YES I agree. But in that he said I know you will make something happen.
THANK YOU BILL! it was kinda like my mother speaking to me. She was my encourager, she always said your my joy, you make me smile and happy, and I beleive in you. She told me to believe in God and thank him Daily. I can say I do Thank god for what little I have, and for the fact that I am not a drug addict, not an alcoholic, and I don't have loads of debt, and I am healthy with out physical problems.
Many times on here I said, I am not perfect... but in Gods EYES I AM PERFECT! thats a comfort too!
Ok enough!!! I been just hanging out, on the computer, helping my friend in her little clothing store. I cleaned it and helped put up clothes, we sit outside in the front greeting people visiting with a few tourists, not very many at all it is so sad.
Other than that, still no place to stay.. keeping my chin up!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Still havent found a place yet

We had independence day on the fifteenth. The children in all the schools play drums , there are a few bells, but this is the extent of the instruments in the bands.
Small floats on trucks and rhinos, with banana trees, balloons and palm with an occasional ginger here and there are about the only decoration that is displayed.

This Year the streets were filled, I don't think I have seen it as packed in the past. It was very hot so the children and people who participated where definately showing the heat and strain as they marched through the town.
I had coffee and fresh fruit at Vernoicas new little place near the center of town. She is from Italy, she was the person who bought the Bar I designed and put it in there new little cafe. We chatted while she waited on people, making cappucinos, and cafes, as the parade moved down the road.
We discussed an idea I have, for a new business, she was in-love with the idea that I would rent a small space and perhaps enhance her cafe. This is future I hope, She would not permit me to pay, I shared with her my situation.
That I had come here with the pretense of working for a Magazine. But the guy has not responded to me since I left San Jose, nor would he sign any sort of work agreement. So that fell through obviously. I stopped working on as of Saturday.
I am looking on Craigslist for Jobs. I am talking to everyone trying to get a little something to tide me over till I can put some money aside. Then do my new idea which is based on the orginal idea I felt I should do when coming here years ago, its food based. But not like I thought before. A really creative idea that will sell to everyone.
I am still trying to find a place, hopefully that will pan out this week. I am down to super little money. Frankly a bit worried, I have been reading about the state of affairs in the USA, my god many things are crumbling. So I am not alone.
I am trying to keep my chin up, but Its not easy. I just want a place so I can unpack, and feel like I am settled after all these months of being here and there.
Rossy, moved yesterday I helped her, but my god imagine living with five dogs in a house for six years... when I moved furniture you can imagine.
I hope That something good comes to me soon.. I tried constantly to be positive. I need some sort of support at this moment I won' t lie. I have lots of friends here but asking for there help is hard for me. Besides Most are not the type to lend a hand. Although one of them may help me out for a few weeks till I can get to find a place. I stayed last night in a hotel behind Rossy's I asked the owner if I could work for him in trade, he said no.. offered me a little space he had up stairs not really a room . So I did, I am working on the computer all day, sending out resumes, and hopefully getting something going by sitting at Rossys and talking to locals. Connecting maybe someone will have something or know of someone who could use me.
I do need prayers right now.
I Have to say the owner of the hotel is very kind to permit me to stay, he actually felt horrible seeing me sad and crying. He offered to take me for a ride up the mountian with his nanny and son to eat at this river place where they serve fresh crawdad, pesquinti, and pork, with rice and beans. We went it was a nice way for me to forget how bad I am feeling, we rode through the jungle looking at all the tall rain forest trees, the flowers and rain as it washed the plants. The Clouds hang over the mountains like smoke, making such a majestic view. I saw Chickens pecking the grounds in the school yards, actually saw my first sheep ever here, its too hot.. they were all shaven. Horses wandering about freely. This was one of the reasons he went to check on his horse on his property up there. The river Toulene very nice areas. As we looked at the property that had a small creek going through it with lots of jungle habitation in front and just right behind a green green meadow. I thought I am lucky to be here, With all the bad luck I have had all the disapointments, lies it is such a beautiful place. I Find peace in that. Then in Driving back we stopped and saw a field filled with wild life, dear, ibises, birds, ducks. The mist of the rain was right above the ground. It made me smile and forget that I am in pain, worring about where I am staying and how I will take care of me.
GOD BE WITH ME AND YOU We all need it right now.

