Saturday, April 25, 2009

Its been a long time since I posted

Its been a very long time since I posted and there is a whole lot to talk about. It was March 28th the last post. This is when a client of mine showed up from USA and called his chaufer to pick me up transport me to the airport to meet him when he arrived. It as if I am now a personal assistant to this man, when he comes to visit Costa Rica. He is the one with the Two condos I decorated for him. They are Called Vista Las palmas, sitting right on the beach front of Jaco. They are the most beautiful Condos in Jaco Beach Costa Rica. I have been a little bit busy, not in working but in just living, helping and being a Mom again. There is so much to say.. I am home late from going out with Rossy to the Monkey bar to see a new DJ here in town. It was worth it.. I danced the whole time so did she.. and It was a great work out since I havent had a whole lot of real work outs lately. It was great really.. Any of you know I am a lover of any sort of dancing. This night did not include any drinks for me at all.. Rossy on the other hand had a couple of her regular Tequilla's and one ciaparinia. I Just didnt want to drink any alcohol period.
Fun to see everyone enjoying all ages.. not just the young. Here you will see every age at various places.. dancing talking laughing and having a good time. I JOINED IN TONIGHT.. and if felt so good.. a great relief from the past few weeks.
I just wanted to post tonight to share that and I plan on telling a lenghty continuing story that is hopefully interesting to those who want to read. I saw quite of few people that knew me tonight.. strange??? because of the majority of these people, I know maybe five or six.. the rest know me but I have really no clue who they were. It was almost wierd to be honest.. I get the same thing when I walk through town or home, or to a friends or just walking period. EVERYONE SEEMS TO BE FRIEDLY HERE.. I said hello buenos, or hola... and como estas.. or q tal? como le va? I would smile and act as if I know who they are but I DIDNT KNOW?I giggled a couple of times cause I thought how in the heck do I know this person? one for sure really had me boggled. I had to ask Rossy like four or five times WHO THE HECK SHE?? come to find out it was one of my competitors.. who had attended my grand opening when I open the store here a couple of years ago.. She was antagnoistic.. and said some pretty mean things.. I saw her recently at a gather with my client and tomorrow I will begin the whole April saga. When she saw me at the dinner I was invited too she didnt recognize me but the name she knew.. aske me a few questions and I found that strange? because I didn't recognize her then.. it was a brief meeting at the opening and I had to politely tell her and another gal to leave.
Tonight she made it a point to come right up to me, and say "HELLO MARIANNA HOW ARE YOU?" So I said well thank you and stood shocked as I stopped cold in dancing trying to recall who she was, when Rossy explained she knew who it was and said to me, I though hmmm well that was nice actually and I will make it my turn next time to greet her as well. Fogiving and forgetting it really a good way to live. It sure does take all the anger out of you.. and allows you to move forward with your life and relationships. I am pretty easy to forgive people, I kinda of always have.. its others who cant forget. So in that I leave you for tonight and tomorrow should be prove to be a good read... at least take you out of your world and pull you into mind for a few momemts summing up my April.

