Friday, April 08, 2011

ZUMBA Working My Brain My Body

Thank god the sun came out today, those months and months of gray were surely getting to me. If you have never been in a place where you are living that has no sun you can't understand how some people feel with out it. FOR ME its not good. SO Thankfully it came out today! I been doing Zumba a lot the past three weeks, I'm so grateful for my only friend here TINA she and I have been trying to do it at noon, in the evening and today it was in the morning. They were going to Seattle today so our work day was cut very short. They wanted to leave at noon, so Tina and I went at 9:30 today and worked out very hard. The thing about Zumba is, that it is my mind lifter, working out my brain, remembering the routines and the steps that are easier for me I am positive than most of the women and men who live here and are unfamiliar with Latin music or the dance. I can tell you this much, I am so sore I can hardly move today. The cold weather makes it difficult to move those old joints. But Thankfully I shook my ass pretty darn good today! I plan on going tomorrow.~~~~~~ Seriously its the only thing I have right now. I use to be a jazzercise lady, when I was away I learned how to do all the Latin dances, if you read the blog years back you would know, sunshine and dancing, Beach and swimming. Horseback riding, walking a lot and having good times with lovely Latin women, and men. Now my only Latin experience is Zumba! soooo when I am in the class and the music begins I start out slow especially the last few days bad cough and hard to get moving. Then when my adrenaline kicks in I AM OFF, I hear the music and I see the moves but I'm not there, I'm dancing with friends and remembering all sorts of fun and wonderful different things during that whole hour. I totally get away from the gray the cold the rain and the dealing with fitting back into USA society. So after Tina and went to the office, sweaty Hot and then worked a bit then I was dropped off. I don't have a car or any sort of way to get around its a good thing they pick me up. I swear if it wasn't for her I have no clue what I would be doing right now. I am temporarily helping them with all there Social Media work, and pages I have built for there events one is and there facebook page is Montereywine the company. The others are a book that Tina wrote recently that is really cool! I was the first to read the script as she wrote it, I have it on LULU as an ebook and on for her, I built her a page on Facebook, in the same name A Sirens tale book. Then the last one is West Coast Chowder Competition on FB. What I do is find sponsors and do all the media on these events, I make so little times are very tough. commission only but its better than sitting here and doing nothing. Finding a job at my age is not easy in USA. I have dropped my dreams for a while and plan on finishing this up with them and then who knows??? someone recently who is just a friend on FB told me, Marianna you are a beautiful lady, talented and so alive, you inspire me don't be sad or depressed about your situation, take it as your life is your book, and right now this is just a few slow chapters. Something like that she said? I found that good. Shes right its just a lull before the excitement again! My get away is Zumba, I literally go into another world when dancing, ITS A VERY GOOD THING. For those of you who read and don't really know me just a reader. I AM A SURVIVOR, I made a way on my own for years with out help, I worked made a career. I raised two boys pretty much alone but with the help occasionally of my family who would watch them now and then. But I worked hard, and I survived in a third world country alone. I had many adventures and I made a way where there was none. I've have lots of ups and lots of downs. This is a low but not the lowest. The lowest was some years back when I returned from Spain. It is a difficult time for millions of people right now, Instead of tearing me apart, be compassionate, and lift one another up. If you are out there and are having a hard time and you read my writings let me know If I can pull from my experiences to make you feel better I think that is a good way to help ones self as well. I BEEN THROUGH SOME HELL IN MY LIFE and damn it if you think I'm weak, I'm strong its just hard sometimes to be the perky happy person we all love to be around. The reason is, I think that people are afraid to try help, when all of us need love, a touch, a hug, a pat on the head. I hardly ever get that.. and it effects you. With out human touch the body grows old, and we all need love! THIS IS MY REASON TO LOVE latin music as well, every one of there songs is about love, losing, gaining, begging you not to go, telling you how stupid you are if you do leave! and sharing how much they love you.. Passion is what it is called. WHERE IS THE PASSION ANY MORE?

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Glad to see that your back blogging
Dennis living formally in orotina now playa del coco