Friday, September 12, 2008


ITs been one week almost here, enjoying the weather, the sun and the food.

I went with Rossy yesterday to look her at new place, and small apartment for me too.. it is very charming. It is all done in Italian Swiss style chalet type architecture. Although I think its nice, I made a decision, last night that it may not be best for me at this time, even though its very cheap and clean and safe. Its just too far away, 20 minutes in a car and about 35 or more in the bus. The problem would be if I was in town late or wanted to eat out or go with friends there is no transportation late at night, the last bus is at 8 here. Taxis would cost me about 30 dollars, one way. Then there is no Internet period so for work it would be impossible, I do not have a car.
Right now I believe I need to be staying in an enviroment that is calm, free of barking dogs, and living simply somewhere close to things.
So I talked with another friend last night and asked if I could still rent a room with him and his wife? He said sure. Next week I will help Rossy move but I will have to say no to living together in the same area. Our schedules as I said are different. She goes home around 1:00 am. and there will be many times I am sure I would want to be home resting before that.

Aside from that, I am working out bumps with the Magazine, although the business here is really dead. Lots of places closed, people are all struggling The USA has an enormus impact on the everyone.
I read yesterday that USA, Latin America, and Spain are all in very bad shape. I really hope that after this election, some changes happen. This is a wish, but honestly I am knowledgeable enough to know it won't change anytime soon. It could take years, if that? Sad state of affairs this world.

Well I see so many changes here, people are trying to be positive, but the things they say about President Bush is really ugly. Don't blame them, I feel the same way, what a shambles!
The only good thing is, some of the property prices here have dropped which could be good for those investors that want to scoop up great deals in a beautiful country, giving them a good investment and a vacation home.

On with my day! I have photos but I can not find my key to convert the chip, My suitcases are not unpacked, its been two or more months now. I need to get settled so I feel relaxed and find what little things I have.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Winter in Costa Rica

It's winter here, and you wouldn't know except for the lack of tourists, and that the American economy is really affecting the businesses here. There is hardly a soul on the streets, lots of local traffic, but not many people walking.
As I walked to work this morning, which I am working on the computer at Rossys, Cafe El Mar. I couldn't help but notice many places closed, So many changes that I almost can't remember what was where? Rossy is experience a total drop in business, the place is totally empty. Now she is sort of going through what I went through almost a year ago same time.
She is trying to be strong but I can see the stress in her face.

I am working along actually doing good for my first few days, making efforts to get as many contacts as I can online, and then working the phone.

Yesterday we took a ride and saw a little place to rent one for her and one for me, its pretty far from Jaco about fifteen minutes in the an area caled Que Brada Grenada, a little village just north of Jaco between Herradura, and Tarcoles. Tarcoles is a beach area / river that is the most protected river for Crocks in the country. There are absolutely Masses of them. Some are Gigantic. Its not near there but its in that direction, this property was advertised on our local chanel here that has very dated text that shoots on the screen every 20 seconds with adds from rentals, food, cars, just like a classified but on TV, I found the ad saying Little chalet, with huge garden beautiful setting. So we go, nice drive but for me it's going to be a bus ride daily into town, For Rossy its in her car, our times to work are different. She comes in the coffee shop in the afternoon and handles the store till 12:30 or 1:00 at night. I will go early into town, and probably later seeing clients durning the day, finishing at 6 or 7.
If it had internet I would just work from there and then phone call when I get the cellular. But for now I am not sure how it will work out.
Its not a house for the two of us, its a huge property near a river the owner an Italian lady lives in the big house in front, she has a small stuido which would be mine, And I mean small... then the Chalet would be Rossy's with her five dogs. YEAH FIVE DOGS,,, the lady has eight so I am not sure if I am doing this or not, but it would be nice to be in a compound with the owner, her and I. very safe and with all those dogs! GOD I DON'T Know???