Ok so good morning: I was woke up by a phone call from a local guy who sells plants hes waiting with panting breath for this little job I may have at the OZ hotel. I was not happy since I didn't fall asleep till four am. I ate some good bread I bought at the la Ferria that had anise and Sesame seeds in it. Watched a portion of a movie.
Ok so here is what has been going on the past month.
My client from USA comes and goes and now stays in his new Condo I finished.. but it never seems to be finished. Almost everytimes he comes I add more or do something else. This time it was suppose to be for a photo shoot for a new guy he hired for the internet.. but well I dont think I should reveal all that because well its just a sketchy deal I believe.
So I dolled the condo all up worked my tail off for him and supposeably for the x wife, which she has not come here personally to see the finish work yet. Needed floral arrangements he said he loves my floral.. I would hope so since I do have a real gift for that and I create things that are out of the normal and really unusual.. he says they are pieces of art really.. so its a pleasure to work in that form for him.. Well I spent many days running around for him, finding calling, cooking getting him a maid.. dealing with her. Meeting the girlfriend from USA and more.
I planted planters on his 7th story, and redid some things on the 9th story condo. His places are now for rent he has three here in Jaco. They are fabulous if I should say so myself.. he says this not me... so I am happy he is pleased with my work.
But it goes farther than this, it is really as if I am his personal help. I was a bit pushed this time he really is a great guy and I love his company but I am going to have to speak out next time and say I need him to pay me hourly at least. Since work is very dead. So that consumed alot of my time. In between all this I spent some days or mornings at the beach for an hour or so a day. Its been VERY VERY HOT so hot you find it difficult to walk. I had my hair done a little lighter.. looks nice and I spent time with Orhpa and Rossy in the past month. I also got a call from OZ to give a proposal for the landscape for there new pool, and one for the Managers house. I went to both places took photos walk mind you to both locations that takes time. I came up with really good ideas and sent my bid but they have not said yes yet. I did talk to the owner who is an North American. He said probably.. its not a huge amount of money but sufficient to keep me for a couple of months. SO I AM WAITING TOO ON THIS.. I have my fingers cross and I have stayed in constant contact with all of them.
I walk there and just say hello and asked yesterday aproximately when? they said about 21 days. WOW ok I will make it some how!!!
Then one day in the past three weeks I had a message from my son in USA.. we have not had allot of communication in the past year. I began messaging him and we had nice conversations. He told me in one recently he was stressed and was feeling bogged down. I remembered I had a ticket I didn't use I asked him, if would like for me to come and help out.. for a couple of days. So I called and found out I could pay a fee to change the dates and add, a return trip. I did it in a moment.. I was so happy to be connected to him again.
I flew out two days later. I didn't really tell people what was going on I just packed and left, had the neighbor water my plants and take the keys to take care of my place.
It was a long flight some reason the lay overs in Houston are awefull now. Almost 6 and half hours?? GOD ITS HORRIBLE.. I mean I was so bored untill I recognized this black cart driver from one of the many times I have sat in the airport, also had him drive me to a gate before. So I stopped him in passing and asked if I could just ride with him for the next five or so hours and hang out. Better than sitting or buying or drinking or eating all that time.
He said yes of course.. so I had a great time with him. He yells CARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT when he is passing travelers as they walk to the next connections but its the way he says it that is hillarious.. like a fog horn. So we had a very nice time. About 3 oclock he said why don't you go to the end of one gate where there is a restauant and bar and hang for an hour and I will come back and pick you up? so I said sure he dropped and I visited with people had a beer and ate a salad.. and then he came to pick me up.
We rode for another hour or so then dropped me off at my gate and flew into Portland. My son picked me up late at the airport and we went directly to Applebys and had some hor de orves and a drink and talked with his three friends.
The following day Him and spent some time and then went shopping to find things to put into his house. I helped him decorate and redu a few things, I was very busy for about 9 days, I planted out front and just all around helped, as much as I could.
On Easter I invited Two of his friends, my other son and his girlfriend and my grandson, and one of my friends for dinner. I made Milengiani.. like lasagne only with Eggplant, and ham with apricot and cinnamon clove, orange glaze, a salad.. and we had a nice desert. It was a great time we all enjoyed so much everyone was happy and playing an laughing like long time ago. I spent several days with Julian just him and I and Clint came to visit us too.. We sure had a nice visit my little Julian and I.. he speaks some Spanish to my surprise!! A three year old, knows all his colors and remembers everything GOD I WISH I COULD?? and he is very polite. He does simple math too? wow he is really getting smart. Puts a puzzle together in a snap! So we did fun things and he enjoyed me as much as I enjoyed him.

My son and I are renuing our relationship and I can not be more pleased, I feel so content with life. My two sons are actually talking some what now, and things are changing .. So who knows maybe one or both will show up here one day to visit me????

I talk with Clint his plan is to come in the fall, I sure hope so?? it was for the spring now its the fall. He needs to just rent his place and make the move.. His place is nice in Vancouver. has big property and a small house on a corner lot where all around him is brand new houses being built and in very large scale.. the market is so flat he doesn't dare try to sell but he should!! because the way he speaks is that his future is here in Costa Rica with a nice spa and small gay resort. I WANT HIM TO DO THIS!!! I think it would be very healthy for him. For him its depressing there in Vancouver, all the dreary days . So all went well, one night I took Jordan, Nancy, Clint and Joe and Sharon all out for dinner for a birthday celebration.. that was a blast.. It really was a nice time we all went and listen to live music after wards. So my visit this last time was the best ever.. the most successfull since I moved here.

