Cows behind the house

Fighting for the melon rhines

The cows that come daily to Arya's House in Parrita, to feed on watermelon rhines and other things she feed's them. That is the orchard in the background that day they had knocked down lots of trees, not sure why?
Julian hugging his ducky

Posing for me..
Me Jordan, Julian all playing

GOD NINAAAAAA Do you have to take another picture?

Me Jordan, Julian all playing

GOD NINAAAAAA Do you have to take another picture?

Oh well Jordans eyes where shut , Clint, Nancy Julian

Julian, Jordan, Nancy

Julian Jordan Nancy
Jarvis and Brandon

This is one of the living rooms on three of condos my clients owns

Jarvis and Brandon

This is one of the living rooms on three of condos my clients owns

This is Jarvis Brandon's Dog
Cade and Holly friends of my son's
The new park in Jaco very pretty the plants grew so much since I took this already.

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