I have a week, but I am not sure how I am coming up with the deposit.. so I am asking around still.
She has to move the economy here is so bad she can not afford the house she has been in for more than six years. I advised her to do it.. she really doesn't want too she wanted me to live with her and pay half, but its YET TOO MUCH FOR ME to take on. So I suggested to fine a cheaper place and just tough it out. But when we looked there was small place for me too? So well maybe for a month of so it will be ok? BOW WOOOWWWWWWWW WOWWWW oh I don't know?
As far as not knowing its Winter : Reason is it is hot and sultry, and sunny.

I already did a fruit search found one that is just odd, round like big ol cannon ball.. Brown on the outside and slightly fury, inside bright orange, very enlarged seeds, Brazil nut same size.the flesh is fiberous and slightly sweet. I like it actually. And of course I had to get some Mangos there giant right now and so red and yellow.

Its about sunset time so I may just take a walk and see the sun go down.. The Sunsets are spectacular.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Living in Costa Rica

I am sure some may not understand my passion for the life in Costa Rica or understand why I feel so bad when I am in the USA around my sons.. You may never understand, I am sure you assume or presume, one thing or another but the reality is.

I love the green, I love the climate, I love the nature, the food, the people's smiles, the music. I feel happy most of the time here.
When arriving, I went directly to Jonathans office, he was busy working on a television stations website, so I walked up into San Pedro and just looked around. I tried to buy and umbrella because it was raining but all were sold out in the two places I entered. I had my first cup of Costa Rican coffee strong and with milk. I tasted so dang good...
I smiled and thought I did it again, I have changed so much in the past few years, my values now are simple, more simple than ever. It doesn't take much to make me happy... but the one thing that would really make me happy would be the love of my children. SIMPLE LOVE...

I can not go into the situations, its very personal, and too fragile a situation to expose. But regardless, I love them, and a mothers love is forgiving and undying. People always make there own choices. Mine is not to be cut off, but to live a simple, peaceful life. Enjoying whatever I can.
My hope is one day they will come and visit me and see why I am here, see the another perspective outside of the one they have.

I think if the youngest could if he had the finances he would, and maybe in the future he will.

Ok off to COSTA RICA...

So after Jonathan got off work he told me that he lived so far away that the taxi 's for me to go to Sabana Sur which is were the office http://www.realtyguidecr.com/ is it would be about 35 to 40 dollars back and forth. He said it would be best to stayed in a hotel. So I bit the bullet and stay in a small hotel in Down town San Jose, eating into the tiny amount of money I left with.

In the morning they served the typical breakfast of gallo pinto, which is rice mixed with black beans celantro, onions and red pepper, an egg and tortillas with sour cream. It seems I get up early here ? I had gotten up the first time at five Am, only to go back to bed to try to rest before my training experience with Realtyguide.
I found out its mostly Sales of Advertising for this company, meaning I deal with big projects, brokers, developers, architecs. I do have a few things to battle with this, like getting my cell phone back which I found out may not happen at all it was cancelled by Tony the orginator of the line.ITS MUCH DIFFERENT HERE... then my computer was reformated by HP and they neglected to put all the programs back into it, I searched for all the disks, but I do not have office. One thing that has to be repaired... there is a little more but I am trying seriously to be strong and MOVE on.
After the training, still feel unprepared, it was a rush of so much information with out any writen information. The second day he only met with me two hours and wanted me to do a sales pitch, which I frankly explain, I was not ready. I didn't have enough time to learn or study with out writen information. So today and tomorrow I must try to study what I have in the media kits, the sales prices and maybe to my own sort of introductory letter to previous clients, which I do not have a list of..
I caught the bus on Sunday at five it was pouring rain but hot, I mean buckets of rain all my luggage got soaked, but it was fine when I opened to see.
The drive through the country, many things the same and many things changed. I was surprised. But it was so beautiful and GREEN AS GREEN you can imagine. Almost too much for the eyes.
Soon it was dark and the bus was cramed filled of workers returning to there cabinas, in certain areas where projects are being developed. People standing hanging on to the rails holding on the bars on the side sitting on the floors.
I had a reserved seat because I walked early in the morning to the office some 20 blocks or more to purchase ahead, I knew what it is like on Sunday.