I went to fly back early around 4:00 am because the flight was at 6:45 only to find a long line of people maybe 300 of them. Waiting? I didn't know what was going on, but there was bad weather in Houston and they had been cancelling flights left and right. Which through four hours of waiting having to have my son come back and get me, they manage to get me out the following day but on different airlines. I stayed the night with Clint, he did a spa night for me and we made Cabbage rolls that were delicous For our dinner. Did me a herb foot bath, and some really good facial cream. It was so nice to visit with him and just reminise and plan for the future.

Waking up at 3:30 to go the airport to come back... well the airplane was delayed about 30 minutes then in San Francisco, another 2 and half hours of waiting four and half or more on the plane to Houston, then five hours of waiting there to a three or so hour flight to Costa Rica. GOD I WAS TIRED... then I arrived late in San Jose at that time there is no buses or shuttles that are cheap you have to pay a taxi a hundred or more bucks to get to Jaco.. or pay a hotel and go through the hassle of going all the way down town to the sleezy bus station and catching a bus.. well to my suprise a person I know and who use to work for me was standing there at that hour looking for faires.. I didn't want to go with him but I ended up doing it.. everyone wanted so much money and I didn't have but ten dollars in my wallet.. I had to get a bank atm.

So TONY OF ALL PEOPLE took me to Jaco in his rig for toursits. He was very calm and polite and complimented me much.. but I was cool and didn't become confrontational at all. Actuall we had a nice conversation and he manage to tell everyone I know that he took me to Jaco.. OK WHATEVER!!!! I mean everyone I know asked me OHHHHHH TONNY TOOK YOU? WHAT HAPPENED.. I wont mention all the conversation but he reminised a bit about some of the good times.. I Just listened and said yeah...So I paid him more than I wanted but it was better than sitting there and going to some hotel and well in two and half hours more what is two and half more hours after all that ??? I was in my own home and bed.

The following day I had so many calls, all my friends wanted to know what I brought back, which was clothes from USA and I sold quite a few already. I found some not too expensive and bougth them hoping to make my money back and I have pretty much still more to move.. But I know I will sell more and if I don't its ok I need new things.

This week, I cleaned the apartment very well , watered all my plants alot washed down the balcony and spent time walking allot. I also spent a couple days visiting my friends that are from Portland who live in Parrita, they built a home there and are wanting to sell it. Its in the middle of a palm orchard that produces the fruit for palm oil and other palm products. It is a very nice house.. aside from having a very nice time with them and enjoying the peace out there, I ate way too much!! we had the best ice cream in this little place that was new! We rode into Jaco and went to the Friday Market to buy fruits and veggies, and eggs and more.. then went to the hardware store so she could buy these hook things they use here on concrete walls. Then off to Orpha to have her hair done and I went to the house to leave my things, returned and went with her to eat at a new place in Jaco.. ATE TOO MUCH AGAIN!! GOD... but we had so much fun talking and visiting.. Arya is her name.. people that were in my life a few years ago are back now..

Then later that night I went with Rossy to the Monkey's and danced as I said. Now today I have to meet someone who writes me on the net all the time who has read this I believe and wants to meet up for Sunset.. I am washing and hanging clothes on the line, and just resting .. Maybe the beach.. This is a concencious of what has happen over the past month there is a little more details but that pretty much sums it up.

Well good things are happening in the midsts of diasters... always something good comes.. I look forward to the coming weeks, I plan on doing some paintings for my place to pass time, look for small work doing whatever I can to exisit, enjoying my friends, talking with my family again!!! and just appreciating what life has to offer.

Living in Costa Rica is probably one of the better adventures in my life.. and all that has happened has caused me to become a stronger person, who really appreciates all things now. This place is not for everyone, it has lots of pitfalls like any place but for me the warm weather the beach the exotic food's the friendly people.. makes up for all the ugly that has happened and goes on here.

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