As darkness fell I thought about many things, and realized that I am a super strong woman, who challages myself to many things, and some how some way succeeds. in doing what I have to Amazing how I continue with little or nothing? I surprise my own self.

Even if no one else cares or is proud, that some how I survive, and take care of myself in a way I never have... I am proud that I still am believeing that I can make it in a world that is increasingly difficult.

Today is beautiful the sun is out its hot but the breeze is blowing and the clouds are softly
filtering through the sky. I have seen 8 of my freinds already, all seemed to be happy that I am back.
All were smiling and welcoming me. Now to find a place to stay, and hopefully get going on the job thing.
If anyone is Interested check out the site where I will be working: http://www.realtyguidecr.com/
If you coming to Costa Rica you can write me send me a comment, with your name and email
address and I will respond.

Back In the country again!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Not there yet

The night before I left I had met with my youngest son, his girlfriend and my grandson. A short meeting only to give Julian a small gift of some soap with frogs in them, and some post cards of where I live and a big kiss. My son and I talked and actually made progress on our communication. He understands why things are the way they are and why I am now having to do what I want in this stage of life. We had a good cry, we hugged and kissed. I was sad to say good bye to my son and his family. After I went to my friends Sharon’s and painted her whole bedroom with her till 2:00 am. Prior to this I worked at E2C during the day this is the company that produces The Monterey wine festival and Northwest Food and Wine festival, I painted some on their house outside, which I have been doing for several days.
Then visited My son’s family. As We painted I visited with my good friend. We talked till three Am or so.
Then I prepared in the morning for the flight back to Costa Rica.
The flight back to Costa Rica was more than I thought. At first I checked in at the Alaska airlines counter to find out only one bag is permitted on normal flights an additional 25 dollar fee charged for every bag over the first one. I asked if I could go ahead and check them to fly all the way through so I would not have a struggle once I arrived into Los Angeles International. This was possible so they charged me the extra and push them through.
The first leg of the flight I paid for by working for www.montereywine.com
This was more than I anticipated, it was over $350.00 by the time I paid for the baggage. It was only a two hour and 20 minute flight to Los Angeles. We were served some tiny little sesame crackers and a complementary glass of wine. The plane was small, I was lucky to have a front row seat.
The Second leg of the flight was a prepaid gift from a reader, Bobby. Which I will be working for when he arrives to check out the country and possibly purchase some property there in Costa Rica.
The reason I am affirming this, is because I had a comment by and obnoxious reader who accused me of working him, but our agreement is that I am working with him when he arrives. NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE, except my thinking, and yours.
Now, I find out in LAX that my flight goes to Houston, and there I sit in the airport from 11:40 pm till 9:20 am to go to Costa Rica, meaning that I sleep in the air terminal all those hours. GOD !! that’s ugly!
I want to say thank you to Linda a co Worker at E2C, she gave me a very nice card, as well as my son’s girlfriend who gave me a nice gift. Linda had some interesting thoughts she put onto this card, and I will use that as my guide in my next adventures.
I am super excited to be working for this company Reality guide, because the knowledge and experience I will gain will aide in writing , plus I will be able to meet some incredible people, write some great stories about their projects, businesses, tours, restaurants, Hotels, and Real estate. I am super inspired for this job.
Peoples comments on here are sometimes so crazy! But honestly I can say that I am free, Debt free, not bound to anything one thing, and the idea that I have endless boundaries, possibilities, and opportunities is amazing. I will miss my friends and family as usual, but to be alive, healthy happy and know that I am doing what is best for my life is really an encouraging thing.
I had a acquaintance yesterday say to me” I have nothing to hold me here except my house, I have no social life, I have no happiness, and all I do is just work and go home” She is the same age as I am my response was, Get free, you have a piece of property, do you want to see things in life or be pint up in that house and have no joy? Do you have a husband- lover- boyfriend? Family that supports your goings on? She said no.
I said ok there you have it. DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU, life is short try to enjoy. You may not have the opportunity again.
If you have family that never is supportive of your ventures, or even has an interest in what you do, why waist your time and hope that maybe someday they will care? It is their loss not yours, do what gives your joy, enjoy. GO OFF THE GRID! And feel good about who you are!
I may not always feel so great about me at times, but I can say I DO FEEL GOOD ABOUT BEING STRONG ENOUGH TO change, strong enough to make a choice that is best for me. Strong enough to keep going, no matter what nay sayers say.
If circumstances were different, if the family I do have was together, or had some sort of union, made an effort, then maybe I would be most hesitant to be doing things that are adventurous, but when I did live with family near it was as if most the time they were far. So a choice to see something different, do something different, after years of working hard, and never doing anything but work! So I chose to do this for a while.
Sacrifice is over. My motherhood is done. And now it is time to enjoy!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Final day in USA

When I woke yesterday, I felt very upset, worried and a little frightened. Not because of any one thing.
It is the last two days before I go to a wonderful job, working for a Reality Guide, back in Costa Rica. There isn't much to prepare for, since I been virtually living out of my suitcases, for a month and half. It is the details of where am I staying, how will I find a place, the cell phone situation well it is a little complicated. But I can say this, you know how people say when things are right how you shouldn't struggle. How things should just fall into place? When you are happy and know its right everything just seems to flow? Well this is exactly what has happened, Everything is falling right into place.

It was meant for me to return to see how wrong it is for me to be here, and to find a job that I would not have found if I hadn't.
I returned to life's dramas here that are more intense than I could have imagined. This has helped me to appreciate my trials and know that peace is on the other side of the world.

First it was good for me to see Julian, my grandson and see how he is growing, the second to see my friend Sharon, and be a help to her during the time I was here.
Share more time with a long time friend Tina and help her a little. As well as she extending her generous hand, in giving me a place to stay and offering me work.

The whole stay in USA was this time about opening my eyes, the clarity of life's going on here.
And Run like hell to stay away from it!!!
I see a pattern in peoples lives here that all seem to be the same.
When I lived here, I was medicating myself with food, and I can see that many people here are trying to find ways to feel good about there life's situations, either by alcohol , Food or Drugs, prescribed mostly? People here take so many drugs.

We all live and to have drink is ok but the amount of alcoholics, and Obesity here is astounding. I am not a tea total er, I like my wine, my caparinas, my micheladas. But it is evident that people are medicating here. Its all over the world, but more so here not as a social aspect but as a way to feel better about there so called good life, Free country living.

So back to my return to Costa Rica.
I applied online to a craigslist job in Costa Rica for a magazine, With a few phone calls, and emails they hired me. It was very interesting, because the brother of the publisher lives in Jaco and happens to know who I am.
My territory will be the Pacific Coastal areas, interviewing and writing, about fine dinning, tours, Real estate projects. In addition to the interviews I will be doing advertising sales for the magazine. I will have to work a few days a week in down town San Jose and travel back to the coastal areas. So its a dual job with multi sites.

So how did it all fall in place?
I was applying for other jobs as well, here in USA and working for Northwest food and wine, this was a contract job. So I knew it was temporary, the reasons for searching for other types of work. I thought to look one day at Craigslist and see if there was anything there in Costa Rica and immediately the first day there was. I wrote and got a speedy response. Abnormal for Costa Rica. I then called them and spoke with them, and it just formed in a matter of three days.
Ok so how do I fly there and get there as fast as they wanted me? Money being very tight.

Well one of my readers had written me a month ago about Costa Rica, he was wanting information, and asked me a whole list of varied questions, because he and some of his friends were planning on visiting in October. He wanted me to go along with them and be a sort of guide. Help them with a few things and look for property. He had made an offer to pay my way, so I wrote him and said look I am still willing to help you, are you still going? Would you be able to get my ticket a little early because I had a job offer and need to be there now.
He wrote back immediately and said of course! So he emailed me the airline ticket! THANK YOU BOBBY!!!! God bless you!
Then I called a friend there and found out he lives near where the office is in San Jose. We talked and he said its perfectly fine for me to stay with him while I work in San jose.
This guy Jonathan, was my web designer, he would come to Jaco often and work and stay in my place. So the exchange is perfect.
So everything just simply fell into place with out a struggle.
I leave tomorrow morning at12:20 I fly into Los Angeles California, then Costa Rica, I Feel free, free of financial debt, free of drama, free of bad health. I am a very lucky woman.
Although life is full of problems, and I have my share. I am blessed. And now I am going back to a beautiful land, where the weather is warm, the birds sing, the food is clean and the people are loving.
I know things are on it's way to turning around for me, and good adventures are about to come.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The weekend in USA

Been working for the http://www.northwestfoodandwine.com/ doing media contact, and odds and ends work for the owners. Its been a blessing to say the least.

While I have been here in the USA I had made an attempt to live with my son, it wasn't such a good idea. I decided it was best to be independent. So things are OK with me living in a quiet place where I am not a bother to them. The other son has his hands full and I can see where my mothering job, is no longer needed at all. Maybe some day they will feel they want to have a relationship with me once again. But until then I am out of service, out of the way. YOU MIGHT SAY no longer in service at this time. But both know how to reach me, should they want to. Even with many phone calls, and kind words, Still they have no idea how .

Things here have been so peaceful. This weekend was the second weekend since I have been here since July that was quiet and tranquil, without drama or pain.

This week began with a job interview for a law firm in Portland for a personal chef for fifty people who work in this office. The interview was a joke, an insult to my experience. But I smiled and gracefully left with Gaul in my throat to think that I may have to live here and be subjected to work for a company who would actually put you in servitude. Later My boss who took me to the interview, went to a chocolate company and we sampled some strange but delicious concoctions, as a inspiration for a new idea I have. We ate lunch and discussed her future and mine. I shared with her how I longed to be back in Tropical climates, and that the thought of me living through the cold and dreary winters here would change my whole persona, and it could be a seriously deadly situation for me. I do not do well in this climate.

I shared with her about a position I had applied for, with the hopes that I would be hired. We had a very nice week, she is definitely patient with me constantly talking about my children, how I feel, and my desire to be doing something that I love.

She invited me along with her husband and couple of there friends to the beach this past weekend, to take some time away and enjoy nothing but friends and good food and wine.

We had a great time!

The house sits on a lake filled with fuchsia water Lillie's that were in full bloom, the cut out horizon from the living room window looked allot like a Hallmark card. A winding Japanese trail with bridges,surrounded by lots of foliage, flowers and trees were engulfing the grounds, near the lake. It was magical, and beautiful. The lake was filled with birds, Sea gulls as the Beach was less than a block on the other side of the lake. Pelicans dove and fished, and swarmed the lake from time to time.

In the air above were flocks of geese, and mallards, and I was told that Elk walk the grounds daily, although I didn't have the opportunity to see one.

We walked, and visited nearby neighbors, and went on a tour of the neighbors green house that had an exotic collection of succulents, ands seedums. Also some tropical plants that made me reflect about jungles that I had the pleasure of experiencing some months back.
We did long walks on the clean beaches,the differences to me were the chilly winds, and the cold waters. But the similarities of the vistas were very much the same. We ate great food and laughed, danced and sang. We watched the sound of music two nights in a row, making it brand new with a lovely little girl that was visiting for the first time to the beach house.

It was a great weekend, we ended at noon, and returned to Portland. In the evening we went and had a pedicure, and didn't talk much, but had a great dinner at a restaurant on the waterfront in Portland called "Thirst".
We did an annual Clam and lobster bake that was scrumptious . Shared with Sharon, Joe ( my jazzercise friend and her husband) and Tina and her Husband Chris. I will mark this as a special memory, with good friends.

This week will be short, As today was a holiday. I wonder what adventures I will encounter as the week progresses?